Tor Harald Sandve d1a654f414 Fix 2p bug
2017-11-22 09:24:52 +01:00

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Copyright 2014 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2015 Dr. Blatt - HPC-Simulation-Software & Services
Copyright 2015 NTNU
Copyright 2017 IRIS
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/grid/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/material/fluidsystems/BlackOilFluidSystem.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm
namespace Details {
template <class RHS>
class RK4IVP {
RK4IVP(const RHS& f ,
const std::array<double,2>& span,
const double y0 ,
const int N )
: N_(N)
, span_(span)
const double h = stepsize();
const double h2 = h / 2;
const double h6 = h / 6;
y_.reserve(N + 1);
f_.reserve(N + 1);
f_.push_back(f(span_[0], y0));
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
const double x = span_[0] + i*h;
const double y = y_.back();
const double k1 = f_[i];
const double k2 = f(x + h2, y + h2*k1);
const double k3 = f(x + h2, y + h2*k2);
const double k4 = f(x + h , y + h*k3);
y_.push_back(y + h6*(k1 + 2*(k2 + k3) + k4));
f_.push_back(f(x + h, y_.back()));
assert (y_.size() == std::vector<double>::size_type(N + 1));
operator()(const double x) const
// Dense output (O(h**3)) according to Shampine
// (Hermite interpolation)
const double h = stepsize();
int i = (x - span_[0]) / h;
const double t = (x - (span_[0] + i*h)) / h;
// Crude handling of evaluation point outside "span_";
if (i < 0) { i = 0; }
if (N_ <= i) { i = N_ - 1; }
const double y0 = y_[i], y1 = y_[i + 1];
const double f0 = f_[i], f1 = f_[i + 1];
double u = (1 - 2*t) * (y1 - y0);
u += h * ((t - 1)*f0 + t*f1);
u *= t * (t - 1);
u += (1 - t)*y0 + t*y1;
return u;
int N_;
std::array<double,2> span_;
std::vector<double> y_;
std::vector<double> f_;
stepsize() const { return (span_[1] - span_[0]) / N_; }
namespace PhasePressODE {
template <class FluidSystem>
class Water {
Water(const double temp,
const int pvtRegionIdx,
const double norm_grav)
: temp_(temp)
, pvtRegionIdx_(pvtRegionIdx)
, g_(norm_grav)
operator()(const double /* depth */,
const double press) const
return this->density(press) * g_;
const double temp_;
const int pvtRegionIdx_;
const double g_;
density(const double press) const
double rho = FluidSystem::waterPvt().inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx_, temp_, press);
rho *= FluidSystem::referenceDensity(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx_);
return rho;
template <class FluidSystem, class RS>
class Oil {
Oil(const double temp,
const RS& rs,
const int pvtRegionIdx,
const double norm_grav)
: temp_(temp)
, rs_(rs)
, pvtRegionIdx_(pvtRegionIdx)
, g_(norm_grav)
operator()(const double depth,
const double press) const
return this->density(depth, press) * g_;
const double temp_;
const RS& rs_;
const int pvtRegionIdx_;
const double g_;
density(const double depth,
const double press) const
double rs = rs_(depth, press, temp_);
double bOil = 0.0;
if ( !FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas() || rs >= FluidSystem::oilPvt().saturatedGasDissolutionFactor(pvtRegionIdx_, temp_, press) ) {
bOil = FluidSystem::oilPvt().saturatedInverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx_, temp_, press);
} else {
bOil = FluidSystem::oilPvt().inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx_, temp_, press, rs);
double rho = bOil * FluidSystem::referenceDensity(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx_);
if (FluidSystem::enableDissolvedGas()) {
rho += rs * bOil * FluidSystem::referenceDensity(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx_);
return rho;
template <class FluidSystem, class RV>
class Gas {
Gas(const double temp,
const RV& rv,
const int pvtRegionIdx,
const double norm_grav)
: temp_(temp)
, rv_(rv)
, pvtRegionIdx_(pvtRegionIdx)
, g_(norm_grav)
operator()(const double depth,
const double press) const
return this->density(depth, press) * g_;
const double temp_;
const RV& rv_;
const int pvtRegionIdx_;
const double g_;
density(const double depth,
const double press) const
double rv = rv_(depth, press, temp_);
double bGas = 0.0;
if ( !FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil() || rv >= FluidSystem::gasPvt().saturatedOilVaporizationFactor(pvtRegionIdx_, temp_, press) ) {
bGas = FluidSystem::gasPvt().saturatedInverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx_, temp_, press);
} else {
bGas = FluidSystem::gasPvt().inverseFormationVolumeFactor(pvtRegionIdx_, temp_, press, rv);
double rho = bGas * FluidSystem::referenceDensity(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx_);
if (FluidSystem::enableVaporizedOil()) {
rho += rv * bGas * FluidSystem::referenceDensity(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, pvtRegionIdx_);
return rho;
} // namespace PhasePressODE
namespace PhasePressure {
template <class Grid,
class PressFunction,
class CellRange>
assign(const Grid& G ,
const std::array<PressFunction, 2>& f ,
const double split,
const CellRange& cells,
std::vector<double>& p )
enum { up = 0, down = 1 };
std::vector<double>::size_type c = 0;
for (typename CellRange::const_iterator
ci = cells.begin(), ce = cells.end();
ci != ce; ++ci, ++c)
assert (c < p.size());
const double z = UgGridHelpers::cellCenterDepth(G, *ci);
p[c] = (z < split) ? f[up](z) : f[down](z);
template < class FluidSystem,
class Grid,
class Region,
class CellRange>
water(const Grid& G ,
const Region& reg ,
const std::array<double,2>& span ,
const double grav ,
double& po_woc,
const CellRange& cells ,
std::vector<double>& press )
using PhasePressODE::Water;
typedef Water<FluidSystem> ODE;
const double T = 273.15 + 20; // standard temperature for now
ODE drho(T, reg.pvtIdx() , grav);
double z0;
double p0;
if (reg.datum() > reg.zwoc()) {//Datum in water zone
z0 = reg.datum();
p0 = reg.pressure();
} else {
z0 = reg.zwoc();
p0 = po_woc - reg.pcow_woc(); // Water pressure at contact
std::array<double,2> up = {{ z0, span[0] }};
std::array<double,2> down = {{ z0, span[1] }};
typedef Details::RK4IVP<ODE> WPress;
std::array<WPress,2> wpress = {
WPress(drho, up , p0, 2000)
WPress(drho, down, p0, 2000)
assign(G, wpress, z0, cells, press);
if (reg.datum() > reg.zwoc()) {
// Return oil pressure at contact
po_woc = wpress[0](reg.zwoc()) + reg.pcow_woc();
template <class FluidSystem,
class Grid,
class Region,
class CellRange>
oil(const Grid& G ,
const Region& reg ,
const std::array<double,2>& span ,
const double grav ,
const CellRange& cells ,
std::vector<double>& press ,
double& po_woc,
double& po_goc)
using PhasePressODE::Oil;
typedef Oil<FluidSystem, typename Region::CalcDissolution> ODE;
const double T = 273.15 + 20; // standard temperature for now
ODE drho(T, reg.dissolutionCalculator(),
reg.pvtIdx(), grav);
double z0;
double p0;
if (reg.datum() > reg.zwoc()) {//Datum in water zone, po_woc given
z0 = reg.zwoc();
p0 = po_woc;
} else if (reg.datum() < reg.zgoc()) {//Datum in gas zone, po_goc given
z0 = reg.zgoc();
p0 = po_goc;
} else { //Datum in oil zone
z0 = reg.datum();
p0 = reg.pressure();
std::array<double,2> up = {{ z0, span[0] }};
std::array<double,2> down = {{ z0, span[1] }};
typedef Details::RK4IVP<ODE> OPress;
std::array<OPress,2> opress = {
OPress(drho, up , p0, 2000)
OPress(drho, down, p0, 2000)
assign(G, opress, z0, cells, press);
const double woc = reg.zwoc();
if (z0 > woc) { po_woc = opress[0](woc); } // WOC above datum
else if (z0 < woc) { po_woc = opress[1](woc); } // WOC below datum
else { po_woc = p0; } // WOC *at* datum
const double goc = reg.zgoc();
if (z0 > goc) { po_goc = opress[0](goc); } // GOC above datum
else if (z0 < goc) { po_goc = opress[1](goc); } // GOC below datum
else { po_goc = p0; } // GOC *at* datum
template <class FluidSystem,
class Grid,
class Region,
class CellRange>
gas(const Grid& G ,
const Region& reg ,
const std::array<double,2>& span ,
const double grav ,
double& po_goc,
const CellRange& cells ,
std::vector<double>& press )
using PhasePressODE::Gas;
typedef Gas<FluidSystem, typename Region::CalcEvaporation> ODE;
const double T = 273.15 + 20; // standard temperature for now
ODE drho(T, reg.evaporationCalculator(),
reg.pvtIdx(), grav);
double z0;
double p0;
if (reg.datum() < reg.zgoc()) {//Datum in gas zone
z0 = reg.datum();
p0 = reg.pressure();
} else {
z0 = reg.zgoc();
p0 = po_goc + reg.pcgo_goc(); // Gas pressure at contact
std::array<double,2> up = {{ z0, span[0] }};
std::array<double,2> down = {{ z0, span[1] }};
typedef Details::RK4IVP<ODE> GPress;
std::array<GPress,2> gpress = {
GPress(drho, up , p0, 2000)
GPress(drho, down, p0, 2000)
assign(G, gpress, z0, cells, press);
if (reg.datum() < reg.zgoc()) {
// Return oil pressure at contact
po_goc = gpress[1](reg.zgoc()) - reg.pcgo_goc();
} // namespace PhasePressure
template <class FluidSystem,
class Grid,
class Region,
class CellRange>
equilibrateOWG(const Grid& G,
const Region& reg,
const double grav,
const std::array<double,2>& span,
const CellRange& cells,
std::vector< std::vector<double> >& press)
const bool water = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx);
const bool oil = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx);
const bool gas = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx);
const int oilpos = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx;
const int waterpos = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx;
const int gaspos = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx;
if (reg.datum() > reg.zwoc()) { // Datum in water zone
double po_woc = -1;
double po_goc = -1;
if (water) {
PhasePressure::water<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, po_woc,
cells, press[ waterpos ]);
if (oil) {
PhasePressure::oil<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, cells,
press[ oilpos ], po_woc, po_goc);
if (gas) {
PhasePressure::gas<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, po_goc,
cells, press[ gaspos ]);
} else if (reg.datum() < reg.zgoc()) { // Datum in gas zone
double po_woc = -1;
double po_goc = -1;
if (gas) {
PhasePressure::gas<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, po_goc,
cells, press[ gaspos ]);
if (oil) {
PhasePressure::oil<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, cells,
press[ oilpos ], po_woc, po_goc);
if (water) {
PhasePressure::water<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, po_woc,
cells, press[ waterpos ]);
} else { // Datum in oil zone
double po_woc = -1;
double po_goc = -1;
if (oil) {
PhasePressure::oil<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, cells,
press[ oilpos ], po_woc, po_goc);
if (water) {
PhasePressure::water<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, po_woc,
cells, press[ waterpos ]);
if (gas) {
PhasePressure::gas<FluidSystem>(G, reg, span, grav, po_goc,
cells, press[ gaspos ]);
} // namespace Details
namespace EQUIL {
template <class FluidSystem,
class Grid,
class Region,
class CellRange>
std::vector< std::vector<double> >
phasePressures(const Grid& G,
const Region& reg,
const CellRange& cells,
const double grav)
std::array<double,2> span =
{{ std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ,
-std::numeric_limits<double>::max() }}; // Symm. about 0.
int ncell = 0;
// This code is only supported in three space dimensions
assert (UgGridHelpers::dimensions(G) == 3);
const int nd = UgGridHelpers::dimensions(G);
// Define vertical span as
// [minimum(node depth(cells)), maximum(node depth(cells))]
// Note: We use a sledgehammer approach--looping all
// the nodes of all the faces of all the 'cells'--to
// compute those bounds. This necessarily entails
// visiting some nodes (and faces) multiple times.
// Note: The implementation of 'RK4IVP<>' implicitly
// imposes the requirement that cell centroids are all
// within this vertical span. That requirement is not
// checked.
auto cell2Faces = UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces(G);
auto faceVertices = UgGridHelpers::face2Vertices(G);
for (typename CellRange::const_iterator
ci = cells.begin(), ce = cells.end();
ci != ce; ++ci, ++ncell)
for (auto fi=cell2Faces[*ci].begin(),
fi != fe;
for (auto i = faceVertices[*fi].begin(), e = faceVertices[*fi].end();
i != e; ++i)
const double z = UgGridHelpers::vertexCoordinates(G, *i)[nd-1];
if (z < span[0]) { span[0] = z; }
if (z > span[1]) { span[1] = z; }
const int np = FluidSystem::numPhases; //reg.phaseUsage().num_phases;
typedef std::vector<double> pval;
std::vector<pval> press(np, pval(ncell, 0.0));
const double zwoc = reg.zwoc ();
const double zgoc = reg.zgoc ();
// make sure goc and woc is within the span for the phase pressure calculation
span[0] = std::min(span[0],zgoc);
span[1] = std::max(span[1],zwoc);
Details::equilibrateOWG<FluidSystem>(G, reg, grav, span, cells, press);
return press;
template <class Grid,
class Region,
class CellRange>
temperature(const Grid& /* G */,
const Region& /* reg */,
const CellRange& cells)
// use the standard temperature for everything for now
return std::vector<double>(cells.size(), 273.15 + 20.0);
template <class FluidSystem, class Grid, class Region, class CellRange, class MaterialLawManager>
std::vector< std::vector<double> >
phaseSaturations(const Grid& G,
const Region& reg,
const CellRange& cells,
MaterialLawManager& materialLawManager,
const std::vector<double> swat_init,
std::vector< std::vector<double> >& phase_pressures)
if (!FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx)) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Cannot initialise: not handling water-gas cases.");
std::vector< std::vector<double> > phase_saturations = phase_pressures; // Just to get the right size.
// Adjust oil pressure according to gas saturation and cap pressure
typedef Opm::SimpleModularFluidState<double,
/*storeEnthalpy=*/false> SatOnlyFluidState;
SatOnlyFluidState fluidState;
typedef typename MaterialLawManager::MaterialLaw MaterialLaw;
const bool water = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx);
const bool gas = FluidSystem::phaseIsActive(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx);
const int oilpos = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx;
const int waterpos = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx;
const int gaspos = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx;
std::vector<double>::size_type local_index = 0;
for (typename CellRange::const_iterator ci = cells.begin(); ci != cells.end(); ++ci, ++local_index) {
const int cell = *ci;
const auto& scaledDrainageInfo =
const auto& matParams = materialLawManager.materialLawParams(cell);
// Find saturations from pressure differences by
// inverting capillary pressure functions.
double sw = 0.0;
if (water) {
if (isConstPc<FluidSystem, MaterialLaw, MaterialLawManager>(materialLawManager,FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, cell)){
const double cellDepth = UgGridHelpers::cellCenterDepth(G,
sw = satFromDepth<FluidSystem, MaterialLaw, MaterialLawManager>(materialLawManager,cellDepth,reg.zwoc(),waterpos,cell,false);
phase_saturations[waterpos][local_index] = sw;
const double pcov = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] - phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index];
if (swat_init.empty()) { // Invert Pc to find sw
sw = satFromPc<FluidSystem, MaterialLaw, MaterialLawManager>(materialLawManager, waterpos, cell, pcov);
phase_saturations[waterpos][local_index] = sw;
} else { // Scale Pc to reflect imposed sw
sw = swat_init[cell];
sw = materialLawManager.applySwatinit(cell, pcov, sw);
phase_saturations[waterpos][local_index] = sw;
double sg = 0.0;
if (gas) {
if (isConstPc<FluidSystem, MaterialLaw, MaterialLawManager>(materialLawManager,FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx,cell)){
const double cellDepth = UgGridHelpers::cellCenterDepth(G,
sg = satFromDepth<FluidSystem, MaterialLaw, MaterialLawManager>(materialLawManager,cellDepth,reg.zgoc(),gaspos,cell,true);
phase_saturations[gaspos][local_index] = sg;
// Note that pcog is defined to be (pg - po), not (po - pg).
const double pcog = phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] - phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index];
const double increasing = true; // pcog(sg) expected to be increasing function
sg = satFromPc<FluidSystem, MaterialLaw, MaterialLawManager>(materialLawManager, gaspos, cell, pcog, increasing);
phase_saturations[gaspos][local_index] = sg;
if (gas && water && (sg + sw > 1.0)) {
// Overlapping gas-oil and oil-water transition
// zones can lead to unphysical saturations when
// treated as above. Must recalculate using gas-water
// capillary pressure.
const double pcgw = phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] - phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index];
if (! swat_init.empty()) {
// Re-scale Pc to reflect imposed sw for vanishing oil phase.
// This seems consistent with ecl, and fails to honour
// swat_init in case of non-trivial gas-oil cap pressure.
sw = materialLawManager.applySwatinit(cell, pcgw, sw);
sw = satFromSumOfPcs<FluidSystem, MaterialLaw, MaterialLawManager>(materialLawManager, waterpos, gaspos, cell, pcgw);
sg = 1.0 - sw;
phase_saturations[waterpos][local_index] = sw;
phase_saturations[gaspos][local_index] = sg;
if ( water ) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, sw);
else {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, 0.0);
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, 1.0 - sw - sg);
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, sg);
double pC[/*numPhases=*/3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcGas = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + pC[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] - pcGas;
phase_saturations[oilpos][local_index] = 1.0 - sw - sg;
// Adjust phase pressures for max and min saturation ...
double threshold_sat = 1.0e-6;
double so = 1.0;
double pC[FluidSystem::numPhases] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
if (water) {
double swu = scaledDrainageInfo.Swu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, swu);
so -= swu;
if (gas) {
double sgu = scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, sgu);
so-= sgu;
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx, so);
if (water && sw > scaledDrainageInfo.Swu-threshold_sat ) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Swu);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcWat = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] - pC[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] + pcWat;
} else if (gas && sg > scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu-threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Sgu);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcGas = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + pC[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] - pcGas;
if (gas && sg < scaledDrainageInfo.Sgl+threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Sgl);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcGas = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] + pC[FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[gaspos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] + pcGas;
if (water && sw < scaledDrainageInfo.Swl+threshold_sat) {
fluidState.setSaturation(FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx, scaledDrainageInfo.Swl);
MaterialLaw::capillaryPressures(pC, matParams, fluidState);
double pcWat = pC[FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx] - pC[FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx];
phase_pressures[waterpos][local_index] = phase_pressures[oilpos][local_index] - pcWat;
return phase_saturations;
* Compute initial Rs values.
* \tparam CellRangeType Type of cell range that demarcates the
* cells pertaining to the current
* equilibration region. Must implement
* methods begin() and end() to bound the range
* as well as provide an inner type,
* const_iterator, to traverse the range.
* \param[in] grid Grid.
* \param[in] cells Range that spans the cells of the current
* equilibration region.
* \param[in] oil_pressure Oil pressure for each cell in range.
* \param[in] temperature Temperature for each cell in range.
* \param[in] rs_func Rs as function of pressure and depth.
* \return Rs values, one for each cell in the 'cells' range.
template <class Grid, class CellRangeType>
std::vector<double> computeRs(const Grid& grid,
const CellRangeType& cells,
const std::vector<double> oil_pressure,
const std::vector<double>& temperature,
const Miscibility::RsFunction& rs_func,
const std::vector<double> gas_saturation)
assert(UgGridHelpers::dimensions(grid) == 3);
std::vector<double> rs(cells.size());
int count = 0;
for (auto it = cells.begin(); it != cells.end(); ++it, ++count) {
const double depth = UgGridHelpers::cellCenterDepth(grid, *it);
rs[count] = rs_func(depth, oil_pressure[count], temperature[count], gas_saturation[count]);
return rs;
} // namespace Equil
} // namespace Opm