2010-10-12 07:25:46 +00:00

1748 lines
54 KiB

Copyright 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define DEBUG_OUTPUT 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include "blas_lapack.h"
#include "coarse_conn.h"
#include "coarse_sys.h"
#include "hybsys.h"
#include "hybsys_global.h"
#include "mimetic.h"
#include "partition.h"
#include "sparse_sys.h"
#if defined(MAX)
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
/* ======================================================================
* Data structures
* ====================================================================== */
struct coarse_sys_meta {
size_t max_ngconn; /* max(diff(face_pos)) */
size_t sum_ngconn2; /* sum(diff(face_pos)^2) */
size_t max_blk_cells; /* max(accumarray(p,1)) */
size_t max_blk_nhf; /* max(accumarray(p,diff(face_pos))) */
size_t max_blk_nfsf; /* Maximum # block fine-scale faces */
size_t max_blk_sum_nhf2; /* max_i \sum_{j\in\Omega_i} ncf(j)^2 */
size_t max_cf_nf; /* Maximum # fs faces in a coarse face */
size_t n_act_bf; /* Number of active coarse connections */
int *blk_nhf; /* Number of fs hfaces per block */
int *blk_nfsf; /* Number of fs faces per block */
int *loc_fno; /* Local (fs) face numbering */
int *ncf; /* diff(face_pos) */
int *pconn2; /* cumsum([0; diff(face_pos).^2]) */
int *pb2c, *b2c; /* Block->cell mapping (CSR packed) */
int *bfno; /* Active basis function numbering */
int *loc_dofno; /* Block-local DOF number of a CF */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
int *data; /* Linear storage. Don't touch. */
struct bf_asm_data {
struct hybsys *fsys; /* Fine-scale hybrid system contributions */
struct CSRMatrix *A; /* BF coefficient matrix */
double *b; /* BF system RHS */
double *x; /* BF system solution */
double *v; /* BF (hf) flux. */
double *p; /* BF pressure. */
double *flux; /* BF flux. Symmetrised. */
double *gpress; /* BF gravity contrib. (== 0) */
double *work; /* Back-substitution work array */
int *pdof; /* Indirection pointer to linearised DOF */
int *dof; /* Linearised DOFs per BF */
int *fcount; /* Flux symmetrisation face count. */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
int *idata; /* Linear (integer) storage */
double *ddata; /* Linear (double) storage */
/* ======================================================================
* Memory management
* ====================================================================== */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
coarse_sys_meta_destroy(struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (m != NULL) {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct coarse_sys_meta *
coarse_sys_meta_allocate(size_t nblocks, size_t nfaces_c,
size_t nc , size_t nfaces_f)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t alloc_sz;
struct coarse_sys_meta *new;
new = malloc(1 * sizeof *new);
if (new != NULL) {
alloc_sz = nblocks; /* blk_nhf */
alloc_sz += nblocks; /* blk_nfsf */
alloc_sz += nc; /* ncf */
alloc_sz += nc + 1; /* pconn2 */
alloc_sz += nfaces_f; /* loc_fno */
alloc_sz += nblocks + 1; /* pb2c */
alloc_sz += nc; /* b2c */
alloc_sz += nfaces_c; /* bfno */
alloc_sz += 2*nfaces_c; /* loc_dofno */
new->data = calloc(alloc_sz, sizeof *new->data);
if (new->data == NULL) {
new = NULL;
} else {
new->blk_nhf = new->data;
new->blk_nfsf = new->blk_nhf + nblocks;
new->ncf = new->blk_nfsf + nblocks;
new->pconn2 = new->ncf + nc;
new->loc_fno = new->pconn2 + nc + 1;
new->pb2c = new->loc_fno + nfaces_f;
new->b2c = new->pb2c + nblocks + 1;
new->bfno = new->b2c + nc;
new->loc_dofno = new->bfno + nfaces_c;
return new;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
bf_asm_data_deallocate(struct bf_asm_data *data)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (data != NULL) {
free (data->ddata);
free (data->idata);
hybsys_free (data->fsys);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static struct bf_asm_data *
bf_asm_data_allocate(grid_t *g,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int tot_ngconn;
size_t max_nhf, max_cells, max_faces, nnz;
size_t alloc_sz;
struct bf_asm_data *new;
new = malloc(1 * sizeof *new);
if (new != NULL) {
max_nhf = 2 * m->max_blk_nhf;
max_cells = 2 * m->max_blk_cells;
max_faces = 2 * m->max_blk_nfsf;
nnz = 2 * m->max_blk_sum_nhf2;
tot_ngconn = g->cell_facepos[ g->number_of_cells ];
new->fsys = hybsys_allocate_symm((int) m->max_ngconn,
new->A = csrmatrix_new_known_nnz(max_faces, nnz);
alloc_sz = max_cells + 1; /* pdof */
alloc_sz += max_nhf; /* dof */
alloc_sz += max_faces; /* fcount */
new->idata = malloc(alloc_sz * sizeof *new->idata);
alloc_sz = 2 * max_faces; /* b, x */
alloc_sz += 1 * max_nhf; /* v */
alloc_sz += 1 * max_cells; /* p */
alloc_sz += 1 * max_faces; /* flux */
alloc_sz += tot_ngconn; /* gpress */
alloc_sz += m->max_ngconn; /* work */
new->ddata = malloc(alloc_sz * sizeof *new->ddata);
if ((new->fsys == NULL) || (new->A == NULL) ||
(new->idata == NULL) || (new->ddata == NULL)) {
new = NULL;
} else {
new->pdof = new->idata;
new->dof = new->pdof + max_cells + 1;
new->fcount = new->dof + max_nhf;
new->b = new->ddata;
new->x = new->b + max_faces;
new->v = new->x + max_faces;
new->p = new->v + max_nhf;
new->flux = new->p + max_cells;
new->gpress = new->flux + max_faces;
new->work = new->gpress + tot_ngconn;
hybsys_init((int) m->max_ngconn, new->fsys);
return new;
/* ======================================================================
* Utilities.
* ====================================================================== */
/* max(diff(p(1:n))) */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
max_diff(int n, int *p)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, d, ret;
assert ((n > 0) && (p != NULL));
ret = p[1] - p[0]; assert (ret >= 0);
for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
d = p[i + 1] - p[i];
ret = (d > ret) ? d : ret;
return ret;
/* Enumerate active basis functions/coarse connetions according to
* block proximity.
* Returns number of active connections. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
enumerate_active_bf(struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int act, cf, b_in, b_out, b1, b2, p;
memset(m->bfno, -1, ct->nfaces * sizeof *m->bfno);
act = 0;
for (b_in = p = 0; b_in < ct->nblocks; b_in++) {
for (; p < ct->blkfacepos[b_in + 1]; p++) {
cf = ct->blkfaces[p];
if (m->bfno[cf] < 0) { /* Previously undiscovered */
b1 = ct->neighbours[2*cf + 0];
b2 = ct->neighbours[2*cf + 1];
assert (b1 != b2);
b_out = (b1 == b_in) ? b2 : b1;
if (b_out >= 0) {
m->bfno[cf] = act++;
return act;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
compute_loc_dofno(struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int b, nb, p, cf, locno, col_off;
memset(m->loc_dofno, -1, 2 * ct->nfaces * sizeof *m->loc_dofno);
nb = ct->nblocks;
for (b = p = 0; b < nb; b++) {
locno = 0;
for (; p < ct->blkfacepos[b + 1]; p++) {
cf = ct->blkfaces[p];
if (m->bfno[cf] >= 0) {
col_off = 1 - (ct->neighbours[2*cf + 0] == b);
assert (m->loc_dofno[2*cf + col_off] == -1);
m->loc_dofno[2*cf + col_off] = locno++;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
coarse_sys_meta_fill(int nc, const int *pgconn,
size_t nneigh, const int *neigh,
const int *p,
struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c1, b1, c2, b2, i, n;
size_t f, blk_sum_nhf2;
m->max_blk_nhf = m->max_blk_nfsf = 0;
for (f = 0; f < nneigh; f++) {
c1 = neigh[2*f + 0]; b1 = (c1 >= 0) ? p[c1] : -1;
c2 = neigh[2*f + 1]; b2 = (c2 >= 0) ? p[c2] : -1;
assert ((b1 >= 0) || (b2 >= 0));
if (b1 >= 0) {
m->blk_nhf[b1] += 1;
m->max_blk_nhf = MAX(m->max_blk_nhf,
(size_t) m->blk_nhf[b1]);
if (b2 >= 0) {
m->blk_nhf[b2] += 1;
m->max_blk_nhf = MAX(m->max_blk_nhf,
(size_t) m->blk_nhf[b2]);
if (b1 >= 0) {
m->blk_nfsf[b1] += 1;
m->max_blk_nfsf = MAX(m->max_blk_nfsf,
(size_t) m->blk_nfsf[b1]);
if ((b2 >= 0) && (b2 != b1)) {
m->blk_nfsf[b2] += 1;
m->max_blk_nfsf = MAX(m->max_blk_nfsf,
(size_t) m->blk_nfsf[b2]);
} else {
m->blk_nfsf[b2] += 1;
m->max_blk_nfsf = MAX(m->max_blk_nfsf,
(size_t) m->blk_nfsf[b2]);
memset(m->loc_fno, -1, nneigh * sizeof *m->loc_fno);
m->max_cf_nf = 0;
for (f = 0; f < (size_t) ct->nfaces; f++) {
m->max_cf_nf = MAX(m->max_cf_nf,
(size_t) (ct->subfacepos[f + 1] -
m->max_ngconn = m->sum_ngconn2 = 0;
for (c1 = 0; c1 < nc; c1++) {
n = pgconn[c1 + 1] - pgconn[c1];
m->max_ngconn = MAX(m->max_ngconn, (size_t) n);
m->sum_ngconn2 += n * n;
m->ncf[c1] = n;
m->pconn2[c1 + 1] = m->pconn2[c1] + (n * n);
partition_invert(nc, p, m->pb2c, m->b2c);
m->max_blk_cells = 0;
for (b1 = 0; b1 < ct->nblocks; b1++) {
m->max_blk_cells = MAX(m->max_blk_cells,
(size_t) (m->pb2c[b1 + 1] -
m->pb2c[b1 + 0]));
m->max_blk_sum_nhf2 = 0;
for (b1 = 0; b1 < ct->nblocks; b1++) {
blk_sum_nhf2 = 0;
for (i = m->pb2c[b1]; i < m->pb2c[b1 + 1]; i++) {
c1 = m->b2c[i];
blk_sum_nhf2 += m->pconn2[c1 + 1] - m->pconn2[c1];
m->max_blk_sum_nhf2 = MAX(m->max_blk_sum_nhf2, blk_sum_nhf2);
m->n_act_bf = enumerate_active_bf(ct, m);
compute_loc_dofno(ct, m);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static struct coarse_sys_meta *
coarse_sys_meta_construct(grid_t *g, const int *p,
struct coarse_topology *ct)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct coarse_sys_meta *m;
m = coarse_sys_meta_allocate(ct->nblocks, ct->nfaces,
g->number_of_cells, g->number_of_faces);
if (m != NULL) {
g->face_cells, p, ct, m);
return m;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static double *
compute_fs_ip(grid_t *g, const double *perm,
const struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double *Binv;
Binv = malloc(m->sum_ngconn2 * sizeof *Binv);
if (Binv != NULL) {
mim_ip_simple_all(g->number_of_cells, g->dimensions, m->max_ngconn,
m->ncf, g->cell_facepos, g->cell_faces,
g->face_cells, g->face_centroids, g->face_normals,
g->face_areas, g->cell_centroids, g->cell_volumes,
(double *) perm, Binv); /* const_cast<>() */
return Binv;
/* Create basis function weighting source term (unsigned) based on
* trace of permeability.
* Returns valid pointer (one scalar per cell in underlying fine-scale
* grid model) if succesful, and NULL otherwise. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static double *
perm_weighting(size_t nc, size_t nd,
const double *perm,
const double *cvol)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t c, d, off;
double t;
double *w;
w = malloc(nc * sizeof *w);
if (w != NULL) {
for (c = off = 0; c < nc; c++, off += nd*nd) {
t = 0.0;
for (d = 0; d < nd; d++) {
t += perm[off + d*(nd + 1)];
w[c] = t * cvol[c];
return w;
/* Use prescribed sources if applicable (replace synthetic source term).
* Returns one (1) if successful (needs to allocate internal data) and
* zero (0) otherwise. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
enforce_explicit_source(size_t nc, size_t nb, const int *p,
const double *src, struct coarse_sys_meta *m,
double *w)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, ret;
size_t c, b;
int *has_src;
ret = 0;
has_src = calloc(nb, sizeof *has_src);
if (has_src != NULL) {
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
has_src[p[c]] += fabs(src[c]) > 0.0;
for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) {
if (has_src[b]) {
for (i = m->pb2c[b]; i < m->pb2c[b + 1]; i++) {
w[m->b2c[i]] = 0.0;
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
if (fabs(src[c]) > 0.0) {
w[c] = src[c];
ret = 1;
return ret;
/* Enforce \int_{\Omega_i} w(x) dx == 1 for all blocks, \Omega_i.
* Allocates internal work array.
* Returns one (1) if successful, and zero (0) otherwise. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
normalize_weighting(size_t nc, size_t nb, const int *p, double *w)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ret;
size_t c, b;
double *bw;
ret = 0;
bw = malloc(nb * sizeof *bw);
if (bw != NULL) {
for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) { bw[ b ] = 0.0; }
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) { bw[p[c]] += w[c]; }
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
assert (fabs(bw[p[c]]) > 0.0);
w[c] /= bw[p[c]];
ret = 1;
return ret;
/* Create basis function weighting term (unsigned), one scalar per
* grid cell in the underlying fine-scale grid. Integral one per
* block. Satisfies any prescribed external source terms.
* Returns valid ponter if successful and NULL if not. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static double *
coarse_weight(grid_t *g, size_t nb,
const int *p,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m,
const double *perm, const double *src)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ok;
double *w;
ok = 0;
w = perm_weighting(g->number_of_cells,
g->dimensions, perm, g->cell_volumes);
if (w != NULL) {
ok = enforce_explicit_source(g->number_of_cells,
nb, p, src, m, w);
if (ok) {
ok = normalize_weighting(g->number_of_cells, nb, p, w);
if (!ok) { free(w); w = NULL; }
return w;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Determine which, and how many, degrees of freedom (i.e., active
* basis functions) are connected to every coarse block. Allocates
* and fills the CSR array pair (sys->blkdof_pos,sys->blkdof).
* Returns 1, and sets ->blkdof_pos,->blkdof to valid arrays if successful.
* Returns 0, and sets ->blkdof_pos,->blkdof to NULL if not.
* Uses the standard two-pass CSR push-back building strategy. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
blkdof_fill(struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m,
struct coarse_sys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int p, ret, dof;
size_t b, nb;
nb = ct->nblocks;
sys->blkdof_pos = calloc(nb + 1, sizeof *sys->blkdof_pos);
if (sys->blkdof_pos != NULL) {
/* Count number of active BFs per block */
for (b = 0, p = 0; b < nb; b++) {
for (; p < ct->blkfacepos[b + 1]; p++) {
dof = m->bfno[ ct->blkfaces[p] ];
sys->blkdof_pos[b + 1] += dof >= 0;
/* Derive CSR start pointers */
for (b = 1; b <= nb; b++) {
sys->blkdof_pos[0] += sys->blkdof_pos[b];
sys->blkdof_pos[b] = sys->blkdof_pos[0] - sys->blkdof_pos[b];
sys->blkdof = malloc(sys->blkdof_pos[0] * sizeof *sys->blkdof);
/* Fill each block's active BFs if we can allocate ->blkdof */
if (sys->blkdof == NULL) {
sys->blkdof_pos = NULL;
ret = 0;
} else {
sys->blkdof_pos[0] = 0;
for (b = 0, p = 0; b < nb; b++) {
for (; p < ct->blkfacepos[b + 1]; p++) {
dof = m->bfno[ ct->blkfaces[p] ];
if (dof >= 0) {
sys->blkdof[ sys->blkdof_pos[b + 1] ++ ] = dof;
ret = 1;
return ret;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Compute aggregate allocation sizes for ->basis, ->cell_ip, and ->Binv.
* sizeof(->basis) == \sum_i nbf(i)*nhf(i)
* sizeof(->cell_ip) == \sum_i npairs(i)*ncells(i)
* sizeof(->Binv) == \sum_i nbf(i)^2
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
compute_alloc_sizes(size_t nb,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m,
struct coarse_sys *sys,
size_t *bf_asz, size_t *ip_asz, size_t *Binv_asz)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t nf, nc, b;
*bf_asz = *ip_asz = *Binv_asz = 0;
for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) {
nf = sys->blkdof_pos[b + 1] - sys->blkdof_pos[b]; /* # coarse dof */
nc = m ->pb2c [b + 1] - m ->pb2c [b]; /* # block c */
*bf_asz += nf * m->blk_nhf[b];
*ip_asz += nf * (nf + 1) / 2 * nc;
*Binv_asz += nf * nf;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Allocate a coarse sys structure as well as suitably sized
* individual data arrays within this structure.
* Returns fully allocated structure, with ->blkdof_pos and ->blkdof
* fully constructed if successful, and NULL if not. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static struct coarse_sys *
coarse_sys_allocate(struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int alloc_ok;
size_t nb;
size_t bf_asz, ip_asz, Binv_asz; /* Allocation sizes */
struct coarse_sys *new;
new = malloc(1 * sizeof *new);
if (new != NULL) {
nb = ct->nblocks;
alloc_ok = blkdof_fill(ct, m, new);
if (alloc_ok) {
compute_alloc_sizes(nb, m, new, &bf_asz, &ip_asz, &Binv_asz);
new->dof2conn = malloc(m->n_act_bf * sizeof *new->dof2conn);
new->basis_pos = calloc(nb + 1, sizeof *new->basis_pos );
new->cell_ip_pos = calloc(nb + 1, sizeof *new->cell_ip_pos);
new->basis = malloc(bf_asz * sizeof *new->basis );
new->cell_ip = malloc(ip_asz * sizeof *new->cell_ip);
new->Binv = malloc(Binv_asz * sizeof *new->Binv );
alloc_ok += new->dof2conn != NULL;
alloc_ok += new->basis_pos != NULL;
alloc_ok += new->cell_ip_pos != NULL;
alloc_ok += new->basis != NULL;
alloc_ok += new->cell_ip != NULL;
alloc_ok += new->Binv != NULL;
if (alloc_ok < 7) {
new = NULL;
return new;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Map degree of freedom back to global grid connection (coarse face).
* In other words, fills previously allocated ->dof2conn array.
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
map_dof_to_conn(struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m ,
struct coarse_sys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int f, dof;
for (f = 0; f < ct->nfaces; f++) {
dof = m->bfno[f];
if (dof >= 0) {
sys->dof2conn[ dof ] = f;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Fill previously allocated ->basis_pos and ->cell_ip_pos arrays.
* See compute_alloc_sizes().
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
set_csys_block_pointers(struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m ,
struct coarse_sys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int b, nb, nc, ndof, npairs;
nb = ct->nblocks;
sys->basis_pos[0] = sys->cell_ip_pos[0] = 0;
for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) {
ndof = sys->blkdof_pos[b + 1] - sys->blkdof_pos[b];
nc = m ->pb2c [b + 1] - m ->pb2c [b];
npairs = ndof * (ndof + 1) / 2;
sys->basis_pos[b + 1] = sys->basis_pos[b] + ndof*m->blk_nhf[b];
sys->cell_ip_pos[b + 1] = sys->cell_ip_pos[b] + npairs*nc;
/* Create local numbering of the fine-scale faces contained in a pair
* of blocks denoted by 'cf'.
* Precondition: m->loc_fno[0 .. g->number_of_faces-1] < 0
* Returns the number of local fine-scale faces. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static int
enumerate_local_dofs(size_t cf,
grid_t *g ,
struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int *b, *c, i, f, loc_no;
loc_no = 0;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
for (c = m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 0];
c != m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 1]; c++) {
for (i = g->cell_facepos[*c + 0];
i < g->cell_facepos[*c + 1]; i++) {
f = g->cell_faces[i];
if (m->loc_fno[f] < 0) {
m->loc_fno[f] = loc_no++;
assert (loc_no > 0);
return loc_no;
/* Destroy local numbering of fine-scale faces contained in a pair of
* blocks denoted by 'cf'.
* This is the inverse of enumerate_local_dofs(), and is needed to
* prepare assembly of the discrete local system defining the next
* basis function. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
unenumerate_local_dofs(size_t cf,
grid_t *g ,
struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int *b, *c, i;
/* Note that memset()-ing all of m->loc_fno (g->number_of_faces
* entries) may or may not be faster than this loop. The loop is
* entirely random access to m->loc_fno which ruins locality, but
* typically visits only a small subset of the actual elements.
* Profiling/measurement needed. */
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
for (c = m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 0];
c != m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 1]; c++) {
for (i = g->cell_facepos[*c + 0];
i < g->cell_facepos[*c + 1]; i++) {
m->loc_fno[ g->cell_faces[i] ] = -1;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Define local (to a single BF) pdof/dof CSR table.
* Precondition: m->loc_fno valid for BF (i.e., called after
* enumerate_local_dofs()).
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
linearise_local_dof(size_t cf,
grid_t *g ,
struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m ,
struct bf_asm_data *bf_asm)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int *b, *c, i;
int *pdof, *dof;
pdof = bf_asm->pdof;
dof = bf_asm->dof;
pdof[0] = 0;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
for (c = m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 0];
c != m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 1]; c++) {
for (i = g->cell_facepos[*c + 0];
i < g->cell_facepos[*c + 1]; i++) {
*dof++ = m->loc_fno[ g->cell_faces[i] ];
*++pdof = dof - bf_asm->dof;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Construct coefficient matrix sparsity structure for single BF.
* Precondition: bf_asm->pdof and bf_asm->dof valid (i.e., called
* after linearise_local_dof()).
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
define_csr_sparsity(size_t nc, size_t m, struct bf_asm_data *bf_asm)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int p, *dof;
size_t c, i;
MAT_SIZE_T n, i1, i2, dof1, dof2;
struct CSRMatrix *A = bf_asm->A;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Count connections (O(m))
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { A->ia[ i + 1 ] = 1; } /* Count self */
for (c = 0, p = 0; c < nc; c++) {
n = bf_asm->pdof[c + 1] - bf_asm->pdof[c];
for (; p < bf_asm->pdof[c + 1]; p++) {
assert ((size_t) bf_asm->dof[p] < m);
A->ia[ bf_asm->dof[p] + 1 ] += n - 1; /* Count other */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Define start pointers (O(m))
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
A->ia[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
A->ia[0] += A->ia[i];
A->ia[i] = A->ia[0] - A->ia[i];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* Set sparsity (O(nnz))
* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
A->ia[0] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
A->ja[ A->ia[i + 1] ++ ] = (MAT_SIZE_T) i; /* Set self */
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
n = bf_asm->pdof[c + 1] - bf_asm->pdof[c];
dof = bf_asm->dof + bf_asm->pdof[c];
for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) {
dof1 = dof[i1];
for (i2 = (i1 + 1) % n; i2 != i1; i2 = (i2 + 1) % n) {
dof2 = dof[i2];
A->ja[ A->ia[ dof1 + 1 ] ++ ] = dof2;
A->m = m;
A->n = m;
A->nnz = A->ia[m];
/* Enforce sorted connection structure per row */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* v = zeros([n, 1]) */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
vector_zero(size_t n, double *v)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { v[i] = 0.0; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Assemble system of linear equations corresponding to local
* discretisation of flow problem on domain connected to coarse face
* 'cf'. The domain has a total of 'nlocf' fine-scale interfaces, and
* the BF weighting function 'w' is pre-calculated using function
* coarse_weight().
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
assemble_local_system(size_t cf ,
size_t nlocf,
grid_t *g ,
const double *Binv ,
double *w ,
struct coarse_topology *ct ,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m ,
struct bf_asm_data *bf_asm)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, i, p1, p2, ndof;
int *b, *dof;
size_t nc;
double sgn;
linearise_local_dof(cf, g, ct, m, bf_asm);
nc = 0;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
nc += m->pb2c[*b + 1] - m->pb2c[*b];
define_csr_sparsity(nc, nlocf, bf_asm);
csrmatrix_zero( bf_asm->A);
vector_zero (nlocf, bf_asm->b);
sgn = 1.0;
dof = bf_asm->dof;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
for (i = m->pb2c[*b]; i < m->pb2c[*b + 1]; i++) {
c = m->b2c[i];
p1 = g->cell_facepos[c];
p2 = m->pconn2[c];
ndof = g->cell_facepos[c + 1] - p1;
w[c] *= sgn; /* Set w-sign according to source/sink */
hybsys_cellcontrib_symm(c, ndof, p1, p2, bf_asm->gpress,
w, Binv, bf_asm->fsys);
hybsys_global_assemble_cell(ndof, dof, bf_asm->fsys->S,
bf_asm->fsys->r, bf_asm->A,
w[c] *= sgn; /* Restore original weighting sign */
dof += ndof;
sgn = -sgn;
/* Account for zero eigenvalue of pure Neumann problem */
bf_asm->A->sa[0] *= 2;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Scale the fine-scale (inverse) inner product 'Binv' by the
* corresponding cell's total mobility. This includes mobility
* effects in the resulting BFs. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
Binv_scale_mobility(int nc, struct coarse_sys_meta *m,
const double *totmob, double *Binv)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, i;
for (c = i = 0; c < nc; c++) {
for (; i < m->pconn2[c]; i++) {
Binv[i] *= totmob[c];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Project BF flux values for coarse face 'cf' onto continuous flux
* field. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
symmetrise_flux(size_t cf, grid_t *g, struct coarse_topology *ct,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m, struct bf_asm_data *bf_asm)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, j, ndof, p1l, p1g, *b, *c, *dof, *cnt;
size_t f;
double s, blk_sgn, *flux;
dof = bf_asm->dof;
flux = bf_asm->flux;
cnt = bf_asm->fcount;
vector_zero(bf_asm->A->m, flux);
memset(cnt, 0, bf_asm->A->m * sizeof *bf_asm->fcount);
/* Accumulate (and count) number of fine-scale flux contributions
* from this particular BF. */
i = 0;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
for (c = m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 0];
c != m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 1]; c++, i++) {
p1l = bf_asm->pdof [ i];
p1g = g->cell_facepos[*c];
ndof = bf_asm->pdof[i + 1] - p1l;
assert (g->cell_facepos[*c + 1] - p1g == ndof);
for (j = 0; j < ndof; j++) {
f = g->cell_faces[p1g + j];
s = 2.0*(g->face_cells[2*f + 0] == *c) - 1.0;
flux[dof[p1l + j]] += s * bf_asm->v[p1l + j];
cnt [dof[p1l + j]] += 1;
/* Arithmetic average. */
for (f = 0; f < bf_asm->A->m; f++) {
flux[f] /= cnt[f];
/* Store symmetrised flux values back to bf_asm->v, with
* additional block outflow flux sign. */
i = 0; blk_sgn = 1.0;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
for (c = m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 0];
c != m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 1]; c++, i++) {
p1l = bf_asm->pdof [ i];
p1g = g->cell_facepos[*c];
ndof = bf_asm->pdof[i + 1] - p1l;
for (j = 0; j < ndof; j++) {
f = g->cell_faces[p1g + j];
s = 2.0*(g->face_cells[2*f + 0] == *c) - 1.0;
s *= blk_sgn;
bf_asm->v[p1l + j] = s * flux[dof[p1l + j]];
blk_sgn = -blk_sgn;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Solve local system of linear equations to derive interface
* pressures (Lagrange multipliers), then perform back-substitution to
* derive cell pressures and interface fluxes. The fluxes are the BF
* values on the coarse face denoted by 'cf'.
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
solve_local_system(size_t cf ,
grid_t *g ,
const double *Binv ,
struct coarse_topology *ct ,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m ,
struct bf_asm_data *bf_asm,
LocalSolver linsolve)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, j, ndof, p1l, p1g, *b, *c;
double a1, a2;
MAT_SIZE_T incx, incy, nrows, ncols, lda;
/* Compute interface pressures (solve system of lin. eqns.) */
(*linsolve)(bf_asm->A, bf_asm->b, bf_asm->x);
/* Back substitution to derive cell pressure/interface fluxes */
incx = incy = 1;
a1 = 1.0;
a2 = 0.0;
i = p1l = p1g = 0;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
for (c = m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 0];
c != m->b2c + m->pb2c[*b + 1]; c++, i++) {
p1l = bf_asm->pdof[i + 0];
ndof = bf_asm->pdof[i + 1] - p1l;
nrows = ncols = lda = ndof;
for (j = 0; j < ndof; j++) {
bf_asm->work[j] = bf_asm->x[ bf_asm->dof[ p1l + j ] ];
p1g = g->cell_facepos[*c];
bf_asm->p[i] = bf_asm->fsys->q[*c];
bf_asm->p[i] += ddot_(&nrows, &bf_asm->fsys->F2[p1g],
&incx, bf_asm->work, &incy);
bf_asm->p[i] /= bf_asm->fsys->L[*c];
for (j = 0; j < ndof; j++) {
bf_asm->work[j] = bf_asm->p[i] - bf_asm->work[j];
dgemv_("No Transpose", &nrows, &ncols,
&a1, &Binv[m->pconn2[*c]], &lda, bf_asm->work, &incx,
&a2, &bf_asm->v[p1l] , &incy);
symmetrise_flux(cf, g, ct, m, bf_asm);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Store BF values at appropriate offsets into sys->basis.
* Must be called after solve_local_system().
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
store_basis_function(size_t cf ,
struct coarse_topology *ct ,
struct coarse_sys_meta *m ,
struct bf_asm_data *bf_asm,
struct coarse_sys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, loc_dofno, *b, *loc_dof;
ptrdiff_t sstart, dstart, nhf;
loc_dof = m->loc_dofno + 2*(cf + 0);
i = 0;
sstart = 0;
for (b = ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 0);
b != ct->neighbours + 2*(cf + 1); b++, i++) {
if (*b >= 0) {
loc_dofno = loc_dof[i];
nhf = m->blk_nhf[*b];
dstart = sys->basis_pos[*b] + loc_dofno*nhf;
memcpy(sys->basis + dstart,
bf_asm->v + sstart, nhf * sizeof *sys->basis);
sstart += nhf;
/* ======================================================================
* Public interfaces below.
* ====================================================================== */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Construct coarse system from fine-scale grid (g), partition vector
* (p), coarse topology (ct), fine-scale permeability tensor (perm),
* fine-scale source terms (src), and fine-scale (total) mobility
* field (totmob).
* Uses 'linsolve' to resolve local systems of linear equations.
* Returns fully constructed coarse system if successful (i.e., if all
* internal allocations succeed and all BFs can be constructed), and
* NULL if not. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct coarse_sys *
coarse_sys_construct(grid_t *g, const int *p,
struct coarse_topology *ct,
const double *perm,
const double *src,
const double *totmob,
LocalSolver linsolve)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int cf;
size_t nlocf;
double *Binv, *w;
struct coarse_sys_meta *m;
struct bf_asm_data *bf_asm;
struct coarse_sys *sys;
sys = NULL; bf_asm = NULL; Binv = NULL; w = NULL;
m = coarse_sys_meta_construct(g, p, ct);
if (m != NULL) {
Binv = compute_fs_ip(g, perm, m);
w = coarse_weight(g, ct->nblocks, p, m, perm, src);
bf_asm = bf_asm_data_allocate(g, m);
sys = coarse_sys_allocate(ct, m);
if ((Binv != NULL) && (w != NULL) &&
(bf_asm != NULL) && (sys != NULL)) {
/* Provide reverse BF->face mapping for fs flux reconstruction */
map_dof_to_conn(ct, m, sys);
/* Prepare storage tables */
set_csys_block_pointers(ct, m, sys);
/* Exclude effects of gravity */
vector_zero(g->cell_facepos[ g->number_of_cells ], bf_asm->gpress);
/* Include mobility effects (multiple phases) */
Binv_scale_mobility(g->number_of_cells, m, totmob, Binv);
/* Discretise flow equation on fine scale */
hybsys_schur_comp_symm(g->number_of_cells, g->cell_facepos,
Binv, bf_asm->fsys);
for (cf = 0; cf < ct->nfaces; cf++) {
if (m->bfno[cf] >= 0) {
nlocf = enumerate_local_dofs(cf, g, ct, m);
assemble_local_system(cf, nlocf, g, Binv, w,
ct, m, bf_asm);
solve_local_system(cf, g, Binv, ct, m,
bf_asm, linsolve);
store_basis_function(cf, ct, m, bf_asm, sys);
unenumerate_local_dofs(cf, g, ct, m);
m->pb2c, m->b2c,
free(w); free(Binv);
return sys;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Release dynamic memory resources for coarse system data structure. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
coarse_sys_destroy(struct coarse_sys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (sys != NULL) {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Compute \Psi'_i * B * \Psi_j for all basis function pairs (i,j) for
* all cells. Inverts inv(B) (i.e., Binv) in each cell. Iterates
* over blocks (CSR representation b2c_pos, b2c). Result store in
* sys->cell_ip, a packed representation of the IP pairs (one col per
* cell per block).
* Allocates work arrays and may fail. Does currently not report failure.*/
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
coarse_sys_compute_cell_ip(int nc,
int max_nconn,
int nb,
const int *pconn,
const double *Binv,
const int *b2c_pos,
const int *b2c,
struct coarse_sys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, i1, i2, b, c, n, bf, *pconn2;
int max_nbf, nbf, loc_nc;
size_t p, nbf_pairs, bf_off, bf_sz;
MAT_SIZE_T mm, nn, kk, nrhs, ld1, ld2, ld3, info;
double a1, a2;
double *work, *BI, *Psi, *IP;
FILE *fp;
max_nbf = max_diff(nb, sys->blkdof_pos);
pconn2 = malloc((nc + 1) * sizeof *pconn2);
work = malloc(((max_nconn * max_nconn) + /* BI */
(max_nconn * max_nbf ) + /* Psi */
(max_nbf * max_nbf )) /* IP */
* sizeof *work);
if ((pconn2 != NULL) && (work != NULL)) {
BI = work + 0 ;
Psi = BI + (max_nconn * max_nconn);
IP = Psi + (max_nconn * max_nbf );
pconn2[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= nc; i++) {
n = pconn[i] - pconn[i - 1];
pconn2[i] = pconn2[i - 1] + (n * n);
fp = fopen("debug_out.m", "wt");
for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) {
loc_nc = b2c_pos[b + 1] - b2c_pos[b];
bf_off = 0;
nbf = sys->blkdof_pos[b + 1] - sys->blkdof_pos[b];
assert ((sys->basis_pos[b + 1] -
sys->basis_pos[b + 0]) % nbf == 0);
bf_sz = (sys->basis_pos[b + 1] - sys->basis_pos[b]) / nbf;
nbf_pairs = nbf * (nbf + 1) / 2;
for (i = 0; i < loc_nc; i++) {
c = b2c[b2c_pos[b] + i];
n = pconn[c + 1] - pconn[c];
/* Linearise (collect) BF values for cell */
p = sys->basis_pos[b] + bf_off;
for (bf = 0; bf < nbf; bf++, p += bf_sz) {
memcpy(Psi + bf*n, &sys->basis[p], n * sizeof *Psi);
fprintf(fp, "Psi{%d,%d} = [\n", b+1, i+1);
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nbf; i2++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) {
fprintf(fp, "%22.15e ", Psi[i1 + i2*n]);
fprintf(fp, ";\n");
fprintf(fp, "].';\n");
/* Extract cell's inv(B) values... */
memcpy(BI, &Binv[pconn2[c]], n * n * sizeof *BI);
fprintf(fp, "BI{%d,%d} = [\n", b+1, i+1);
for (i2 = 0; i2 < n; i2++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) {
fprintf(fp, "%22.15e ", BI[i1 + i2*n]);
fprintf(fp, ";\n");
fprintf(fp, "].';\n");
/* ...and (Cholesky) factor it... */
nn = n;
ld1 = n;
dpotrf_("Upper Triangular", &nn, BI, &ld1, &info);
/* ...and solve BI*X = Psi (=> Psi (=X) <- B*Psi) */
nrhs = nbf;
ld2 = n;
dpotrs_("Upper Triangular", &nn, &nrhs, BI, &ld1,
Psi, &ld2, &info);
fprintf(fp, "BPsi{%d,%d} = [\n", b+1, i+1);
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nbf; i2++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++) {
fprintf(fp, "%22.15e ", Psi[i1 + i2*n]);
fprintf(fp, ";\n");
fprintf(fp, "].';\n");
/* Finally, compute IP = Psi'*X = Psi'*B*Psi... */
mm = nn = nbf;
kk = n;
ld1 = bf_sz; ld2 = n; ld3 = nbf;
a1 = 1.0; a2 = 0.0;
dgemm_("Transpose", "No Transpose", &mm, &nn, &kk,
&a1, &sys->basis[sys->basis_pos[b] + bf_off], &ld1,
Psi, &ld2, &a2, IP, &ld3);
fprintf(fp, "PsiTBPsi{%d,%d} = [\n", b+1, i+1);
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nbf; i2++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < nbf; i1++) {
fprintf(fp, "%22.15e ", IP[i1 + i2*nbf]);
fprintf(fp, ";\n");
fprintf(fp, "].';\n");
/* ...and fill results into ip-contrib for this cell... */
p = sys->cell_ip_pos[b] + i*nbf_pairs;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nbf; i2++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 <= i2; i1++, p++) {
sys->cell_ip[p] = IP[i1 + i2*nbf];
/* ...and prepare for next cell. */
bf_off += n;
free(work); free(pconn2);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Compute inv(B) on coarse scale from fine-scale contributions.
* Specifically, this function computes the inverse of
* B=sum(1/lambda_c * B_c, c\in Blk_j) for all blocks, 'j'. The
* fine-scale B contributions are computed in
* coarse_sys_compute_cell_ip() above.
* Does not fail. */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
coarse_sys_compute_Binv(int nb,
int max_bcells,
const double *totmob,
const int *b2c_pos,
const int *b2c,
struct coarse_sys *sys,
double *work)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int b, i, i1, i2, nbf_pairs, loc_nc, nbf;
double a1, a2;
double *Lti, *B;
size_t p1, p2;
MAT_SIZE_T mm, nn, ld, incx, incy, info;
FILE *fp;
Lti = work + 0;
B = work + max_bcells;
incx = incy = 1;
p2 = 0;
for (b = 0; b < nb; b++) {
loc_nc = b2c_pos[b + 1] - b2c_pos[b];
for (i = 0; i < loc_nc; i++) {
Lti[i] = 1.0 / totmob[b2c[b2c_pos[b] + i]];
/* Form coarse inner-product matrix for block 'b' as (inverse)
* mobility weighted sum of cell contributions */
nbf = sys->blkdof_pos[b + 1] - sys->blkdof_pos[b];
nbf_pairs = nbf * (nbf + 1) / 2;
mm = ld = nbf_pairs;
nn = loc_nc;
a1 = 1.0;
a2 = 0.0;
dgemv_("No Transpose", &mm, &nn, &a1,
&sys->cell_ip[sys->cell_ip_pos[b]], &ld,
Lti, &incx, &a2, B, &incy);
/* Factor (packed) SPD inner-product matrix... */
mm = nbf;
dpptrf_("Upper Triangular", &mm, B, &info);
if (info == 0) {
/* ...and invert it... */
dpptri_("Upper Triangular", &mm, B, &info);
} else {
fp = fopen("debug_out.m", "at");
mm = ld = nbf_pairs;
nn = loc_nc;
a1 = 1.0;
a2 = 0.0;
dgemv_("No Transpose", &mm, &nn, &a1,
&sys->cell_ip[sys->ip_pos[b]], &ld,
Lti, &incx, &a2, B, &incy);
fprintf(fp, "IP{%d} = [\n", b + 1);
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nn; i2++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 < mm; i1++) {
fprintf(fp, "%18.12e ",
sys->cell_ip[sys->ip_pos[b] + i1 + i2*mm]);
fprintf(fp, ";\n");
fprintf(fp, "].';\n");
fprintf(fp, "B{%d} = [ %% info = %lu\n", b + 1,
(unsigned long) info);
for (i1 = 0; i1 < nbf_pairs; i1++)
fprintf(fp, "%22.15e ", B[i1]);
fprintf(fp, "].';\n");
/* ...and write result to permanent storage suitable for
* reduction functions hybsys_schur_comp*() */
p1 = 0;
for (i2 = 0; i2 < nbf; i2++) {
for (i1 = 0; i1 <= i2; i1++, p1++) {
sys->Binv[p2 + i1 + i2*nbf] = B[p1]; /* col i2 */
sys->Binv[p2 + i2 + i1*nbf] = B[p1]; /* row i2 */
p2 += nbf * nbf;