2012-04-25 16:45:32 +02:00

191 lines
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#include <opm/core/InjectionSpecification.hpp>
#include <opm/core/ProductionSpecification.hpp>
#include <opm/core/eclipse/EclipseGridParser.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <string>
namespace Opm
// Need to forward declare this one, some of the methods in the base
// class returns pointers to it.
class WellNode;
/// Basic information needed for group control (each group should typically
/// not exceed the sum of its leaf nodes)
struct WellPhasesSummed {
double bhp_sum;
double rate_sum;
/// Sums each component
void operator+=(const WellPhasesSummed& other);
class WellsGroupInterface
WellsGroupInterface(const std::string& name,
ProductionSpecification prod_spec,
InjectionSpecification inj_spec);
virtual ~WellsGroupInterface();
/// The unique identifier for the well or well group.
const std::string& name();
/// Production specifications for the well or well group.
const ProductionSpecification& prodSpec() const;
/// Injection specifications for the well or well group.
const InjectionSpecification& injSpec() const;
/// Production specifications for the well or well group.
ProductionSpecification& prodSpec();
/// Injection specifications for the well or well group.
InjectionSpecification& injSpec();
/// \returns true if the object is a leaf node (WellNode), false otherwise.
virtual bool isLeafNode() const;
/// \returns the pointer to the WellsGroupInterface with the given name. NULL if
/// the name is not found.a
virtual WellsGroupInterface* findGroup(const std::string& name_of_node) = 0;
/// Sets the parent
/// \param[in] parent the pointer to the parent
void setParent(WellsGroupInterface* parent);
/// Gets the parent of the group, NULL if no parent.
const WellsGroupInterface* getParent() const;
/// Recursively calculate the guide rate for each member of the well group.
/// This should be called after the guide rates are set to the non-normalized values.
virtual void calculateGuideRates() = 0;
/// Calculates the number of leaf nodes in the given group.
/// A leaf node is defined to have one leaf node in its group.
virtual int numberOfLeafNodes() = 0;
/// Checks if each condition is met, applies well controls where needed
/// (that is, it either changes the active control of violating wells, or shuts
/// down wells). Only one change is applied per invocation. Typical use will be
/// \code
/// solve_pressure();
/// while(!group.conditionsMet(well_bhp, well_rate, summed_phases)) {
/// solve_pressure();
/// }
/// \endcode
/// \note It's highly recommended to use the conditionsMet found in WellsManager.
/// \param[in] well_bhp A vector containing the bhp for each well. Is assumed
/// to be ordered the same way as the related Wells-struct.
/// \param[in] well_rate A vector containing the rate for each well. Is assumed
/// to be ordered the same way as the related Wells-struct.
/// \param[out] summed_phases Will at end of invocation contain the summed phases
/// (bhp, rate ,etc.) for the group.
/// \param[in] epsilon The error tolerated for each inequality. Formally, it will accept
/// (a - b <= epsilon) as (a <= b).
/// \return true if no violations were found, false otherwise (false also implies a change).
virtual bool conditionsMet(const std::vector<double>& well_bhp,
const std::vector<double>& well_rate,
WellPhasesSummed& summed_phases,
const double epsilon = 1e-8) = 0;
/// Sets the current active control to the provided one for all wells within the group
/// \note Also changes the target based on type.
/// \param[in] type the type to change to which the control is changed.
virtual void applyControl(const WellControlType type) = 0;
/// Gets the worst offending well based on the input
/// \param values A vector of a values for each well. This is assumed to be ordered the same way as the
/// relevant Wells struct.
/// \return first will be a pointer to the worst offending well, second will be the obtained value at that well.
virtual std::pair<WellNode*, double> getWorstOffending(const std::vector<double>& values) = 0;
WellsGroupInterface* parent_;
std::string name_;
ProductionSpecification production_specification_;
InjectionSpecification injection_specification_;
class WellsGroup : public WellsGroupInterface
WellsGroup(const std::string& name,
ProductionSpecification prod_spec,
InjectionSpecification inj_spec);
virtual WellsGroupInterface* findGroup(const std::string& name_of_node);
void addChild(std::tr1::shared_ptr<WellsGroupInterface> child);
virtual bool conditionsMet(const std::vector<double>& well_bhp,
const std::vector<double>& well_rate,
WellPhasesSummed& summed_phases,
const double epsilon = 1e-8);
virtual void calculateGuideRates();
virtual int numberOfLeafNodes();
virtual std::pair<WellNode*, double> getWorstOffending(const std::vector<double>& values);
virtual void applyControl(const WellControlType type);
std::vector<std::tr1::shared_ptr<WellsGroupInterface> > children_;
class WellNode : public WellsGroupInterface
WellNode(const std::string& name,
ProductionSpecification prod_spec,
InjectionSpecification inj_spec);
virtual WellsGroupInterface* findGroup(const std::string& name_of_node);
virtual bool conditionsMet(const std::vector<double>& well_bhp,
const std::vector<double>& well_rate,
WellPhasesSummed& summed_phases,
const double epsilon = 1e-8);
virtual bool isLeafNode() const;
void setWellsPointer(Wells* wells, int self_index);
virtual void calculateGuideRates();
virtual int numberOfLeafNodes();
// Shuts the well (in the well struct)
void shutWell();
virtual std::pair<WellNode*, double> getWorstOffending(const std::vector<double>& values);
virtual void applyControl(const WellControlType type);
Wells* wells_;
int self_index_;
/// Creates the WellsGroupInterface for the given name
/// \param[in] name the name of the wells group.
/// \param[in] deck the deck from which to fetch information.
std::tr1::shared_ptr<WellsGroupInterface> createWellsGroup(const std::string& name,
const EclipseGridParser& deck);