Roland Kaufmann 82cf04d9f1 Convert functions in anonymous namespace into statics
These functions are referred to from templates which may not be
instantiated. Since they were in an anonymous namespace they were
not reachable otherwise, and a warning is emitted. This only applies
to Clang; GCC consider them used.

If we make them static helper functions instead, the warning
2013-09-19 13:10:16 +02:00

298 lines
12 KiB

// File: ParameterGroup.hpp
// Created: Tue Jun 2 19:11:11 2009
// Author(s): Bård Skaflestad <bard.skaflestad@sintef.no>
// Atgeirr F Rasmussen <atgeirr@sintef.no>
// $Date$
// $Revision$
Copyright 2009, 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2009, 2010 Statoil ASA.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <exception>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <opm/core/utility/parameters/ParameterMapItem.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/parameters/ParameterRequirement.hpp>
namespace Opm {
namespace parameter {
/// ParameterGroup is a class that is used to provide run-time parameters.
/// The standard use of the class is to call create it with the
/// (int argc, char** argv) constructor (where the arguments are those
/// given by main). This parses the command line, where each token
/// either
/// A) specifies a parameter (by a "param=value" token).
/// B) specifies a xml file to be read (by a "filename.xml" token).
/// C) specifies a param file to be read (by a "filename.param" token).
/// After the tokens are parsed they are stored in a tree structure
/// in the ParameterGroup object; it is worth mentioning that parameters
/// are inherited in this tree structure. Thus, if ``grid\_prefix'' is
/// given a value in the root node, this value will be visible in all
/// parts of the tree (unless the parameter is overwritten in a subtree).
/// Applications using this ParameterGroup objects will usually write out
/// a message for each node in the three that is used by the application;
/// this is one way to determine valid parameters.
/// Parameters specified as "param=value" on the command line
/// To specify a parameter on the command line, you must know where in the tree the
/// parameter resides. The syntax for specifying parameters on the command line given
/// an application called ``simulator'' is
/// simulator param1=value grp/param2=value
// for parameter ``param1'' lying at the root and ``param2'' in the group
/// ``grp''. If the same parameters are specified multiple times on the command
/// line, only the last will be used. Thus an application named ``simulator'' run with
/// the following command
/// simulator param=value1 param=value2
/// will use value2 as the value of ``param''.
/// XML parameters
/// In the introduction to this section it was mentioned that the parameters for
/// the simulator are organized in a tree structure. This is mirrored in the XML
/// file by the use of groups; a group is a collection of parameters and subgroups
/// enclosed by a \fixed{<ParameterGroup>}-\fixed{</ParameterGroup>} pair. The only
/// attribute of relevance in a \fixed{ParameterGroup} tag is that of \fixed{name},
/// which is used to navigate in the tree.
/// The actual parameters are specified by the \fixed{<Parameter />} tag. Each
/// parameter has three attributes: \fixed{name}, \fixed{type}, and \fixed{value}.
/// Both name and value should be evident. Type is one of \fixed{bool} (for things
/// that are either true or false), \fixed{int} (for integers), \fixed{double} (for
/// floating point numbers with double precision), \fixed{string} (for text
/// strings), or \fixed{file} (for files and directories relative to the location
/// of the XML file).
/// param files
/// A param file consists of multiple lienes, where each line consists of "param=value".
/// This syntax is identical to the one for paramters specified on the command line.
/// If one combines both XML files and parameters, one should note that that if a parameter
/// is specified on the command line is also found in a XML file, the parameter
/// specified on the command line is the one used. Thus, if ``parameters.xml''
/// specifies that ``stepsize'' is 2.71828 while, the command used to run the
/// application ``simulator'' is
/// simulator stepsize=3.14159 parameters.xml
/// the simulator will run with ``stepsize'' equal to 3.14159.
class ParameterGroup : public ParameterMapItem {
struct NotFoundException : public std::exception {};
struct WrongTypeException : public std::exception {};
struct ConversionFailedException : public std::exception {};
template<typename T>
struct RequirementFailedException : public std::exception {};
ParameterGroup(const std::string& path, const ParameterGroup* parent);
// From ParameterMapItem
virtual ~ParameterGroup();
virtual std::string getTag() const;
/// \brief A constructor typically used to initialize a
/// ParameterGroup from command-line arguments.
/// It is required that argv[0] is the program name, while if
/// 0 < i < argc, then argv[i] is either
/// the name of an xml file or parametername=value.
/// \param argc is the number of command-line arguments,
/// including the name of the executable.
/// \param argv is an array of char*, each of which is a
/// command line argument.
template <typename StringArray>
ParameterGroup(int argc, StringArray argv, const bool verify_syntax = true);
/// \brief This method checks if there is something with name
/// \p name in the parameter gropup.
/// \param name is the name of the parameter.
/// \return true if \p name is the name of something in the parameter
/// group, false otherwise.
bool has(const std::string& name) const;
/// \brief This method is used to read a parameter from the
/// parameter group.
/// NOTE: If the reading of the parameter fails, then this method
/// throws an appropriate exception.
/// \param name is the name of the parameter in question.
/// \return The value associated with then name in this parameter
/// group.
template<typename T>
T get(const std::string& name) const;
template<typename T, class Requirement>
T get(const std::string& name, const Requirement&) const;
/// \brief This method is used to read a parameter from the
/// parameter group.
/// NOTE: If the reading of the parameter fails, then either
/// a) this method returns \p default_value if there
/// was no parameter with name \p name in
/// the parameter group
/// or
/// b) this method throws an appropriate exception.
/// \param name is the name of the parameter in question.
/// \param default_value the default value of the parameter in
/// question.
/// \return The value associated with this name in this parameter
/// group.
template<typename T>
T getDefault(const std::string& name,
const T& default_value) const;
template<typename T, class Requirement>
T getDefault(const std::string& name,
const T& default_value,
const Requirement& r) const;
/// \brief This method returns the parameter group given by name,
/// i.e. it is an alias of get<ParameterGroup>().
/// \param name is the name of the parameter group sought.
/// \return the parameter group sought.
ParameterGroup getGroup(const std::string& name) const;
/// \brief Disables the output from get, getDefault and getGroup.
/// By default, such output is enabled.
void disableOutput();
/// \brief Enables the output from get, getDefault and getGroup.
/// By default, such output is enabled.
void enableOutput();
/// \brief Returs true if and only if output from get, getDefault
/// and getGroup is enabled.
/// \return true if and only if output from get, getDefault and
/// getGroup is enabled.
bool isOutputEnabled() const;
/// \brief Reads the contents of the xml file specified by
/// xml_filename into this ParameterGroup.
/// \param xml_filename is the name of a xml file.
void readXML(const std::string& xml_filename);
/// \brief Reads the contents of the param file specified by
/// param_filename into this ParameterGroup.
/// NOTE: A param file contains lines on the form 'a/b/c=d'.
// The '/' separates ParameterGroups and Parameters
/// (e.g. c is a Parameter in the ParameterGroup b,
/// and b is a ParameterGroup in the ParameterGroup a)
/// while '=' separates the name from the value (e.g. the
/// value of the parameter c above will be d).
/// NOTE: A param file does not store any type information about
/// its values.
/// \param param_filename is the name of a param file.
void readParam(const std::string& param_filename);
/// \brief Writes this ParameterGroup into a param file
/// specified by param_filename.
/// \param param_filename is the name of a param file.
void writeParam(const std::string& param_filename) const;
/// \brief Writes this ParameterGroup to a stream.
/// \param stream is the stream to write to.
void writeParamToStream(std::ostream& stream) const;
/// vki param interface - deprecated
template<typename T>
void get(const char* name, T& value, const T& default_value) const {
value = this->getDefault<T>(name, default_value);
/// vki param interface - deprecated
template<typename T>
void get(const char* name, T& value) const {
value = this->get<T>(name);
/// \brief Return true if any parameters are unused.
bool anyUnused() const;
/// \brief Shows which parameters which are used or unused.
void displayUsage(bool used_params = false) const;
/// \brief Returns the path of the parameter group.
std::string path() const;
/// Insert a new item into the group.
void insert(const std::string& name,
const std::shared_ptr<ParameterMapItem>& data);
/// Insert a new parameter item into the group.
void insertParameter(const std::string& name, const std::string& value);
typedef std::shared_ptr<ParameterMapItem> data_type;
typedef std::pair<std::string, data_type> pair_type;
typedef std::map<std::string, data_type> map_type;
std::string path_;
map_type map_;
const ParameterGroup* parent_;
bool output_is_enabled_;
template<typename T, class Requirement>
T translate(const pair_type& data, const Requirement& chk) const;
template <typename StringArray>
void parseCommandLineArguments(int argc, StringArray argv);
void recursiveSetIsOutputEnabled(bool output_is_enabled);
// helper routines to do textual I/O
template <typename T>
static std::string to_string(const T& val);
static std::pair<std::string, std::string>
filename_split(const std::string& filename);
} // namespace parameter
} // namespace Opm
#include <opm/core/utility/parameters/ParameterGroup_impl.hpp>