This commit implements some additional scaling keywords. This includes the ISWL-family that provide hysteresis behaviour via alternative scaling of the tables. The old parser has been somewhat extended for testing purposes. The commit also includes a slight refactoring of the SatFunc-family where a new base class has been introduced.
621 lines
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621 lines
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Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#include <opm/core/props/satfunc/SatFuncBase.hpp>
namespace Opm
template<class TableType>
class SatFuncGwseg : public SatFuncBase<TableType>
void evalKr(const double* s, double* kr) const;
void evalKrDeriv(const double* s, double* kr, double* dkrds) const;
void evalPc(const double* s, double* pc) const;
void evalPcDeriv(const double* s, double* pc, double* dpcds) const;
void evalKr(const double* s, double* kr, const EPSTransforms* epst) const;
void evalKr(const double* s, double* kr, const EPSTransforms* epst, const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst, const SatHyst* sat_hyst) const;
void evalKrDeriv(const double* s, double* kr, double* dkrds, const EPSTransforms* epst) const;
void evalKrDeriv(const double* s, double* kr, double* dkrds, const EPSTransforms* epst, const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst, const SatHyst* sat_hyst) const;
void evalPc(const double* s, double* pc, const EPSTransforms* epst) const;
void evalPcDeriv(const double* s, double* pc, double* dpcds, const EPSTransforms* epst) const;
typedef SatFuncGwseg<UniformTableLinear<double> > SatFuncGwsegUniform;
typedef SatFuncGwseg<NonuniformTableLinear<double> > SatFuncGwsegNonuniform;
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalKr(const double* s, double* kr) const
if (this->phase_usage.num_phases == 3) {
// Relative permeability model based on segregation of water
// and gas, with oil present in both water and gas zones.
double swco = this->smin_[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]];
const double sw = std::max(s[BlackoilPhases::Aqua], swco);
const double sg = s[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
const double eps = 1e-5;
swco = std::min(swco,sw-eps);
// xw and xg are the fractions occupied by water and gas zones.
const double ssg = sw - swco + sg;
const double xw = (sw - swco) / ssg;
const double xg = 1 - xw;
const double ssw = sg + sw;
const double krw = this->krw_(sw);
const double krg = this->krg_(sg);
const double krow = this->krow_(ssw);
const double krog = this->krog_(ssg);
kr[BlackoilPhases::Aqua] = krw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] = krg;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] = xw*krow + xg*krog;
// We have a two-phase situation. We know that oil is active.
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sw = s[wpos];
double krw = this->krw_(sw);
double krow = this->krow_(sw);
kr[wpos] = krw;
kr[opos] = krow;
} else {
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sg = s[gpos];
double krg = this->krg_(sg);
double krog = this->krog_(sg);
kr[gpos] = krg;
kr[opos] = krog;
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalKr(const double* s, double* kr, const EPSTransforms* epst) const
if (this->phase_usage.num_phases == 3) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
// Relative permeability model based on segregation of water
// and gas, with oil present in both water and gas zones.
// TODO Also consider connate gas ...
double _swco = this->smin_[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]];
double swco = epst->wat.smin;
const double sw = std::max(s[BlackoilPhases::Aqua], swco);
const double sg = s[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
const double eps = 1e-6;
swco = std::min(swco,sw-eps);
const double ssw = sg + sw;
const double ssg = std::max(sg + sw - swco, eps);
const double d = ssg; // = sw - swco + sg (using 'd' for consistency with mrst docs).
double ssow = 1.0-ssw;
double ssog = 1.0-ssg-swco;
double _sw = epst->wat.scaleSat(sw, 1.0-this->sowcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->swcr_, this->smax_[wpos]);
double _sg = epst->gas.scaleSat(sg, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
double _ssow = epst->watoil.scaleSat(ssow, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double _ssog = epst->gasoil.scaleSat(ssog, 1.0-this->sgcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sogcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
const double krw = epst->wat.scaleKr(sw, this->krw_(_sw), this->krwr_);
const double krg = epst->gas.scaleKr(sg, this->krg_(_sg), this->krgr_);
const double krow = epst->watoil.scaleKr(ssow, this->krow_(1.0-_ssow), this->krorw_);
const double krog = epst->gasoil.scaleKr(ssog, this->krog_(1.0-_ssog-_swco), this->krorg_);
// xw and xg are the fractions occupied by water and gas zones.
const double xw = (sw - swco) / d;
const double xg = 1 - xw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Aqua] = krw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] = krg;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] = xw*krow + xg*krog;
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SatFuncGwseg -- need to be implemented ...");
// We have a two-phase situation. We know that oil is active.
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sw = s[wpos];
double krw = this->krw_(sw);
double krow = this->krow_(sw);
kr[wpos] = krw;
kr[opos] = krow;
} else {
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sg = s[gpos];
double krg = this->krg_(sg);
double krog = this->krog_(sg);
kr[gpos] = krg;
kr[opos] = krog;
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalKr(const double* s, double* kr, const EPSTransforms* epst, const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst, const SatHyst* sat_hyst) const
if (this->phase_usage.num_phases == 3) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
// Relative permeability model based on segregation of water
// and gas, with oil present in both water and gas zones.
// TODO Consider connate gas ...
double _swco = this->smin_[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]];
double swco = epst->wat.smin;
const double sw = std::max(s[BlackoilPhases::Aqua], swco);
const double sg = s[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
const double eps = 1e-6;
swco = std::min(swco,sw-eps);
const double ssw = sg + sw;
const double ssg = std::max(sg + sw - swco, eps);
const double d = ssg; // = sw - swco + sg (using 'd' for consistency with mrst docs).
double ssow = 1.0-ssw;
double ssog = 1.0-ssg-swco;
// The code below corresponds to EHYSTR * 0 * * KR/
// - wettability properties water>oil>gas.
// - Carlsen hysteresis model for non-wetting (scanning=shifted_imb). No hysteresis for wetting phase.
// The imb-curve currently only differs from drainage curves via endpoint scaling ...
// Water - use drainage curve only
double _sw = epst->wat.scaleSat(sw, 1.0-this->sowcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->swcr_, this->smax_[wpos]);
double krw = epst->wat.scaleKr(sw, this->krw_(_sw), this->krwr_);
// Gas
double krg;
if (sg >= sat_hyst->sg_hyst) { // Drainage
double _sg = epst->gas.scaleSat(sg, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
krg = epst->gas.scaleKr(sg, this->krg_(_sg), this->krgr_);
} else { // Imbibition
double sg_shifted = sg + sat_hyst->sg_shift;
double _sg = epst_hyst->gas.scaleSat(sg_shifted, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
krg = epst_hyst->gas.scaleKr(sg_shifted, this->krg_(_sg), this->krgr_);
// Oil in water
double krow;
if (ssow >= sat_hyst->sow_hyst) { // Drainage
double _ssow = epst->watoil.scaleSat(ssow, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
krow = epst->watoil.scaleKr(ssow, this->krow_(1.0-_ssow), this->krorw_);
} else { // Imbibition
double ssow_shifted = ssow + sat_hyst->sow_shift;
double _ssow = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleSat(ssow_shifted, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
krow = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleKr(ssow_shifted, this->krow_(1.0-_ssow), this->krorw_);
// Oil in gas and connate water - use drainage curve only
double _ssog = epst->gasoil.scaleSat(ssog, 1.0-this->sgcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sogcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double krog = epst->gasoil.scaleKr(ssog, this->krog_(1.0-_ssog-_swco), this->krorg_);
// xw and xg are the fractions occupied by water and gas zones.
const double xw = (sw - swco) / d;
const double xg = 1 - xw;
// relperms
kr[BlackoilPhases::Aqua] = krw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] = krg;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] = xw*krow + xg*krog;
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SatFuncGwseg -- need to be implemented ...");
// We have a two-phase situation. We know that oil is active.
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sw = s[wpos];
double krw = this->krw_(sw);
double krow = this->krow_(sw);
kr[wpos] = krw;
kr[opos] = krow;
} else {
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sg = s[gpos];
double krg = this->krg_(sg);
double krog = this->krog_(sg);
kr[gpos] = krg;
kr[opos] = krog;
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalKrDeriv(const double* s, double* kr, double* dkrds) const
const int np = this->phase_usage.num_phases;
std::fill(dkrds, dkrds + np*np, 0.0);
if (np == 3) {
// Relative permeability model based on segregation of water
// and gas, with oil present in both water and gas zones.
double swco = this->smin_[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]];
const double sw = std::max(s[BlackoilPhases::Aqua], swco);
const double sg = s[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
const double eps = 1e-5;
swco = std::min(swco,sw-eps);
// xw and xg are the fractions occupied by water and gas zones.
const double ssw = sg + sw;
// d = ssg = sw - swco + sg (using 'd' for consistency with mrst docs).
const double d = sg + sw - swco;
const double xw = (sw - swco) / d;
const double krw = this->krw_(sw);
const double krg = this->krg_(sg);
const double krow = this->krow_(ssw);
const double krog = this->krog_(d);
const double xg = 1 - xw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Aqua] = krw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] = krg;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] = xw*krow + xg*krog;
// Derivatives.
const double dkrww = this->krw_.derivative(sw);
const double dkrgg = this->krg_.derivative(sg);
const double dkrow = this->krow_.derivative(ssw);
const double dkrog = this->krog_.derivative(d);
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Aqua + BlackoilPhases::Aqua*np] = dkrww;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Liquid + BlackoilPhases::Aqua*np] = (xg/d)*krow + xw*dkrow - (xg/d)*krog + xg*dkrog;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Liquid + BlackoilPhases::Vapour*np] = -(xw/d)*krow + xw*dkrow + (xw/d)*krog + xg*dkrog;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Vapour + BlackoilPhases::Vapour*np] = dkrgg;
// We have a two-phase situation. We know that oil is active.
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sw = s[wpos];
double krw = this->krw_(sw);
double dkrww = this->krw_.derivative(sw);
double krow = this->krow_(sw);
double dkrow = this->krow_.derivative(sw);
kr[wpos] = krw;
kr[opos] = krow;
dkrds[wpos + wpos*np] = dkrww;
dkrds[opos + wpos*np] = dkrow; // Row opos, column wpos, fortran order.
} else {
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sg = s[gpos];
double krg = this->krg_(sg);
double dkrgg = this->krg_.derivative(sg);
double krog = this->krog_(sg);
double dkrog = this->krog_.derivative(sg);
kr[gpos] = krg;
kr[opos] = krog;
dkrds[gpos + gpos*np] = dkrgg;
dkrds[opos + gpos*np] = dkrog;
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalKrDeriv(const double* s, double* kr, double* dkrds, const EPSTransforms* epst) const
const int np = this->phase_usage.num_phases;
std::fill(dkrds, dkrds + np*np, 0.0);
if (np == 3) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
// Relative permeability model based on segregation of water
// and gas, with oil present in both water and gas zones.
// TODO Also consider connate gas ...
double _swco = this->smin_[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]];
double swco = epst->wat.smin;
const double sw = std::max(s[BlackoilPhases::Aqua], swco);
const double sg = s[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
const double eps = 1e-6;
swco = std::min(swco,sw-eps);
const double ssw = sg + sw;
const double ssg = std::max(sg + sw - swco, eps);
const double d = ssg; // = sw - swco + sg (using 'd' for consistency with mrst docs).
double ssow = 1.0-ssw;
double ssog = 1.0-ssg-swco;
double _sw = epst->wat.scaleSat(sw, 1.0-this->sowcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->swcr_, this->smax_[wpos]);
double _dsdsw = epst->wat.scaleSatDeriv(sw, 1.0-this->sowcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->swcr_, this->smax_[wpos]);
double _sg = epst->gas.scaleSat(sg, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
double _dsdsg = epst->gas.scaleSatDeriv(sg, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
double _ssow = epst->watoil.scaleSat(ssow, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double _dsdssow = epst->watoil.scaleSatDeriv(ssow, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double _ssog = epst->gasoil.scaleSat(ssog, 1.0-this->sgcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sogcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double _dsdssog = epst->gasoil.scaleSatDeriv(ssog, 1.0-this->sgcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sogcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
const double krw = epst->wat.scaleKr(sw, this->krw_(_sw), this->krwr_);
const double krg = epst->gas.scaleKr(sg, this->krg_(_sg), this->krgr_);
const double krow = epst->watoil.scaleKr(ssow, this->krow_(1.0-_ssow), this->krorw_);
const double krog = epst->gasoil.scaleKr(ssog, this->krog_(1.0-_ssog-_swco), this->krorg_);
// xw and xg are the fractions occupied by water and gas zones.
const double xw = (sw - swco) / d;
const double xg = 1 - xw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Aqua] = krw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] = krg;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] = xw*krow + xg*krog;
// Derivatives.
double dkrww = _dsdsw*epst->wat.scaleKrDeriv(sw, this->krw_.derivative(_sw));
double dkrgg = _dsdsg*epst->gas.scaleKrDeriv(sg, this->krg_.derivative(_sg));
double dkrow = _dsdssow*epst->watoil.scaleKrDeriv(ssow, this->krow_.derivative(1.0-_ssow));
double dkrog = _dsdssog*epst->gasoil.scaleKrDeriv(ssog, this->krog_.derivative(1.0-_ssog-_swco));
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Aqua + BlackoilPhases::Aqua*np] = dkrww;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Liquid + BlackoilPhases::Aqua*np] = (xg/d)*krow + xw*dkrow - (xg/d)*krog + xg*dkrog;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Liquid + BlackoilPhases::Vapour*np] = -(xw/d)*krow + xw*dkrow + (xw/d)*krog + xg*dkrog;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Vapour + BlackoilPhases::Vapour*np] = dkrgg;
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SatFuncGwseg -- need to be implemented ...");
// We have a two-phase situation. We know that oil is active.
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sw = s[wpos];
double krw = this->krw_(sw);
double dkrww = this->krw_.derivative(sw);
double krow = this->krow_(sw);
double dkrow = this->krow_.derivative(sw);
kr[wpos] = krw;
kr[opos] = krow;
dkrds[wpos + wpos*np] = dkrww;
dkrds[opos + wpos*np] = dkrow; // Row opos, column wpos, fortran order.
} else {
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sg = s[gpos];
double krg = this->krg_(sg);
double dkrgg = this->krg_.derivative(sg);
double krog = this->krog_(sg);
double dkrog = this->krog_.derivative(sg);
kr[gpos] = krg;
kr[opos] = krog;
dkrds[gpos + gpos*np] = dkrgg;
dkrds[opos + gpos*np] = dkrog;
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalKrDeriv(const double* s, double* kr, double* dkrds, const EPSTransforms* epst, const EPSTransforms* epst_hyst, const SatHyst* sat_hyst) const
const int np = this->phase_usage.num_phases;
std::fill(dkrds, dkrds + np*np, 0.0);
if (np == 3) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
// Relative permeability model based on segregation of water
// and gas, with oil present in both water and gas zones.
// TODO Also consider connate gas ...
double _swco = this->smin_[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]];
double swco = epst->wat.smin;
const double sw = std::max(s[BlackoilPhases::Aqua], swco);
const double sg = s[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
const double eps = 1e-6;
swco = std::min(swco,sw-eps);
const double ssw = sg + sw;
const double ssg = std::max(sg + sw - swco, eps);
const double d = ssg; // = sw - swco + sg (using 'd' for consistency with mrst docs).
double ssow = 1.0-ssw;
double ssog = 1.0-ssg-swco;
// The code below corresponds to EHYSTR * 0 * * KR/
// - wettability properties water>oil>gas.
// - Carlsen hysteresis model for non-wetting (scanning=shifted_imb). No hysteresis for wetting phase.
// The imb-curve currently only differs from drainage curves via endpoint scaling ...
// Water - use drainage curve only
double _sw = epst->wat.scaleSat(sw, 1.0-this->sowcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->swcr_, this->smax_[wpos]);
double _dsdsw = epst->wat.scaleSatDeriv(sw, 1.0-this->sowcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->swcr_, this->smax_[wpos]);
double krw = epst->wat.scaleKr(sw, this->krw_(_sw), this->krwr_);
double dkrww = _dsdsw*epst->wat.scaleKrDeriv(sw, this->krw_.derivative(_sw));
// Gas
double krg, dkrgg;
if (sg >= sat_hyst->sg_hyst) { // Drainage
double _sg = epst->gas.scaleSat(sg, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
double _dsdsg = epst->gas.scaleSatDeriv(sg, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
krg = epst->gas.scaleKr(sg, this->krg_(_sg), this->krgr_);
dkrgg = _dsdsg*epst->gas.scaleKrDeriv(sg, this->krg_.derivative(_sg));
} else { // Imbibition
double sg_shifted = sg + sat_hyst->sg_shift;
double _sg = epst_hyst->gas.scaleSat(sg_shifted, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
double _dsdsg = epst_hyst->gas.scaleSatDeriv(sg_shifted, 1.0-this->sogcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sgcr_, this->smax_[gpos]);
krg = epst_hyst->gas.scaleKr(sg_shifted, this->krg_(_sg), this->krgr_);
dkrgg = _dsdsg*epst_hyst->gas.scaleKrDeriv(sg_shifted, this->krg_.derivative(_sg));
// Oil in water
double krow, dkrow;
if (ssow >= sat_hyst->sow_hyst) { // Drainage
double _ssow = epst->watoil.scaleSat(ssow, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double _dsdssow = epst->watoil.scaleSatDeriv(ssow, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
krow = epst->watoil.scaleKr(ssow, this->krow_(1.0-_ssow), this->krorw_);
dkrow = _dsdssow*epst->watoil.scaleKrDeriv(ssow, this->krow_.derivative(1.0-_ssow));
} else { // Imbibition
double ssow_shifted = ssow + sat_hyst->sow_shift;
double _ssow = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleSat(ssow_shifted, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double _dsdssow = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleSatDeriv(ssow_shifted, 1.0-this->swcr_-this->smin_[gpos], this->sowcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
krow = epst_hyst->watoil.scaleKr(ssow_shifted, this->krow_(1.0-_ssow), this->krorw_);
dkrow = _dsdssow*epst_hyst->watoil.scaleKrDeriv(ssow_shifted, this->krow_.derivative(1.0-_ssow));
// Oil in gas and connate water - use drainage curve only
double _ssog = epst->gasoil.scaleSat(ssog, 1.0-this->sgcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sogcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double _dsdssog = epst->gasoil.scaleSatDeriv(ssog, 1.0-this->sgcr_-this->smin_[wpos], this->sogcr_, 1.0-this->smin_[wpos]-this->smin_[gpos]);
double krog = epst->gasoil.scaleKr(ssog, this->krog_(1.0-_ssog-_swco), this->krorg_);
double dkrog = _dsdssog*epst->gasoil.scaleKrDeriv(ssog, this->krog_.derivative(1.0-_ssog-_swco));
// xw and xg are the fractions occupied by water and gas zones.
const double xw = (sw - swco) / d;
const double xg = 1 - xw;
// relperms
kr[BlackoilPhases::Aqua] = krw;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Vapour] = krg;
kr[BlackoilPhases::Liquid] = xw*krow + xg*krog;
// Derivatives.
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Aqua + BlackoilPhases::Aqua*np] = dkrww;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Liquid + BlackoilPhases::Aqua*np] = (xg/d)*krow + xw*dkrow - (xg/d)*krog + xg*dkrog;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Liquid + BlackoilPhases::Vapour*np] = -(xw/d)*krow + xw*dkrow + (xw/d)*krog + xg*dkrog;
dkrds[BlackoilPhases::Vapour + BlackoilPhases::Vapour*np] = dkrgg;
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "SatFuncGwseg -- need to be implemented ...");
// We have a two-phase situation. We know that oil is active.
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int wpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sw = s[wpos];
double krw = this->krw_(sw);
double dkrww = this->krw_.derivative(sw);
double krow = this->krow_(sw);
double dkrow = this->krow_.derivative(sw);
kr[wpos] = krw;
kr[opos] = krow;
dkrds[wpos + wpos*np] = dkrww;
dkrds[opos + wpos*np] = dkrow; // Row opos, column wpos, fortran order.
} else {
int gpos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
int opos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid];
double sg = s[gpos];
double krg = this->krg_(sg);
double dkrgg = this->krg_.derivative(sg);
double krog = this->krog_(sg);
double dkrog = this->krog_.derivative(sg);
kr[gpos] = krg;
kr[opos] = krog;
dkrds[gpos + gpos*np] = dkrgg;
dkrds[opos + gpos*np] = dkrog;
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalPc(const double* s, double* pc) const
pc[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]] = 0.0;
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
pc[pos] = this->pcow_(s[pos]);
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
pc[pos] = this->pcog_(s[pos]);
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalPc(const double* s, double* pc, const EPSTransforms* epst) const
pc[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]] = 0.0;
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
double _sw = epst->wat.scaleSatPc(s[pos], this->smin_[pos], this->smax_[pos]);
pc[pos] = this->pcow_(_sw);
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
double _sg = epst->gas.scaleSatPc(s[pos], this->smin_[pos], this->smax_[pos]);
pc[pos] = this->pcog_(_sg);
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalPcDeriv(const double* s, double* pc, double* dpcds) const
// The problem of determining three-phase capillary pressures
// is very hard experimentally, usually one extends two-phase
// data (as for relative permeability).
// In our approach the derivative matrix is quite sparse, only
// the diagonal elements corresponding to non-oil phases are
// (potentially) nonzero.
const int np = this->phase_usage.num_phases;
std::fill(dpcds, dpcds + np*np, 0.0);
pc[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]] = 0.0;
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
pc[pos] = this->pcow_(s[pos]);
dpcds[np*pos + pos] = this->pcow_.derivative(s[pos]);
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
pc[pos] = this->pcog_(s[pos]);
dpcds[np*pos + pos] = this->pcog_.derivative(s[pos]);
template<class TableType>
void SatFuncGwseg<TableType>::evalPcDeriv(const double* s, double* pc, double* dpcds, const EPSTransforms* epst) const
// The problem of determining three-phase capillary pressures
// is very hard experimentally, usually one extends two-phase
// data (as for relative permeability).
// In our approach the derivative matrix is quite sparse, only
// the diagonal elements corresponding to non-oil phases are
// (potentially) nonzero.
const int np = this->phase_usage.num_phases;
std::fill(dpcds, dpcds + np*np, 0.0);
pc[this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Liquid]] = 0.0;
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Aqua]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Aqua];
double _sw = epst->wat.scaleSatPc(s[pos], this->smin_[pos], this->smax_[pos]);
pc[pos] = this->pcow_(s[pos]);
double _dsdsw = epst->wat.scaleSatDerivPc(s[pos], this->smin_[pos], this->smax_[pos]);
dpcds[np*pos + pos] = _dsdsw*this->pcow_.derivative(_sw);
if (this->phase_usage.phase_used[BlackoilPhases::Vapour]) {
int pos = this->phase_usage.phase_pos[BlackoilPhases::Vapour];
double _sg = epst->gas.scaleSatPc(s[pos], this->smin_[pos], this->smax_[pos]);
pc[pos] = this->pcog_(_sg);
double _dsdsg = epst->gas.scaleSatDerivPc(s[pos], this->smin_[pos], this->smax_[pos]);
dpcds[np*pos + pos] = _dsdsg*this->pcog_.derivative(_sg);
} // namespace Opm