on CLang 3.4 svn this produced ``` /home/erne/src/opm-core/opm/core/pressure/fsh.h:20:9: warning: 'OPM_FSH_HEADER_INCLUDED' is used as a header guard here, followed by #define of a different macro [-Wheader-guard] ``` which is correct...
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Copyright 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* \file
* Routines and data structures to support the construction and
* formation of hybridized pressure solvers based on Schur
* complement reductions.
* Pressure solvers based on this strategy will be structured
* according to the following scheme
* -# Construct @c FSH data object suitable for the particular
* problem using either of the functions cfsh_construct() or
* ifsh_construct() for compressible or incompressible flow,
* respectively
* -# Compute static discretisation quantities, for instance
* using functions mim_ip_simple_all() and mim_ip_compute_gpress()
* -# For each time step or non-linear iteration:
* -# Compute dynamic discretisation quantities incorporating
* effects of multiple phases and non-linear feedback.
* -# Assemble system of simultaneous linear equations using
* functions cfsh_assemble() or ifsh_assemble()
* -# Solve the resulting system of linear equations, available
* in the @c A and @c b objects of the @c FSH data object,
* using some linear solver software. The solution should
* be placed in the @c x object of the @c FSH object.
* -# Reconstruct derived quantities such as cell pressures and
* interface fluxes using function fsh_press_flux().
* Function fsh_press_flux() relies on the solution to the
* linear system being stored in the @c x object.
* -# Release resources using function fsh_destroy() at end of
* simulation.
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/legacy_well.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/flow_bc.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct CSRMatrix;
struct fsh_impl;
* Main data structure of hybridized pressure solvers based on Schur
* complement reductions. Mainly intended to present a common view
* of a Schur complement system of simultaneous linear equations
* and to hold the solution of said system.
struct fsh_data {
* Maximum number of connections in any grid cell,
* \f[
* \mathit{max\_ngconn} = \max_c \{ n_c \}
* \f]
* in which \f$n_c\f$ denotes the number connections
* (i.e., faces) of cell \f$c\f$.
int max_ngconn;
* Sum of squared number of connections in all grid cells,
* \f[
* \mathit{sum\_ngconn2} = \sum_c n_c^2.
* \f]
size_t sum_ngconn2;
/* Linear system */
struct CSRMatrix *A; /**< Coefficient matrix */
double *b; /**< System RHS */
double *x; /**< Solution */
/** Private implementational details. */
struct fsh_impl *pimpl;
* Dispose of all memory associated to <CODE>FSH</CODE> object.
* @param[in,out] h <CODE>FSH</CODE> object. Following a call
* to function fsh_destroy(), the pointer is
* invalid.
fsh_destroy(struct fsh_data *h);
* Construct compressible hybrid flow-solver data object for a
* given grid and well pattern.
* @param[in] G Grid.
* @param[in] W Well topology. Ignored.
* @return Fully formed data object suitable for use in a
* compressible pressure solver. @c NULL in case of construction
* failure.
struct fsh_data *
cfsh_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G, well_t *W);
* Form Schur-complement system of simultaneous linear equations
* arising in compressible flow using a hybridized formulation.
* Upon returning from function cfsh_assemble(), the resulting
* system of simultaneous linear equations is stored in
* <CODE>h->A</CODE> and <CODE>h->b</CODE>.
* @param[in] bc Boundary conditions.
* @param[in] src Explicit source terms.
* @param[in] Binv Inverse of block-diagonal matrix \f$B\f$
* Typically computed using functions
* mim_ip_simple_all() and
* mim_ip_mobility_update().
* @param[in] Biv \f$B^{-1}v\f$.
* @param[in] P Compressible accumulation term.
* @param[in] gpress Gravity pressure.
* @param[in] wctrl Well controls. Ignored.
* @param[in] WI Well indices. Ignored.
* @param[in] BivW \f$B^{-1}v\f$ for wells. Ignored.
* @param[in] wdp Gravity pressure along well track. Ignored.
* @param[in,out] h Data object.
cfsh_assemble(struct FlowBoundaryConditions *bc,
const double *src,
const double *Binv,
const double *Biv,
const double *P,
const double *gpress,
well_control_t *wctrl,
const double *WI,
const double *BivW,
const double *wdp,
struct fsh_data *h);
* Construct incompressible hybrid flow-solver data object for a
* given grid and well pattern.
* @param G Grid.
* @param W Well topology.
* @return Fully formed data object suitable for use in an
* incompressible pressure solver. @c NULL in case of construction
* failure.
struct fsh_data *
ifsh_construct(struct UnstructuredGrid *G, well_t *W);
* Form Schur-complement system of simultaneous linear equations
* arising in compressible flow using a hybridized formulation.
* Upon returning from function cfsh_assemble(), the resulting
* system of simultaneous linear equations is stored in
* <CODE>h->A</CODE> and <CODE>h->b</CODE>.
* @param[in] bc Boundary conditions.
* @param[in] src Explicit source terms.
* @param[in] Binv Inverse of block-diagonal matrix \f$B\f$
* Typically computed using functions
* mim_ip_simple_all() and
* mim_ip_mobility_update().
* @param[in] gpress Gravity pressure.
* @param[in] wctrl Well controls.
* @param[in] WI Well indices.
* @param[in] wdp Gravity pressure along well track.
* @param[in,out] h Data object.
ifsh_assemble(struct FlowBoundaryConditions *bc,
const double *src,
const double *Binv,
const double *gpress,
well_control_t *wctrl,
const double *WI,
const double *wdp,
struct fsh_data *h);
* Compute cell pressures (cpress) and interface fluxes (fflux) from
* current solution of system of linear equations, <CODE>h->x</CODE>.
* Back substitution process, projected half-contact fluxes.
* @param[in] G Grid.
* @param[in] Binv Inverse of block-diagonal matrix \f$B\f$
* Must coincide with the matrix used to
* form the system of linear equations
* currently stored in the data object.
* @param[in] gpress Gravity pressure. Must coincide with
* the array used to form the system of
* linear equations.
* @param[in] h Data object.
* @param[out] cpress Cell pressure.
* @param[out] fflux Interface fluxes.
* @param[out] wpress Well pressure.
* @param[out] wflux Well perforation fluxes.
fsh_press_flux(struct UnstructuredGrid *G,
const double *Binv, const double *gpress,
struct fsh_data *h,
double *cpress, double *fflux,
double *wpress, double *wflux);
#ifdef __cplusplus