Andreas Lauser e530ce03d8 PVT properties: allow them to be temperature dependent
Note that this patch does not introduce any real temperature
dependence but only changes the APIs for the viscosity and for the
density related methods. Note that I also don't like the fact that
this requires so many changes to so many files, but with the current
design of the property classes I cannot see a way to avoid this...
2014-12-01 20:06:31 +01:00

650 lines
26 KiB

Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#include <opm/core/pressure/CompressibleTpfa.hpp>
#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/cfs_tpfa_residual.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/compr_quant_general.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/compr_source.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/tpfa/trans_tpfa.h>
#include <opm/core/linalg/LinearSolverInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/core/linalg/sparse_sys.h>
#include <opm/core/utility/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/miscUtilities.hpp>
#include <opm/core/wells.h>
#include <opm/core/simulator/BlackoilState.hpp>
#include <opm/core/simulator/WellState.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/rock/RockCompressibility.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <numeric>
namespace Opm
/// Construct solver.
/// \param[in] grid A 2d or 3d grid.
/// \param[in] props Rock and fluid properties.
/// \param[in] linsolver Linear solver to use.
/// \param[in] residual_tol Solution accepted if inf-norm of residual is smaller.
/// \param[in] change_tol Solution accepted if inf-norm of change in pressure is smaller.
/// \param[in] maxiter Maximum acceptable number of iterations.
/// \param[in] gravity Gravity vector. If non-null, the array should
/// have D elements.
/// \param[in] wells The wells argument. Will be used in solution,
/// is ignored if NULL.
/// Note: this class observes the well object, and
/// makes the assumption that the well topology
/// and completions does not change during the
/// run. However, controls (only) are allowed
/// to change.
CompressibleTpfa::CompressibleTpfa(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props,
const LinearSolverInterface& linsolver,
const double residual_tol,
const double change_tol,
const int maxiter,
const double* gravity,
const struct Wells* wells)
: grid_(grid),
htrans_(grid.cell_facepos[ grid.number_of_cells ]),
trans_ (grid.number_of_faces),
if (wells_ && (wells_->number_of_phases != props.numPhases())) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Inconsistent number of phases specified (wells vs. props): "
<< wells_->number_of_phases << " != " << props.numPhases());
const int num_dofs = grid.number_of_cells + (wells ? wells->number_of_wells : 0);
UnstructuredGrid* gg = const_cast<UnstructuredGrid*>(&grid_);
tpfa_htrans_compute(gg, props.permeability(), &htrans_[0]);
tpfa_trans_compute(gg, &htrans_[0], &trans_[0]);
// If we have rock compressibility, pore volumes are updated
// in the compute*() methods, otherwise they are constant and
// hence may be computed here.
if (rock_comp_props_ == NULL || !rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
computePorevolume(grid_, props.porosity(), porevol_);
for (int c = 0; c < grid.number_of_cells; ++c) {
allcells_[c] = c;
cfs_tpfa_res_wells w;
w.W = const_cast<struct Wells*>(wells_);
w.data = NULL;
h_ = cfs_tpfa_res_construct(gg, &w, props.numPhases());
/// Destructor.
/// Solve pressure equation, by Newton iterations.
void CompressibleTpfa::solve(const double dt,
BlackoilState& state,
WellState& well_state)
const int nc = grid_.number_of_cells;
const int nw = (wells_ != 0) ? wells_->number_of_wells : 0;
// Set up dynamic data.
computePerSolveDynamicData(dt, state, well_state);
computePerIterationDynamicData(dt, state, well_state);
// Assemble J and F.
assemble(dt, state, well_state);
double inc_norm = 0.0;
int iter = 0;
double res_norm = residualNorm();
std::cout << "\nIteration Residual Change in p\n"
<< std::setw(9) << iter
<< std::setw(18) << res_norm
<< std::setw(18) << '*' << std::endl;
while ((iter < maxiter_) && (res_norm > residual_tol_)) {
// Solve for increment in Newton method:
// incr = x_{n+1} - x_{n} = -J^{-1}F
// (J is Jacobian matrix, F is residual)
// Update pressure vars with increment.
for (int c = 0; c < nc; ++c) {
state.pressure()[c] += pressure_increment_[c];
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
well_state.bhp()[w] += pressure_increment_[nc + w];
// Stop iterating if increment is small.
inc_norm = incrementNorm();
if (inc_norm <= change_tol_) {
std::cout << std::setw(9) << iter
<< std::setw(18) << '*'
<< std::setw(18) << inc_norm << std::endl;
// Set up dynamic data.
computePerIterationDynamicData(dt, state, well_state);
// Assemble J and F.
assemble(dt, state, well_state);
// Update residual norm.
res_norm = residualNorm();
std::cout << std::setw(9) << iter
<< std::setw(18) << res_norm
<< std::setw(18) << inc_norm << std::endl;
if ((iter == maxiter_) && (res_norm > residual_tol_) && (inc_norm > change_tol_)) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "CompressibleTpfa::solve() failed to converge in " << maxiter_ << " iterations.");
std::cout << "Solved pressure in " << iter << " iterations." << std::endl;
// Compute fluxes and face pressures.
computeResults(state, well_state);
/// @brief After solve(), was the resulting pressure singular.
/// Returns true if the pressure is singular in the following
/// sense: if everything is incompressible and there are no
/// pressure conditions, the absolute values of the pressure
/// solution are arbitrary. (But the differences in pressure
/// are significant.)
bool CompressibleTpfa::singularPressure() const
return singular_;
/// Compute well potentials.
void CompressibleTpfa::computeWellPotentials(const BlackoilState& state)
if (wells_ == NULL) return;
const int nw = wells_->number_of_wells;
const int np = props_.numPhases();
const int nperf = wells_->well_connpos[nw];
const int dim = grid_.dimensions;
const double grav = gravity_ ? gravity_[dim - 1] : 0.0;
wellperf_wdp_.resize(nperf, 0.0);
if (not (std::abs(grav) > 0.0)) {
// Temporary storage for perforation A matrices and densities.
std::vector<double> A(np*np, 0.0);
std::vector<double> rho(np, 0.0);
// Main loop, iterate over all perforations,
// using the following formula (by phase):
// wdp(perf) = g*(perf_z - well_ref_z)*rho(perf)
// where the total density rho(perf) is taken to be
// sum_p (rho_p*saturation_p) in the perforation cell.
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
const double ref_depth = wells_->depth_ref[w];
for (int j = wells_->well_connpos[w]; j < wells_->well_connpos[w + 1]; ++j) {
const int cell = wells_->well_cells[j];
const double cell_depth = grid_.cell_centroids[dim * cell + dim - 1];
props_.matrix(1, &state.pressure()[cell], &state.temperature()[cell], &state.surfacevol()[np*cell], &cell, &A[0], 0);
props_.density(1, &A[0], &cell, &rho[0]);
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
const double s_phase = state.saturation()[np*cell + phase];
wellperf_wdp_[j] += s_phase*rho[phase]*grav*(cell_depth - ref_depth);
/// Compute per-solve dynamic properties.
void CompressibleTpfa::computePerSolveDynamicData(const double /*dt*/,
const BlackoilState& state,
const WellState& /*well_state*/)
if (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), *rock_comp_props_, state.pressure(), initial_porevol_);
/// Compute per-iteration dynamic properties.
void CompressibleTpfa::computePerIterationDynamicData(const double dt,
const BlackoilState& state,
const WellState& well_state)
// These are the variables that get computed by this function:
// std::vector<double> cell_A_;
// std::vector<double> cell_dA_;
// std::vector<double> cell_viscosity_;
// std::vector<double> cell_phasemob_;
// std::vector<double> cell_voldisc_;
// std::vector<double> face_A_;
// std::vector<double> face_phasemob_;
// std::vector<double> face_gravcap_;
// std::vector<double> wellperf_A_;
// std::vector<double> wellperf_phasemob_;
// std::vector<double> porevol_; // Only modified if rock_comp_props_ is non-null.
// std::vector<double> rock_comp_; // Empty unless rock_comp_props_ is non-null.
computeCellDynamicData(dt, state, well_state);
computeFaceDynamicData(dt, state, well_state);
computeWellDynamicData(dt, state, well_state);
/// Compute per-iteration dynamic properties for cells.
void CompressibleTpfa::computeCellDynamicData(const double /*dt*/,
const BlackoilState& state,
const WellState& /*well_state*/)
// These are the variables that get computed by this function:
// std::vector<double> cell_A_;
// std::vector<double> cell_dA_;
// std::vector<double> cell_viscosity_;
// std::vector<double> cell_phasemob_;
// std::vector<double> cell_voldisc_;
// std::vector<double> porevol_; // Only modified if rock_comp_props_ is non-null.
// std::vector<double> rock_comp_; // Empty unless rock_comp_props_ is non-null.
const int nc = grid_.number_of_cells;
const int np = props_.numPhases();
const double* cell_p = &state.pressure()[0];
const double* cell_T = &state.temperature()[0];
const double* cell_z = &state.surfacevol()[0];
const double* cell_s = &state.saturation()[0];
props_.matrix(nc, cell_p, cell_T, cell_z, &allcells_[0], &cell_A_[0], &cell_dA_[0]);
props_.viscosity(nc, cell_p, cell_T, cell_z, &allcells_[0], &cell_viscosity_[0], 0);
props_.relperm(nc, cell_s, &allcells_[0], &cell_phasemob_[0], 0);
std::transform(cell_phasemob_.begin(), cell_phasemob_.end(),
// Volume discrepancy: we have that
// z = Au, voldiscr = sum(u) - 1,
// but I am not sure it is actually needed.
// Use zero for now.
// TODO: Check this!
cell_voldisc_.resize(nc, 0.0);
if (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), *rock_comp_props_, state.pressure(), porevol_);
for (int cell = 0; cell < nc; ++cell) {
rock_comp_[cell] = rock_comp_props_->rockComp(state.pressure()[cell]);
/// Compute per-iteration dynamic properties for faces.
void CompressibleTpfa::computeFaceDynamicData(const double /*dt*/,
const BlackoilState& state,
const WellState& /*well_state*/)
// These are the variables that get computed by this function:
// std::vector<double> face_A_;
// std::vector<double> face_phasemob_;
// std::vector<double> face_gravcap_;
const int np = props_.numPhases();
const int nf = grid_.number_of_faces;
const int dim = grid_.dimensions;
const double grav = gravity_ ? gravity_[dim - 1] : 0.0;
std::vector<double> gravcontrib[2];
std::vector<double> pot[2];
for (int face = 0; face < nf; ++face) {
// Obtain properties from both sides of the face.
const double face_depth = grid_.face_centroids[face*dim + dim - 1];
const int* c = &grid_.face_cells[2*face];
// Get pressures and compute gravity contributions,
// to decide upwind directions.
double c_press[2];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
if (c[j] >= 0) {
// Pressure
c_press[j] = state.pressure()[c[j]];
// Gravity contribution, gravcontrib = rho*(face_z - cell_z) [per phase].
if (grav != 0.0) {
const double depth_diff = face_depth - grid_.cell_centroids[c[j]*dim + dim - 1];
props_.density(1, &cell_A_[np*np*c[j]], &c[j], &gravcontrib[j][0]);
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
gravcontrib[j][p] *= depth_diff*grav;
} else {
std::fill(gravcontrib[j].begin(), gravcontrib[j].end(), 0.0);
} else {
// Pressures
c_press[j] = state.facepressure()[face];
// Gravity contribution.
std::fill(gravcontrib[j].begin(), gravcontrib[j].end(), 0.0);
// Gravity contribution:
// gravcapf = rho_1*g*(z_12 - z_1) - rho_2*g*(z_12 - z_2)
// where _1 and _2 refers to two neigbour cells, z is the
// z coordinate of the centroid, and z_12 is the face centroid.
// Also compute the potentials.
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
face_gravcap_[np*face + phase] = gravcontrib[0][phase] - gravcontrib[1][phase];
pot[0][phase] = c_press[0] + face_gravcap_[np*face + phase];
pot[1][phase] = c_press[1];
// Now we can easily find the upwind direction for every phase,
// we can also tell which boundary faces are inflow bdys.
// Get upwind mobilities by phase.
// Get upwind A matrix rows by phase.
// NOTE:
// We should be careful to upwind the R factors,
// the B factors are not that vital.
// z = Au = RB^{-1}u,
// where (this example is for gas-oil)
// R = [1 RgL; RoV 1], B = [BL 0 ; 0 BV]
// (RgL is gas in Liquid phase, RoV is oil in Vapour phase.)
// A = [1/BL RgL/BV; RoV/BL 1/BV]
// This presents us with a dilemma, as V factors should be
// upwinded according to V phase flow, same for L. What then
// about the RgL/BV and RoV/BL numbers?
// We give priority to R, and therefore upwind the rows of A
// by phase (but remember, Fortran matrix ordering).
// This prompts the question if we should split the matrix()
// property method into formation volume and R-factor methods.
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
int upwindc = -1;
if (c[0] >=0 && c[1] >= 0) {
upwindc = (pot[0][phase] < pot[1][phase]) ? c[1] : c[0];
} else {
upwindc = (c[0] >= 0) ? c[0] : c[1];
face_phasemob_[np*face + phase] = cell_phasemob_[np*upwindc + phase];
for (int p2 = 0; p2 < np; ++p2) {
// Recall: column-major ordering.
face_A_[np*np*face + phase + np*p2]
= cell_A_[np*np*upwindc + phase + np*p2];
/// Compute per-iteration dynamic properties for wells.
void CompressibleTpfa::computeWellDynamicData(const double /*dt*/,
const BlackoilState& /*state*/,
const WellState& well_state)
// These are the variables that get computed by this function:
// std::vector<double> wellperf_A_;
// std::vector<double> wellperf_phasemob_;
const int np = props_.numPhases();
const int nw = (wells_ != 0) ? wells_->number_of_wells : 0;
const int nperf = (wells_ != 0) ? wells_->well_connpos[nw] : 0;
// The A matrix is set equal to the perforation grid cells'
// matrix for producers, computed from bhp and injection
// component fractions from
// The mobilities are set equal to the perforation grid cells'
// mobilities for producers.
std::vector<double> mu(np);
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
bool producer = (wells_->type[w] == PRODUCER);
const double* comp_frac = &wells_->comp_frac[np*w];
for (int j = wells_->well_connpos[w]; j < wells_->well_connpos[w+1]; ++j) {
const int c = wells_->well_cells[j];
double* wpA = &wellperf_A_[np*np*j];
double* wpM = &wellperf_phasemob_[np*j];
if (producer) {
const double* cA = &cell_A_[np*np*c];
std::copy(cA, cA + np*np, wpA);
const double* cM = &cell_phasemob_[np*c];
std::copy(cM, cM + np, wpM);
} else {
const double bhp = well_state.bhp()[w];
double perf_p = bhp + wellperf_wdp_[j];
const double perf_T = well_state.temperature()[w];
// Hack warning: comp_frac is used as a component
// surface-volume variable in calls to matrix() and
// viscosity(), but as a saturation in the call to
// relperm(). This is probably ok as long as injectors
// only inject pure fluids.
props_.matrix(1, &perf_p, &perf_T, comp_frac, &c, wpA, NULL);
props_.viscosity(1, &perf_p, &perf_T, comp_frac, &c, &mu[0], NULL);
assert(std::fabs(std::accumulate(comp_frac, comp_frac + np, 0.0) - 1.0) < 1e-6);
props_.relperm (1, comp_frac, &c, wpM , NULL);
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
wpM[phase] /= mu[phase];
/// Compute the residual and Jacobian.
void CompressibleTpfa::assemble(const double dt,
const BlackoilState& state,
const WellState& well_state)
const double* cell_press = &state.pressure()[0];
const double* well_bhp = well_state.bhp().empty() ? NULL : &well_state.bhp()[0];
const double* z = &state.surfacevol()[0];
UnstructuredGrid* gg = const_cast<UnstructuredGrid*>(&grid_);
CompletionData completion_data;
completion_data.wdp = ! wellperf_wdp_.empty() ? &wellperf_wdp_[0] : 0;
completion_data.A = ! wellperf_A_.empty() ? &wellperf_A_[0] : 0;
completion_data.phasemob = ! wellperf_phasemob_.empty() ? &wellperf_phasemob_[0] : 0;
cfs_tpfa_res_wells wells_tmp;
wells_tmp.W = const_cast<Wells*>(wells_);
wells_tmp.data = &completion_data;
cfs_tpfa_res_forces forces;
forces.wells = &wells_tmp;
forces.src = NULL; // Check if it is legal to leave it as NULL.
compr_quantities_gen cq;
cq.nphases = props_.numPhases();
cq.Ac = &cell_A_[0];
cq.dAc = &cell_dA_[0];
cq.Af = &face_A_[0];
cq.phasemobf = &face_phasemob_[0];
cq.voldiscr = &cell_voldisc_[0];
int was_adjusted = 0;
if (! (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive())) {
was_adjusted =
cfs_tpfa_res_assemble(gg, dt, &forces, z, &cq, &trans_[0],
&face_gravcap_[0], cell_press, well_bhp,
&porevol_[0], h_);
} else {
was_adjusted =
cfs_tpfa_res_comprock_assemble(gg, dt, &forces, z, &cq, &trans_[0],
&face_gravcap_[0], cell_press, well_bhp,
&porevol_[0], &initial_porevol_[0],
&rock_comp_[0], h_);
singular_ = (was_adjusted == 1);
/// Computes pressure_increment_.
void CompressibleTpfa::solveIncrement()
// Increment is equal to -J^{-1}F
linsolver_.solve(h_->J, h_->F, &pressure_increment_[0]);
std::transform(pressure_increment_.begin(), pressure_increment_.end(),
pressure_increment_.begin(), std::negate<double>());
namespace {
template <class FI>
double infnorm(FI beg, FI end)
double norm = 0.0;
for (; beg != end; ++beg) {
norm = std::max(norm, std::fabs(*beg));
return norm;
} // anonymous namespace
/// Computes the inf-norm of the residual.
double CompressibleTpfa::residualNorm() const
const int ndof = pressure_increment_.size();
return infnorm(h_->F, h_->F + ndof);
/// Computes the inf-norm of pressure_increment_.
double CompressibleTpfa::incrementNorm() const
return infnorm(pressure_increment_.begin(), pressure_increment_.end());
/// Compute the output.
void CompressibleTpfa::computeResults(BlackoilState& state,
WellState& well_state) const
UnstructuredGrid* gg = const_cast<UnstructuredGrid*>(&grid_);
CompletionData completion_data;
completion_data.wdp = ! wellperf_wdp_.empty() ? const_cast<double*>(&wellperf_wdp_[0]) : 0;
completion_data.A = ! wellperf_A_.empty() ? const_cast<double*>(&wellperf_A_[0]) : 0;
completion_data.phasemob = ! wellperf_phasemob_.empty() ? const_cast<double*>(&wellperf_phasemob_[0]) : 0;
cfs_tpfa_res_wells wells_tmp;
wells_tmp.W = const_cast<Wells*>(wells_);
wells_tmp.data = &completion_data;
cfs_tpfa_res_forces forces;
forces.wells = &wells_tmp;
forces.src = NULL;
double* wpress = ! well_state.bhp ().empty() ? & well_state.bhp ()[0] : 0;
double* wflux = ! well_state.perfRates().empty() ? & well_state.perfRates()[0] : 0;
// Compute well perforation pressures (not done by the C code).
if (wells_ != 0) {
const int nw = wells_->number_of_wells;
for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
for (int j = wells_->well_connpos[w]; j < wells_->well_connpos[w+1]; ++j) {
const double bhp = well_state.bhp()[w];
well_state.perfPress()[j] = bhp + wellperf_wdp_[j];
} // namespace Opm