Bård Skaflestad d4bde033a4 Update remaining infrastructure (and documentation) to account for
'mex_ip_simple' now returning an indirection array/data array pair
  (akin to G.cells.facePos and G.cells.faces(:,1)) to account for
2010-08-12 17:14:57 +00:00

88 lines
2.9 KiB

function varargout = mex_compute_press_flux(varargin)
%Derive pressure and flux from hybrid system using compiled C code.
% [v, p] = mex_compute_press_flux(BI, lam, connPos, conns, F, L)
% BI - Inner product values. Typically computed using function
% 'mex_ip_simple'.
% lam - Interface pressure values. One scalar value for each face in
% the discretised reservoir model.
% connPos - Indirection map of size [G.cells.num,1] into 'conns' table
% (i.e., the connections or DOFs). Specifically, the DOFs
% connected to cell 'i' are found in the submatrix
% conns(connPos(i) : connPos(i + 1) - 1)
% conns - A (connPos(end)-1)-by-1 array of cell connections
% (local-to-global DOF mapping in FEM parlance).
% F - Second-to-last return value from 'mex_schur_comp_symm'.
% L - Last return value from 'mex_schur_comp_symm'.
% The (connPos,conns) array pair is expected to be the output of function
% 'mex_ip_simple'.
% v - A SUM(nconn)-by-1 array of half-contact fluxes, ordered by cells.
% p - A NUMEL(nconn)-by-1 array of cell pressure values.
% This function is the MEX'ed equivalent to the post-processing of
% function 'schurComplementSymm'. Note furthermore that this function
% can only be used in conjunction with function 'mex_schur_comp_symm'.
% G = computeGeometry(processGRDECL(makeModel3([100, 60, 15])));
% K = logNormLayers(G.cartDims, [10, 300, 40, 0.1, 100]);
% rock.perm = bsxfun(@times, [1, 100, 0.1], K(:));
% rock.perm = convertFrom(rock.perm(G.cells.indexMap, :), ...
% milli*darcy);
% [BI, connPos, conns] = mex_ip_simple(G, rock);
% nconn = diff(connPos);
% [i, j] = blockDiagIndex(nconn, nconn);
% [S, r, F, L] = mex_schur_comp_symm(BI, connPos, conns);
% SS = sparse(double(conns(i)), double(conns(j)), S);
% R = accumarray(conn, r);
% lam = SS \ R;
% t0 = tic;
% [v, p] = mex_compute_press_flux(BI, lam, connPos, conns, F, L);
% toc(t0)
% mex_ip_simple, mex_schur_comp_symm.
% $Date$
% $Revision$
buildmex CFLAGS="\$CFLAGS -Wall -Wextra -ansi -pedantic ...
-Wformat-nonliteral -Wcast-align -Wpointer-arith ...
-Wbad-function-cast -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes ...
-Wmissing-declarations -Winline -Wundef -Wnested-externs ...
-Wcast-qual -Wshadow -Wconversion -Wwrite-strings ...
-Wno-conversion -Wchar-subscripts -Wredundant-decls" ...
-O -largeArrayDims -DCOMPILING_FOR_MATLAB=1 ...
mex_compute_press_flux.c hybsys.c ...
-lmwlapack -lmwblas
% Call MEX'ed edition.
[varargout{1:nargout}] = mex_compute_press_flux(varargin{:});