Bård Skaflestad 94d4adbb6b Add local definition of MAT_SIZE_T, contingent upon preprocessor
symbol 'MATLAB_MEX_FILE' that is automatically defined by MATLAB's
  MEX function.

  Add declarations for factorisation, lin-sys solution, and matrix
  inversion for (symmetric) positive definite full matrices in full
  and packed formats.  Will be used in the coarse-system assembly
2010-09-02 16:25:29 +00:00

77 lines
2.9 KiB

#include <mex.h>
#undef MAT_SIZE_T
#define MAT_SIZE_T mwSignedIndex
#ifndef MAT_SIZE_T
#define MAT_SIZE_T int
/* C <- a1*op(A)*op(B) + a2*C where op(X) in {X, X.'} */
void dgemm_(const char *transA , const char *transB ,
const MAT_SIZE_T* m, const MAT_SIZE_T* n , const MAT_SIZE_T* k ,
const double* a1, const double* A , const MAT_SIZE_T* ldA,
const double* B, const MAT_SIZE_T* ldB,
const double* a2, double* C , const MAT_SIZE_T* ldC);
/* C <- a1*A*A' + a2*C *or* C <- a1*A'*A + a2*C */
void dsyrk_(const char *uplo, const char *trans,
const MAT_SIZE_T *n , const MAT_SIZE_T *k ,
const double *a1 , const double *A , const MAT_SIZE_T *ldA,
const double *a2 , double *C , const MAT_SIZE_T *ldC);
void dgeqrf_(const MAT_SIZE_T *m , const MAT_SIZE_T *n ,
double *A , const MAT_SIZE_T *ld ,
double *tau , double *work,
const MAT_SIZE_T *lwork, MAT_SIZE_T *info);
void dorgqr_(const MAT_SIZE_T *m , const MAT_SIZE_T *n , const MAT_SIZE_T *k ,
double *A , const MAT_SIZE_T *ld , const double *tau,
double *work, const MAT_SIZE_T *lwork, MAT_SIZE_T *info);
/* A <- chol(A) */
void dpotrf_(const char *uplo, const MAT_SIZE_T *n,
double *A , const MAT_SIZE_T *lda,
MAT_SIZE_T *info);
/* B <- (A \ (A' \ B)), when A=DPOTRF(A_orig) */
void dpotrs_(const char *uplo, const MAT_SIZE_T *n , const MAT_SIZE_T *nrhs,
double *A , const MAT_SIZE_T *lda,
double *B , const MAT_SIZE_T *ldb, MAT_SIZE_T *info);
/* A <- chol(A), packed format. */
void dpptrf_(const char *uplo, const MAT_SIZE_T *n,
double *Ap , MAT_SIZE_T *info);
/* A <- (A \ (A' \ eye(n)) when A=DPPTRF(A_orig) (packed format). */
void dpptri_(const char *uplo, const MAT_SIZE_T *n,
double *Ap , MAT_SIZE_T *info);
/* y <- a1*op(A)*x + a2*y */
void dgemv_(const char *trans,
const MAT_SIZE_T *m , const MAT_SIZE_T *n,
const double *a1 , const double *A, const MAT_SIZE_T *ldA ,
const double *x, const MAT_SIZE_T *incX,
const double *a2 , double *y, const MAT_SIZE_T *incY);
/* y <- a*x + y */
void daxpy_(const MAT_SIZE_T *n, const double *a,
const double *x, const MAT_SIZE_T *incx,
double *y, const MAT_SIZE_T *incy);
/* s <- x' * y */
double ddot_(const MAT_SIZE_T *n, const double *x, const MAT_SIZE_T *incx,
const double *y, const MAT_SIZE_T *incy);