2014-11-27 14:38:43 +01:00

401 lines
18 KiB

Copyright 2014 Statoil ASA.
Copyright 2014 Andreas Lauser.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Parser/Parser.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Deck/Deck.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
* @file mirror_grid.cpp
* @brief Mirror grid taken from grdecl file
* The input grid is mirrored in either the x- or y-direction, resulting in a periodic grid.
/// Print init message in new grid filename
void printInitMessage(std::ofstream& out, const char* origfilename, std::string direction) {
std::ifstream infile;
infile.open(origfilename, std::ios::in);
if (!infile) {
std::cerr << "Can't open input file " << origfilename << std::endl;
// Print init message and copy comments from original grid file
out << "-- This grdecl file is generated from OPM application 'mirror_grid.cpp'." << std::endl
<< "-- The grid '" << origfilename << "' is mirrored around itself in the " << direction << " direction." << std::endl
<< "-- Thus, the resulting grid should be periodic in the " << direction << "-direction." << std::endl
<< "-- Original comments taken from '" << origfilename << "':" << std::endl;
std::string nextInLine;
while (getline(infile, nextInLine)) {
if (nextInLine.substr(0,2) == "--") {
out << nextInLine << std::endl;
else {
out << std::endl;
/// Write keyword values to file
template <class T>
void printKeywordValues(std::ofstream& out, std::string keyword, std::vector<T> values, int nCols) {
out << keyword << std::endl;
int col = 0;
typename std::vector<T>::iterator iter;
for (iter = values.begin(); iter != values.end(); ++iter) {
out << *iter << " ";
// Break line for every nCols entry.
if (col == nCols) {
out << std::endl;
col = 0;
if (col != 0)
out << std::endl;
out << "/" << std::endl << std::endl;
// forward declaration
std::vector<double> getMapaxesValues(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck);
/// Mirror keyword MAPAXES in deck
void mirror_mapaxes(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
// Assumes axis aligned with x/y-direction
std::cout << "Warning: Keyword MAPAXES not fully understood. Result should be verified manually." << std::endl;
if (deck->hasKeyword("MAPAXES")) {
std::vector<double> mapaxes = getMapaxesValues(deck);
std::vector<double> mapaxes_mirrored = mapaxes;
// Double the length of the coordinate axis
if (direction == "x") {
mapaxes_mirrored[4] = (mapaxes[4]-mapaxes[2])*2 + mapaxes[2];
else if (direction == "y") {
mapaxes_mirrored[1] = (mapaxes[1]-mapaxes[3])*2 + mapaxes[3];
printKeywordValues(out, "MAPAXES", mapaxes_mirrored, 2);
/// Mirror keyword SPECGRID in deck
void mirror_specgrid(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
// We only need to multiply the dimension by 2 in the correct direction.
Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr specgridRecord = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID")->getRecord(0);
std::vector<int> dimensions(3);
dimensions[0] = specgridRecord->getItem("NX")->getInt(0);
dimensions[1] = specgridRecord->getItem("NY")->getInt(0);
dimensions[2] = specgridRecord->getItem("NZ")->getInt(0);
if (direction == "x") {dimensions[0] *= 2;}
else if (direction == "y") {dimensions[1] *= 2;}
else {std::cerr << "Direction should be either x or y" << std::endl; exit(1);}
out << "SPECGRID" << std::endl << dimensions[0] << " " << dimensions[1] << " " << dimensions[2] << " "
<< specgridRecord->getItem("NUMRES")->getInt(0) << " "
<< specgridRecord->getItem("COORD_TYPE")->getString(0) << " "
<< std::endl << "/" << std::endl << std::endl;
/// Mirror keyword COORD in deck
void mirror_coord(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
// We assume uniform spacing in x and y directions and parallel top and bottom faces
Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr specgridRecord = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID")->getRecord(0);
std::vector<int> dimensions(3);
dimensions[0] = specgridRecord->getItem("NX")->getInt(0);
dimensions[1] = specgridRecord->getItem("NY")->getInt(0);
dimensions[2] = specgridRecord->getItem("NZ")->getInt(0);
std::vector<double> coord = deck->getKeyword("COORD")->getRawDoubleData();
const int entries_per_pillar = 6;
std::vector<double> coord_mirrored;
// Handle the two directions differently due to ordering of the pillars.
if (direction == "x") {
// Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Number of pillars times 6
const int entries = (2*dimensions[0] + 1) * (dimensions[1] + 1) * entries_per_pillar;
// Entries per line in x-direction. Number of pillars in x-direction times 6
const int entries_per_line = entries_per_pillar*(dimensions[0] + 1);
coord_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
// Distance between pillars in x-directiion
const double spacing = coord[entries_per_pillar]-coord[0];
std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = coord_mirrored.begin();
std::vector<double>::iterator it_orig;
// Loop through each pillar line in the x-direction
for (it_orig = coord.begin(); it_orig != coord.end(); it_orig += entries_per_line) {
// Copy old pillars
copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_line, it_new);
// Add new pillars in between
it_new += entries_per_line;
std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig + entries_per_line - entries_per_pillar, it_orig + entries_per_line);
for (int r=0; r < dimensions[0]; ++r) {
next_vec[0] += spacing;
next_vec[3] += spacing;
copy(next_vec.begin(), next_vec.end(), it_new);
it_new += entries_per_pillar;
else if (direction == "y") {
// Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Number of pillars times 6
const int entries = (dimensions[0] + 1) * (2*dimensions[1] + 1) * entries_per_pillar;
// Entries per line in y-direction. Number of pillars in y-direction times 6
const int entries_per_line = entries_per_pillar*(dimensions[0] + 1);
coord_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
// Distance between pillars in y-directiion
const double spacing = coord[entries_per_line + 1]-coord[1];
std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = coord_mirrored.begin();
// Copy old pillars
copy(coord.begin(), coord.end(), it_new);
// Add new pillars at the end
it_new += coord.size();
std::vector<double> next_vec(coord.end() - entries_per_line, coord.end());
for ( ; it_new != coord_mirrored.end(); it_new += entries_per_line) {
for (int i = 1; i < entries_per_line; i += 3) {
next_vec[i] += spacing;
copy(next_vec.begin(), next_vec.end(), it_new);
else {
std::cerr << "Direction should be either x or y" << std::endl;
// Write new COORD values to output file
printKeywordValues(out, "COORD", coord_mirrored, 6);
/// Mirror keyword ZCORN in deck
void mirror_zcorn(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr specgridRecord = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID")->getRecord(0);
std::vector<int> dimensions(3);
dimensions[0] = specgridRecord->getItem("NX")->getInt(0);
dimensions[1] = specgridRecord->getItem("NY")->getInt(0);
dimensions[2] = specgridRecord->getItem("NZ")->getInt(0);
std::vector<double> zcorn = deck->getKeyword("ZCORN")->getRawDoubleData();
std::vector<double> zcorn_mirrored;
// Handle the two directions differently due to ordering of the pillars.
if (direction == "x") {
// Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Eight corners per cell.
const int entries = dimensions[0]*2*dimensions[1]*dimensions[2]*8;
zcorn_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
// Entries per line in x-direction. Two for each cell.
const int entries_per_line = dimensions[0]*2;
std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = zcorn_mirrored.begin();
std::vector<double>::iterator it_orig = zcorn.begin();
// Loop through each line and copy old corner-points and add new (which are the old reversed)
for ( ; it_orig != zcorn.end(); it_orig += entries_per_line) {
std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_line);
std::vector<double> next_reversed = next_vec;
reverse(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end());
// Copy old corner-points
copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_line, it_new);
it_new += entries_per_line;
// Add new corner-points
copy(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end(), it_new);
it_new += entries_per_line;
else if (direction == "y") {
// Total entries in mirrored ZCORN. Eight corners per cell.
const int entries = dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*2*dimensions[2]*8;
zcorn_mirrored.assign(entries, 0.0);
// Entries per line in x-direction. Two for each cell.
const int entries_per_line_x = dimensions[0]*2;
// Entries per layer of corner-points. Four for each cell
const int entries_per_layer = dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*4;
std::vector<double>::iterator it_new = zcorn_mirrored.begin();
std::vector<double>::iterator it_orig = zcorn.begin();
// Loop through each layer and copy old corner-points and add new (which are the old reordered)
for ( ; it_orig != zcorn.end(); it_orig += entries_per_layer) {
// Copy old corner-points
copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer, it_new);
it_new += entries_per_layer;
// Add new corner-points
std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer);
std::vector<double> next_reordered(entries_per_layer, 0.0);
std::vector<double>::iterator it_next = next_vec.end();
std::vector<double>::iterator it_reordered = next_reordered.begin();
// Reorder next entries
for ( ; it_reordered != next_reordered.end(); it_reordered += entries_per_line_x) {
copy(it_next - entries_per_line_x, it_next, it_reordered);
it_next -= entries_per_line_x;
copy(next_reordered.begin(), next_reordered.end(), it_new);
it_new += entries_per_layer;
else {
std::cerr << "Direction should be either x or y" << std::endl;
// Write new ZCORN values to output file
printKeywordValues(out, "ZCORN", zcorn_mirrored, 8);
std::vector<int> getKeywordValues(std::string keyword, Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, int /*dummy*/) {
return deck->getKeyword(keyword)->getIntData();
std::vector<double> getKeywordValues(std::string keyword, Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, double /*dummy*/) {
return deck->getKeyword(keyword)->getRawDoubleData();
std::vector<double> getMapaxesValues(Opm::DeckConstPtr deck)
Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr mapaxesRecord = deck->getKeyword("MAPAXES")->getRecord(0);
std::vector<double> result;
for (size_t itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < mapaxesRecord->size(); ++itemIdx) {
Opm::DeckItemConstPtr curItem = mapaxesRecord->getItem(itemIdx);
for (size_t dataItemIdx = 0; dataItemIdx < curItem->size(); ++dataItemIdx) {
return result;
/// Mirror keywords that have one value for each cell
template <class T>
void mirror_celldata(std::string keyword, Opm::DeckConstPtr deck, std::string direction, std::ofstream& out) {
if ( ! deck->hasKeyword(keyword)) {
std::cout << "Ignoring keyword " << keyword << " as it was not found." << std::endl;
// Get data from eclipse deck
Opm::DeckRecordConstPtr specgridRecord = deck->getKeyword("SPECGRID")->getRecord(0);
std::vector<int> dimensions(3);
dimensions[0] = specgridRecord->getItem("NX")->getInt(0);
dimensions[1] = specgridRecord->getItem("NY")->getInt(0);
dimensions[2] = specgridRecord->getItem("NZ")->getInt(0);
std::vector<T> values = getKeywordValues(keyword, deck, T(0.0));
std::vector<T> values_mirrored(2*dimensions[0]*dimensions[1]*dimensions[2], 0.0);
// Handle the two directions differently due to ordering of the pillars.
if (direction == "x") {
typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_orig = values.begin();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_new = values_mirrored.begin();
// Loop through each line and copy old cell data and add new (which are the old reversed)
for ( ; it_orig != values.end(); it_orig += dimensions[0]) {
// Copy old cell data
copy(it_orig, it_orig + dimensions[0], it_new);
it_new += dimensions[0];
// Add new cell data
std::vector<double> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + dimensions[0]);
std::vector<double> next_reversed = next_vec;
reverse(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end());
copy(next_reversed.begin(), next_reversed.end(), it_new);
it_new += dimensions[0];
else if (direction =="y") {
typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_orig = values.begin();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_new = values_mirrored.begin();
// Entries per layer
const int entries_per_layer = dimensions[0]*dimensions[1];
// Loop through each layer and copy old cell data and add new (which are the old reordered)
for ( ; it_orig != values.end(); it_orig += entries_per_layer) {
// Copy old cell data
copy(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer, it_new);
it_new += entries_per_layer;
// Add new cell data
std::vector<T> next_vec(it_orig, it_orig + entries_per_layer);
std::vector<T> next_reordered(entries_per_layer, 0.0);
typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_next = next_vec.end();
typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_reordered = next_reordered.begin();
// Reorder next entries
for ( ; it_reordered != next_reordered.end(); it_reordered += dimensions[0]) {
copy(it_next - dimensions[0], it_next, it_reordered);
it_next -= dimensions[0];
copy(next_reordered.begin(), next_reordered.end(), it_new);
it_new += entries_per_layer;
else {
std::cerr << "Direction should be either x or y" << std::endl;
// Write new keyword values to output file
printKeywordValues(out, keyword, values_mirrored, 8);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Set output precision
int decimals = 16;
// Process input parameters
if (argc != 3) {
std::cout << "Usage: mirror_grid filename.grdecl direction" << std::endl;
std::cout << "(replace direction with either x or y)" << std::endl;
const char* eclipsefilename = argv[1];
std::string direction(argv[2]);
if ( ! ((direction == "x") || (direction == "y")) ) {
std::cerr << "Unrecognized input parameter for direction: '" << direction
<< "'. Should be either x or y (maybe also z later)." << std::endl;
// Parse grdecl file
std::cout << "Parsing grid file '" << eclipsefilename << "' ..." << std::endl;
Opm::ParserPtr parser(new Opm::Parser);
Opm::DeckConstPtr deck(parser->parseFile(eclipsefilename));
if ( ! (deck->hasKeyword("SPECGRID") && deck->hasKeyword("COORD") && deck->hasKeyword("ZCORN")) ) {
std::cerr << "Grid file " << eclipsefilename << "are missing keywords SPECGRID, COORD or ZCORN!" << std::endl;
// Create new grid file
std::string mirrored_eclipsefilename = std::string(eclipsefilename);
std::string::size_type last_dot = mirrored_eclipsefilename.find_last_of('.');
mirrored_eclipsefilename = mirrored_eclipsefilename.substr(0, last_dot) + "_mirrored-" + direction + ".grdecl";
std::ofstream outfile;
outfile.open(mirrored_eclipsefilename.c_str(), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
if (!outfile) {
std::cerr << "Can't open output file " << mirrored_eclipsefilename << std::endl;
// Print init message
printInitMessage(outfile, eclipsefilename, direction);
// Mirror keywords
mirror_mapaxes(deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_specgrid(deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_coord(deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_zcorn(deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<int>("ACTNUM", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<double>("PERMX", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<double>("PERMY", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<double>("PERMZ", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<double>("PORO", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<int>("SATNUM", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<double>("NTG", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<double>("SWCR", deck, direction, outfile);
mirror_celldata<double>("SOWCR", deck, direction, outfile);