2011-12-12 11:13:54 +01:00

359 lines
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// File: uniquepoints.c
// Created: Fri Jun 19 08:46:05 2009
// Author: Jostein R. Natvig <Jostein.R.Natvig@sintef.no>
// $Date$
// $Revision$
Copyright 2009, 2010 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
Copyright 2009, 2010 Statoil ASA.
This file is part of The Open Reservoir Simulator Project (OpenRS).
OpenRS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OpenRS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OpenRS. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sparsetable.h"
#include "preprocess.h"
#include "uniquepoints.h"
#define min(i,j) ((i)<(j) ? (i) : (j))
#define max(i,j) ((i)>(j) ? (i) : (j))
#define overlap(a1,a2,b1,b2) max(a1,b1) < min(a2,b2)
Compare function passed to qsort
static int compare(const void *a, const void *b)
if (*(const double*)a < *(const double*) b) return -1;
else return 1;
Creat sorted list of z-values in zcorn with actnum==1
static int createSortedList(double *list, int n, int m,
const double *z[], const int *a[])
int i,j;
double *ptr = list;
for (i=0; i<n; ++i){
for (j=0; j<m; ++j){
if (a[j][i/2]) *ptr++ = z[j][i];
/* else fprintf(stderr, "skipping point in inactive cell\n"); */
qsort(list, ptr-list, sizeof(double), compare);
return ptr-list;
Remove points less than <tolerance> apart in <list> of increasing
static int uniquify(int n, double *list, double tolerance)
int i, pos = 0;
double val;
assert (!(tolerance < 0.0));
if (n<1) return 0;
val = list[pos++];/* Keep first value */
for (i=1; i<n; ++i){
if (val + tolerance < list [i]){
val = list[i];
list[pos++] = val;
Preserve outer z-boundary.
This operation is a no-op in the case
list[pos-2] + tolerance < list[n-1].
If, however, the second to last point is less than <tolerance>
away from the last point (list[n-1]), we remove this
second-to-last point as it cannot be distinguished from "final"
list[pos-1] = list[n-1];
return pos;
Along single pillar:
static int assignPointNumbers(int begin,
int end,
const double *zlist,
int n,
const double *zcorn,
const int *actnum,
int *plist,
double tolerance)
/* n - number of cells */
/* zlist - list of len unique z-values */
/* start - number of unique z-values processed before. */
int i, k;
/* All points should now be within tolerance of a listed point. */
const double *z = zcorn;
const int *a = actnum;
int *p = plist;
k = begin;
*p++ = INT_MIN; /* Padding to ease processing of faults */
for (i=0; i<n; ++i){
/* Skip inactive cells */
if (!a[i/2]) {
p[0] = p[-1]; /* Inactive cells are collapsed leaving void space.*/
/* Find next k such that zlist[k] < z[i] < zlist[k+1] */
while ((k < end) && (zlist[k] + tolerance < z[i])){
/* assert (k < len && z[i] - zlist[k] <= tolerance) */
if ((k == end) || ( zlist[k] + tolerance < z[i])){
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot associate zcorn values with given list\n");
fprintf(stderr, "of z-coordinates to given tolerance\n");
return 0;
*p++ = k;
*p++ = INT_MAX;/* Padding to ease processing of faults */
return 1;
Given a vector <field> with k index running faster than i running
faster than j, and Cartesian dimensions <dims>, find pointers to the
(i-1, j-1, 0), (i-1, j, 0), (i, j-1, 0) and (i, j, 0) elements of
static void igetvectors(const int dims[3], int i, int j,
const int *field, const int *v[])
int im = max(1, i ) - 1;
int ip = min(dims[0], i+1) - 1;
int jm = max(1, j ) - 1;
int jp = min(dims[1], j+1) - 1;
v[0] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jm);
v[1] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jp);
v[2] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jm);
v[3] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jp);
Given a vector <field> with k index running faster than i running
faster than j, and Cartesian dimensions <dims>, find pointers to the
(i-1, j-1, 0), (i-1, j, 0), (i, j-1, 0) and (i, j, 0) elements of
static void dgetvectors(const int dims[3], int i, int j,
const double *field, const double *v[])
int im = max(1, i ) - 1;
int ip = min(dims[0], i+1) - 1;
int jm = max(1, j ) - 1;
int jp = min(dims[1], j+1) - 1;
v[0] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jm);
v[1] = field + dims[2]*(im + dims[0]* jp);
v[2] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jm);
v[3] = field + dims[2]*(ip + dims[0]* jp);
Given a z coordinate, find x and y coordinates on line defined by
coord. Coord points to a vector of 6 doubles [x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1].
static void interpolate_pillar(const double *coord, double *pt)
double a = (pt[2]-coord[2])/(coord[5]-coord[2]);
if (isinf(a) || isnan(a)){
a = 0;
#if 0
pt[0] = coord[0] + a*(coord[3]-coord[0]);
pt[1] = coord[1] + a*(coord[4]-coord[1]);
pt[0] = (1.0 - a)*coord[0] + a*coord[3];
pt[1] = (1.0 - a)*coord[1] + a*coord[4];
Assign point numbers p such that "zlist(p)==zcorn".
Assume that coordinate number is arranged in a
sequence such that the natural index is (k,i,j)
int finduniquepoints(const struct grdecl *g,
/* return values: */
int *plist, /* list of point numbers on each pillar*/
double tolerance,
struct processed_grid *out)
int nx = out->dimensions[0];
int ny = out->dimensions[1];
int nz = out->dimensions[2];
/* ztab->data may need extra space temporarily due to simple boundary treatement */
int npillarpoints = 8*(nx+1)*(ny+1)*nz;
int npillars = (nx+1)*(ny+1);
sparse_table_t *ztab = malloc_sparse_table(npillars,
int nc = g->dims[0]*g->dims[1]*g->dims[2];
double *zlist = ztab->data; /* casting void* to double* */
int *zptr = ztab->ptr;
int i,j,k;
int d1[3];
int len = 0;
double *zout = zlist;
int pos = 0;
const double *coord = g->coord;
double *pt;
int *p;
d1[0] = 2*g->dims[0]; d1[1] = 2*g->dims[1]; d1[2] = 2*g->dims[2];
out->node_coordinates = malloc (3*8*nc*sizeof(*out->node_coordinates));
zptr[pos++] = zout - zlist;
pt = out->node_coordinates;
/* Loop over pillars, find unique points on each pillar */
for (j=0; j < g->dims[1]+1; ++j){
for (i=0; i < g->dims[0]+1; ++i){
const int *a[4];
const double *z[4];
/* Get positioned pointers for actnum and zcorn data */
igetvectors(g->dims, i, j, g->actnum, a);
dgetvectors(d1, 2*i, 2*j, g->zcorn, z);
len = createSortedList( zout, d1[2], 4, z, a);
len = uniquify (len, zout, tolerance);
/* Assign unique points */
for (k=0; k<len; ++k){
pt[2] = zout[k];
interpolate_pillar(coord, pt);
pt += 3;
/* Increment pointer to sparse table of unique zcorn values */
zout = zout + len;
zptr[pos++] = zout - zlist;
coord += 6;
out->number_of_nodes_on_pillars = zptr[pos-1];
out->number_of_nodes = zptr[pos-1];
/* Loop over all vertical sets of zcorn values, assign point numbers */
p = plist;
for (j=0; j < 2*g->dims[1]; ++j){
for (i=0; i < 2*g->dims[0]; ++i){
/* pillar index */
int pix = (i+1)/2 + (g->dims[0]+1)*((j+1)/2);
/* cell column position */
int cix = g->dims[2]*((i/2) + (j/2)*g->dims[0]);
/* zcorn column position */
int zix = 2*g->dims[2]*(i+2*g->dims[0]*j);
const int *a = g->actnum + cix;
const double *z = g->zcorn + zix;
if (!assignPointNumbers(zptr[pix], zptr[pix+1], zlist,
2*g->dims[2], z, a, p, tolerance)){
fprintf(stderr, "Something went wrong in assignPointNumbers");
return 0;
p += 2 + 2*g->dims[2];
return 1;
/* Local Variables: */
/* c-basic-offset:4 */
/* End: */