2011-12-12 11:28:09 +01:00

694 lines
20 KiB

Copyright 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <opm/core/linalg/blas_lapack.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/mimetic/hybsys.h>
#if defined(MAX)
#undef MAX
#define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct hybsys *
hybsys_allocate_symm(int max_nconn, int nc, int nconn_tot)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct hybsys *new;
new = malloc(1 * sizeof *new);
if (new != NULL) {
new->one = malloc(max_nconn * sizeof *new->one);
new->r = malloc(max_nconn * sizeof *new->r );
new->S = malloc(max_nconn * max_nconn * sizeof *new->S );
new->L = malloc(nc * sizeof *new->L );
new->q = malloc(nc * sizeof *new->q );
new->F1 = malloc(nconn_tot * sizeof *new->F1 );
if ((new->one == NULL) || (new->r == NULL) || (new->S == NULL) ||
(new->L == NULL) || (new->q == NULL) || (new->F1 == NULL)) {
new = NULL;
} else {
new->F2 = new->F1;
return new;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct hybsys *
hybsys_allocate_unsymm(int max_nconn, int nc, int nconn_tot)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct hybsys *new;
new = hybsys_allocate_symm(max_nconn, nc, nconn_tot);
if (new != NULL) {
new->F2 = malloc(nconn_tot * sizeof *new->F2);
if (new->F2 == NULL) {
new = NULL;
return new;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
hybsys_well_count_conn(int nc, const int *cwpos,
int *max_nw, size_t *sum_nwc)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, nw;
*max_nw = 0;
*sum_nwc = 0;
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
nw = cwpos[c + 1] - cwpos[c];
assert (nw >= 0);
*max_nw = MAX(*max_nw, nw);
*sum_nwc += nw;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct hybsys_well *
hybsys_well_allocate_symm(int max_nconn, int nc, int *cwpos)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int max_nw;
size_t sum_nwc, alloc_sz;
struct hybsys_well *new;
assert (cwpos[nc] > cwpos[0]); /* Else no wells. */
new = malloc(1 * sizeof *new);
if (new != NULL) {
hybsys_well_count_conn(nc, cwpos, &max_nw, &sum_nwc);
alloc_sz = sum_nwc; /* F1 */
alloc_sz += max_nconn + max_nw; /* r */
alloc_sz += max_nw * max_nconn; /* w2r */
alloc_sz += max_nw * max_nw; /* w2w */
new->data = malloc(alloc_sz * sizeof *new->data);
if (new->data != NULL) {
new->F1 = new->data;
new->F2 = new->F1;
new->r = new->F2 + sum_nwc;
new->w2r = new->r + max_nconn + max_nw;
new->r2w = new->w2r;
new->w2w = new->r2w + (max_nw * max_nconn);
} else {
new = NULL;
return new;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct hybsys_well *
hybsys_well_allocate_unsymm(int max_nconn, int nc, int *cwpos)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int max_nw;
size_t sum_nwc, alloc_sz;
struct hybsys_well *new;
assert (cwpos[nc] > cwpos[0]); /* Else no wells. */
new = malloc(1 * sizeof *new);
if (new != NULL) {
hybsys_well_count_conn(nc, cwpos, &max_nw, &sum_nwc);
alloc_sz = 2 * sum_nwc; /* F1, F2 */
alloc_sz += max_nconn + max_nw; /* r */
alloc_sz += 2 * max_nw * max_nconn; /* w2r, r2w */
alloc_sz += max_nw * max_nw; /* w2w */
new->data = malloc(alloc_sz * sizeof *new->data);
if (new->data != NULL) {
new->F1 = new->data;
new->F2 = new->F1 + sum_nwc;
new->r = new->F2 + sum_nwc;
new->w2r = new->r + max_nconn + max_nw;
new->r2w = new->w2r + (max_nw * max_nconn);
new->w2w = new->r2w + (max_nw * max_nconn);
} else {
new = NULL;
return new;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_free(struct hybsys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (sys != NULL) {
if (sys->F2 != sys->F1) { free(sys->F2); } /* unsymmetric system */
free(sys->F1 );
free(sys->q );
free(sys->L );
free(sys->S );
free(sys->r );
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_well_free(struct hybsys_well *wsys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
if (wsys != NULL) {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_init(int max_nconn, struct hybsys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max_nconn; i++) {
sys->one[i] = 1.0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_schur_comp_symm(int nc, const int *pconn,
const double *Binv, struct hybsys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, p1, p2, nconn;
double a1, a2;
MAT_SIZE_T incx, incy;
MAT_SIZE_T nrows, ncols, lda;
incx = incy = 1;
p1 = p2 = 0;
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
p1 = pconn[c + 0];
nconn = pconn[c + 1] - pconn[c];
nrows = ncols = lda = nconn;
/* F <- C' * inv(B) == (inv(B) * ones(n,1))' in single cell */
a1 = 1.0; a2 = 0.0;
dgemv_("No Transpose" , &nrows, &ncols,
&a1, &Binv[p2] , &lda, sys->one, &incx,
&a2, &sys->F1[p1], &incy);
/* L <- C' * inv(B) * C == SUM(F) == ones(n,1)' * F */
sys->L[c] = ddot_(&nrows, sys->one, &incx, &sys->F1[p1], &incy);
p2 += nconn * nconn;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_schur_comp_unsymm(int nc, const int *pconn,
const double *Binv, const double *BIV,
const double *P, struct hybsys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, p1, p2, nconn;
double a1, a2;
MAT_SIZE_T incx, incy;
MAT_SIZE_T nrows, ncols, lda;
assert ((sys->F2 != sys->F1) &&
(sys->F2 != NULL));
incx = incy = 1;
p2 = 0;
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
p1 = pconn[c + 0];
nconn = pconn[c + 1] - pconn[c];
nrows = ncols = lda = nconn;
/* F1 <- C' * inv(B) */
a1 = 1.0; a2 = 0.0;
dgemv_("No Transpose" , &nrows, &ncols,
&a1, &Binv[p2] , &lda, sys->one, &incx,
&a2, &sys->F1[p1], &incy);
/* F2 <- (C - V)' * inv(B) == F1 - V'*inv(B) */
a1 = -1.0;
memcpy(&sys->F2[p1], &sys->F1[p1], nconn * sizeof sys->F2[p1]);
daxpy_(&nrows, &a1, &BIV[p1], &incx, &sys->F2[p1], &incy);
/* L <- (C - V)' * inv(B) * C - P */
sys->L[c] = ddot_(&nrows, sys->one, &incx, &sys->F1[p1], &incy);
sys->L[c] -= ddot_(&nrows, sys->one, &incx, &BIV[p1] , &incy);
sys->L[c] -= P[c];
p2 += nconn * nconn;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_schur_comp_gen(int nc, const int *pconn,
const double *Binv, const double *C2,
const double *P, struct hybsys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, p1, p2, nconn;
double a1, a2;
MAT_SIZE_T incx, incy;
MAT_SIZE_T nrows, ncols, lda;
assert ((sys->F2 != sys->F1) &&
(sys->F2 != NULL));
incx = incy = 1;
p2 = 0;
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
p1 = pconn[c + 0];
nconn = pconn[c + 1] - pconn[c];
nrows = ncols = lda = nconn;
/* F1 <- C' * inv(B) */
a1 = 1.0; a2 = 0.0;
dgemv_("No Transpose" , &nrows, &ncols,
&a1, &Binv[p2] , &lda, sys->one, &incx,
&a2, &sys->F1[p1], &incy);
/* F2 <- C2' * inv(B) */
dgemv_("No Transpose" , &nrows, &ncols,
&a1, &Binv[p2] , &lda, &C2[p1], &incx,
&a2, &sys->F2[p1], &incy);
/* L <- C2' * inv(B) * C - P == F2'*ones(n,1) - P */
sys->L[c] = ddot_(&nrows, sys->one, &incx, &sys->F2[p1], &incy);
sys->L[c] -= P[c];
p2 += nconn * nconn;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_well_schur_comp_symm(int nc, const int *cwpos,
double *WI,
struct hybsys *sys,
struct hybsys_well *wsys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, i;
for (c = i = 0; c < nc; c++) {
for (; i < cwpos[c + 1]; i++) {
wsys->F1[i] = WI[i];
sys->L [c] += WI[i];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
hybsys_cellmat_symm_core(int nconn, const double *Binv, double L,
const double *F, double *S)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, j;
MAT_SIZE_T n, k, ldA, ldC;
double a1, a2;
/* S <- D' * inv(B) * D == inv(B) in single cell */
memcpy(S, Binv, nconn * nconn * sizeof *S);
/* S <- S - F'*inv(L)*F */
n = ldA = ldC = nconn;
k = 1;
a1 = -1.0 / L;
a2 = 1.0;
dsyrk_("Upper Triangular", "No Transpose", &n, &k,
&a1, F, &ldA, &a2, S, &ldC);
/* Account for DSYRK only updating the upper triangular part of S */
for (j = 0; j < nconn; j++) {
for (i = j + 1; i < nconn; i++) {
S[i + j*nconn] = S[j + i*nconn];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
hybsys_cellmat_unsymm_core(int nconn, const double *Binv, double L,
const double *F1, const double *F2,
double *S)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
MAT_SIZE_T m, n, k, ldF1, ldF2, ldS;
double a1, a2;
/* S <- D' * inv(B) * D == inv(B) in single cell */
memcpy(S, Binv, nconn * nconn * sizeof *S);
/* S <- S - F1'*inv(L)*F2 */
a1 = -1.0 / L;
a2 = 1.0;
m = n = nconn;
k = 1;
ldF1 = ldF2 = 1;
ldS = nconn;
dgemm_("Transpose", "No Transpose", &m, &n, &k,
&a1, F1, &ldF1, F2, &ldF2, &a2, S, &ldS);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static double
hybsys_cellrhs_core(int nconn, const double *gpress, double src,
const double *Binv, double L, const double *F1,
const double *F2, double *R)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
MAT_SIZE_T n, k, ldA, incx, incy;
double a1, a2;
/* r <- inv(B)*gpress + F1'*inv(L)*(src - F2*gpress)
* == inv(B)*gpress + F1'*inv(L)*(src - C2'*inv(B)*gpress) */
k = 1;
a1 = 1.0; a2 = 0.0;
incx = incy = 1;
n = k = ldA = nconn;
dgemv_("No Transpose", &n, &k,
&a1, Binv, &ldA, gpress, &incx,
&a2, R , &incy);
src -= ddot_(&n, F2, &incx, gpress, &incy);
a1 = src / L;
daxpy_(&n, &a1, F1, &incx, R, &incy);
return src;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_cellcontrib_symm(int c, int nconn, int p1, int p2,
const double *gpress, const double *src,
const double *Binv, struct hybsys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_cellmat_symm_core(nconn, &Binv[p2],
sys->L[c], &sys->F1[p1],
sys->q[c] = hybsys_cellrhs_core(nconn, &gpress[p1], src[c], &Binv[p2],
sys->L[c], &sys->F1[p1], &sys->F1[p1],
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_cellcontrib_unsymm(int c, int nconn, int p1, int p2,
const double *gpress, const double *src,
const double *Binv, struct hybsys *sys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
assert ((sys->F2 != sys->F1) &&
(sys->F2 != NULL));
hybsys_cellmat_unsymm_core(nconn, &Binv[p2],
sys->L[c], &sys->F1[p1], &sys->F2[p1],
sys->q[c] = hybsys_cellrhs_core(nconn, &gpress[p1], src[c], &Binv[p2],
sys->L[c], &sys->F1[p1], &sys->F2[p1],
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_well_cellcontrib_symm(int c, int ngconn, int p1,
const int *cwpos,
const double *WI, const double *wdp,
struct hybsys *sys, struct hybsys_well *wsys)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int i, w, nw, wp1;
MAT_SIZE_T mm, nn, kk, ld1, ld2, ld3, incx, incy;
double a1, a2, q;
nw = cwpos[c + 1] - cwpos[c];
wp1 = cwpos[c];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* w2r = - F1(r)'*F2(w)/L, r2w = w2r' */
mm = ngconn; ld1 = 1;
nn = nw; ld2 = 1;
kk = 1; ld3 = ngconn;
a1 = -1.0 / sys->L[c];
a2 = 0.0;
dgemm_("Transpose", "No Transpose", &mm, &nn, &kk,
&a1, &sys->F1[p1], &ld1, &wsys->F2[wp1], &ld2,
&a2, wsys->w2r, &ld3);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* w2w = BI - F1(w)'*F2(w)/L */
mm = nw; ld1 = 1;
nn = nw; ld2 = 1;
kk = 1; ld3 = nw;
a1 = -1.0 / sys->L[c];
a2 = 0.0;
dgemm_("Transpose", "No Transpose", &mm, &nn, &kk,
&a1, &wsys->F1[wp1], &ld1, &wsys->F2[wp1], &ld2,
&a2, wsys->w2w, &ld3);
for (w = 0; w < nw; w++) {
wsys->w2w[w * (nw + 1)] += WI[wp1 + w];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Global RHS contributions */
mm = nw;
incx = incy = 1;
q = ddot_(&mm, &wsys->F2[wp1], &incx, &wdp[wp1], &incy);
a1 = -q / sys->L[c];
for (i = 0; i < ngconn; i++) {
wsys->r[i] = a1 * sys->F1[p1 + i];
sys->q[c] -= q;
a1 = sys->q[c] / sys->L[c];
for (w = 0; w < nw; w++) {
wsys->r[ngconn + w] = a1*wsys->F1[wp1 + w] +
WI[wp1 + w] * wdp[wp1 + w];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_compute_press_flux(int nc, const int *pconn, const int *conn,
const double *gpress,
const double *Binv, const struct hybsys *sys,
const double *pi, double *press, double *flux,
double *work)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, i, nconn, p1, p2;
double a1, a2;
MAT_SIZE_T incx, incy, nrows, ncols, lda;
incx = incy = 1;
p2 = 0;
a1 = 1.0;
a2 = 0.0;
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
p1 = pconn[c + 0];
nconn = pconn[c + 1] - p1;
/* Serialise interface pressures for cell */
for (i = 0; i < nconn; i++) {
/* work[i] = pi[conn[p1 + i]] - gpress[p1 + i]; */
work[i] = pi[conn[p1 + i]];
nrows = ncols = lda = nconn;
/* Solve Lp = g - F2*f + F2*pi (for cell pressure) */
press[c] = sys->q[c]; /* src[c]; */
press[c] += ddot_(&nrows, &sys->F2[p1], &incx, work, &incy);
press[c] /= sys->L[c];
/* Form rhs of system B*v = f + C*p - D*pi */
for (i = 0; i < nconn; i++) {
work[i] = gpress[p1 + i] + press[c] - work[i];
/* Solve resulting system (-> half face fluxes) */
dgemv_("No Transpose", &nrows, &ncols,
&a1, &Binv[p2], &lda, work, &incx,
&a2, &flux[p1], &incy);
p2 += nconn * nconn;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
hybsys_compute_press_flux_well(int nc, const int *pgconn, int nf,
int nw, const int *pwconn, const int *wconn,
const double *Binv,
const double *WI,
const double *wdp,
const struct hybsys *sys,
const struct hybsys_well *wsys,
const double *pi,
double *cpress, double *cflux,
double *wpress, double *wflux,
double *work)
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int c, w, wg, perf;
int ngconn, nwconn;
size_t gp1, gp2, wp1;
MAT_SIZE_T mm, nn, incx, incy, ld;
double dcp, one;
gp2 = 0;
for (c = 0; c < nc; c++) {
ngconn = pgconn[c + 1] - pgconn[c];
nwconn = pwconn[c + 1] - pwconn[c];
if (nwconn > 0) {
dcp = 0.0;
gp1 = pgconn[c];
wp1 = pwconn[c];
for (w = 0; w < nwconn; w++) {
wg = wconn[2*(wp1 + w) + 0];
work[w] = pi[nf + wg];
mm = nwconn; incx = incy = 1;
dcp = ddot_(&mm, &wsys->F2[wp1], &incx, work, &incy);
dcp /= sys->L[c];
cpress[c] += dcp;
mm = nn = ld = ngconn;
one = 1.0;
dgemv_("No Transpose", &mm, &nn,
&dcp, &Binv[gp2], &ld, sys->one , &incx,
&one, &cflux[gp1], &incy);
for (w = 0; w < nwconn; w++) {
perf = wconn[2*(wp1 + w) + 1];
wflux[perf] = wdp[wp1 + w] + cpress[c] - work[w];
wflux[perf] *= - WI [wp1 + w]; /* Sign => positive inj. */
gp2 += ngconn + ngconn;
/* Assign well BHP from linsolve output */
memcpy(wpress, pi + nf, nw * sizeof *wpress);