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// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
module for the precise wording of the license and the list of
copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::EclWellManager
#include "eclpeacemanwell.hh"
#include <opm/models/discretization/common/fvbaseproperties.hh>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Deck/Deck.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Events.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Well/WellConnections.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Well/Well.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/TimeMap.hpp>
2019-10-01 07:30:11 -05:00
#include <opm/output/eclipse/RestartValue.hpp>
#include <opm/output/data/Wells.hpp>
#include <opm/material/common/Exceptions.hpp>
#include <opm/models/utils/propertysystem.hh>
#include <opm/models/parallel/threadedentityiterator.hh>
2014-08-11 07:10:35 -05:00
#include <dune/grid/common/gridenums.hh>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
2014-08-11 07:10:35 -05:00
namespace Opm {
2014-08-11 07:10:35 -05:00
* \ingroup EclBlackOilSimulator
* \brief A class which handles well controls as specified by an
* Eclipse deck
template <class TypeTag>
class EclWellManager
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Simulator) Simulator;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, GridView) GridView;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Grid) Grid;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Scalar) Scalar;
2015-05-21 09:18:45 -05:00
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, Evaluation) Evaluation;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, FluidSystem) FluidSystem;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, ElementContext) ElementContext;
typedef typename GET_PROP_TYPE(TypeTag, RateVector) RateVector;
2015-05-21 09:18:45 -05:00
enum { numEq = GET_PROP_VALUE(TypeTag, NumEq) };
enum { numPhases = FluidSystem::numPhases };
enum { waterPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::waterPhaseIdx };
enum { oilPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::oilPhaseIdx };
enum { gasPhaseIdx = FluidSystem::gasPhaseIdx };
typedef typename GridView::template Codim<0>::Entity Element;
typedef Opm::EclPeacemanWell<TypeTag> Well;
2018-06-10 14:15:37 -05:00
typedef std::map<int, std::pair<const Opm::Connection*, std::shared_ptr<Well> > > WellConnectionsMap;
2015-05-21 09:18:45 -05:00
typedef Dune::FieldVector<Evaluation, numEq> EvalEqVector;
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
EclWellManager(Simulator& simulator)
: simulator_(simulator)
{ }
* \brief This sets up the basic properties of all wells.
* I.e., well positions, names etc...
void init()
const Opm::Schedule& deckSchedule = simulator_.vanguard().schedule();
const auto& summaryState = simulator_.vanguard().summaryState();
// create the wells which intersect with the current process' grid
for (size_t deckWellIdx = 0; deckWellIdx < deckSchedule.numWells(); ++deckWellIdx)
const Opm::Well deckWell = deckSchedule.getWellsatEnd()[deckWellIdx];
const std::string& wellName = deckWell.name();
Scalar wellTemperature = 273.15 + 15.56; // [K]
if (deckWell.isInjector())
wellTemperature = deckWell.injectionControls(summaryState).temperature;
// set the name of the well but not much else. (i.e., if it is not completed,
// the well primarily serves as a placeholder.) The big rest of the well is
// specified by the updateWellCompletions_() method
auto well = std::make_shared<Well>(simulator_);
wellNameToIndex_[well->name()] = wells_.size() - 1;
* \brief This should be called the problem before each simulation
* episode to adapt the well controls.
void beginEpisode(bool wasRestarted=false)
const Opm::EclipseState& eclState = simulator_.vanguard().eclState();
const Opm::Schedule& deckSchedule = simulator_.vanguard().schedule();
const auto& summaryState = simulator_.vanguard().summaryState();
unsigned episodeIdx = simulator_.episodeIndex();
2018-06-10 14:15:37 -05:00
WellConnectionsMap wellCompMap;
computeWellConnectionsMap_(episodeIdx, wellCompMap);
2017-10-27 02:07:23 -05:00
if (wasRestarted || wellTopologyChanged_(eclState, deckSchedule, episodeIdx))
updateWellTopology_(episodeIdx, wellCompMap, gridDofIsPenetrated_);
// set those parameters of the wells which do not change the topology of the
// linearized system of equations
updateWellParameters_(episodeIdx, wellCompMap);
const std::vector<Opm::Well>& deckWells = deckSchedule.getWells(episodeIdx);
// set the injection data for the respective wells.
for (const auto& deckWell : deckWells) {
if (!hasWell(deckWell.name()))
auto well = this->well(deckWell.name());
if (deckWell.isInjector( ))
2019-08-27 17:30:12 -05:00
auto deckWellStatus = deckWell.getStatus( );
switch (deckWellStatus) {
case Opm::Well::Status::AUTO:
// TODO: for now, auto means open...
case Opm::Well::Status::OPEN:
case Opm::Well::Status::STOP:
case Opm::Well::Status::SHUT:
// make sure that the well is either an injector or a
// producer for the current episode. (it is not allowed to
// be neither or to be both...)
assert((deckWell.isInjector( )?1:0) +
(deckWell.isProducer( )?1:0) == 1);
if (deckWell.isInjector( )) {
const auto controls = deckWell.injectionControls(summaryState);
switch (controls.injector_type) {
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::WATER:
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::GAS:
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::OIL:
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::MULTI:
throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: Multi-phase injector wells");
switch (controls.cmode) {
case Opm::Well::InjectorCMode::RATE:
case Opm::Well::InjectorCMode::RESV:
case Opm::Well::InjectorCMode::BHP:
case Opm::Well::InjectorCMode::THP:
case Opm::Well::InjectorCMode::GRUP:
throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: Well groups");
case Opm::Well::InjectorCMode::CMODE_UNDEFINED:
std::cout << "Warning: Control mode of injection well " << well->name()
<< " is undefined. Assuming well to be shut.\n";
switch (controls.injector_type) {
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::WATER:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/0.0, /*gas=*/0.0, /*water=*/1.0);
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::OIL:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/1.0, /*gas=*/0.0, /*water=*/0.0);
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::GAS:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/0.0, /*gas=*/1.0, /*water=*/0.0);
case Opm::Well::InjectorType::MULTI:
throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: Multi-phase injection wells");
if (deckWell.isProducer( )) {
const auto controls = deckWell.productionControls(summaryState);
switch (controls.cmode) {
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::ORAT:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/1.0, /*gas=*/0.0, /*water=*/0.0);
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::GRAT:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/0.0, /*gas=*/1.0, /*water=*/0.0);
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::WRAT:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/0.0, /*gas=*/0.0, /*water=*/1.0);
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::LRAT:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/1.0, /*gas=*/0.0, /*water=*/1.0);
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::CRAT:
throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: Linearly combined rates");
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::RESV:
well->setVolumetricPhaseWeights(/*oil=*/1.0, /*gas=*/1.0, /*water=*/1.0);
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::BHP:
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::THP:
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::GRUP:
throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: Well groups");
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::NONE:
// fall-through
case Opm::Well::ProducerCMode::CMODE_UNDEFINED:
std::cout << "Warning: Control mode of production well " << well->name()
<< " is undefined. Assuming well to be shut.";
* \brief Return the number of wells considered by the EclWellManager.
unsigned numWells() const
{ return wells_.size(); }
* \brief Return if a given well name is known to the wells manager
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
bool hasWell(const std::string& wellName) const
return wellNameToIndex_.find( wellName ) != wellNameToIndex_.end();
* \brief Returns true iff a given degree of freedom is currently penetrated by any well.
bool gridDofIsPenetrated(unsigned globalDofIdx) const
{ return gridDofIsPenetrated_[globalDofIdx]; }
* \brief Given a well name, return the corresponding index.
* A std::runtime_error will be thrown if the well name is unknown.
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
unsigned wellIndex(const std::string& wellName) const
assert( hasWell( wellName ) );
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
const auto& it = wellNameToIndex_.find(wellName);
if (it == wellNameToIndex_.end())
throw std::runtime_error("No well called '"+wellName+"'found");
return it->second;
* \brief Given a well name, return the corresponding well.
* A std::runtime_error will be thrown if the well name is unknown.
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
std::shared_ptr<const Well> well(const std::string& wellName) const
{ return wells_[wellIndex(wellName)]; }
* \brief Given a well name, return the corresponding well.
* A std::runtime_error will be thrown if the well name is unknown.
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
std::shared_ptr<Well> well(const std::string& wellName)
{ return wells_[wellIndex(wellName)]; }
* \brief Given a well index, return the corresponding well.
std::shared_ptr<const Well> well(size_t wellIdx) const
{ return wells_[wellIdx]; }
* \brief Given a well index, return the corresponding well.
std::shared_ptr<Well> well(size_t wellIdx)
{ return wells_[wellIdx]; }
* \brief Informs the well manager that a time step has just begun.
void beginTimeStep()
// iterate over all wells and notify them individually
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wells_.size(); ++wellIdx)
* \brief Informs the well that an iteration has just begun.
* In this method, the well calculates the bottom hole and tubing head pressures, the
* actual unconstraint production and injection rates, etc.
void beginIteration()
// call the preprocessing routines
const size_t wellSize = wells_.size();
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx)
// call the accumulation routines
ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_);
const auto gridView = simulator_.vanguard().gridView();
auto elemIt = gridView.template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto& elemEndIt = gridView.template end</*codim=*/0>();
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) {
const Element& elem = *elemIt;
if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity)
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx)
wells_[wellIdx]->beginIterationAccumulate(elemCtx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
// call the postprocessing routines
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx)
* \brief Informs the well manager that an iteration has just been finished.
void endIteration()
// iterate over all wells and notify them individually
const size_t wellSize = wells_.size();
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx)
* \brief Informs the well manager that a time step has just been finished.
void endTimeStep()
Scalar dt = simulator_.timeStepSize();
// iterate over all wells and notify them individually. also, update the
// production/injection totals for the active wells.
const size_t wellSize = wells_.size();
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx) {
auto well = wells_[wellIdx];
// update the surface volumes of the produced/injected fluids
std::array<Scalar, numPhases>* injectedVolume;
if (wellTotalInjectedVolume_.count(well->name()) == 0) {
injectedVolume = &wellTotalInjectedVolume_[well->name()];
std::fill(injectedVolume->begin(), injectedVolume->end(), 0.0);
injectedVolume = &wellTotalInjectedVolume_[well->name()];
std::array<Scalar, numPhases>* producedVolume;
if (wellTotalProducedVolume_.count(well->name()) == 0) {
producedVolume = &wellTotalProducedVolume_[well->name()];
std::fill(producedVolume->begin(), producedVolume->end(), 0.0);
producedVolume = &wellTotalProducedVolume_[well->name()];
for (unsigned phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < numPhases; ++phaseIdx) {
// this assumes that the implicit Euler method is used for time
// integration. TODO: Once the time discretization becomes pluggable,
// this integration needs to be done by the time discretization code!
Scalar vol = dt * well->surfaceRate(phaseIdx);
if (vol < 0)
(*producedVolume)[phaseIdx] += -vol;
(*injectedVolume)[phaseIdx] += vol;
* \brief Informs the well manager that a simulation episode has just been finished.
void endEpisode()
{ }
* \brief Returns the surface volume of a fluid phase produced by a well.
Scalar totalProducedVolume(const std::string& wellName, unsigned phaseIdx) const
if (wellTotalProducedVolume_.count(wellName) == 0)
return 0.0; // well not yet seen
return wellTotalProducedVolume_.at(wellName)[phaseIdx];
* \brief Returns the surface volume of a fluid phase injected by a well.
Scalar totalInjectedVolume(const std::string& wellName, unsigned phaseIdx) const
if (wellTotalInjectedVolume_.count(wellName) == 0)
return 0.0; // well not yet seen
return wellTotalInjectedVolume_.at(wellName)[phaseIdx];
* \brief Computes the source term due to wells for a degree of
* freedom.
template <class Context>
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
void computeTotalRatesForDof(EvalEqVector& q,
const Context& context,
unsigned dofIdx,
unsigned timeIdx) const
q = 0.0;
if (!gridDofIsPenetrated(context.globalSpaceIndex(dofIdx, timeIdx)))
RateVector wellRate;
// iterate over all wells and add up their individual rates
const size_t wellSize = wells_.size();
for (size_t wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < wellSize; ++wellIdx) {
wellRate = 0.0;
wells_[wellIdx]->computeTotalRatesForDof(wellRate, context, dofIdx, timeIdx);
for (unsigned eqIdx = 0; eqIdx < numEq; ++eqIdx)
q[eqIdx] += wellRate[eqIdx];
Opm::data::Wells wellData() const
Opm::data::Wells wellDat;
using rt = Opm::data::Rates::opt;
for (unsigned wellIdx = 0; wellIdx < numWells(); ++wellIdx) {
const auto& ebosWell = well(wellIdx);
auto& wellOut = wellDat[ebosWell->name()];
wellOut.bhp = ebosWell->bottomHolePressure();
wellOut.thp = ebosWell->tubingHeadPressure();
wellOut.temperature = 0;
wellOut.rates.set( rt::wat, ebosWell->surfaceRate(waterPhaseIdx) );
wellOut.rates.set( rt::oil, ebosWell->surfaceRate(oilPhaseIdx) );
wellOut.rates.set( rt::gas, ebosWell->surfaceRate(gasPhaseIdx) );
const int numConnections = ebosWell->numConnections();
for( int i = 0; i < numConnections; ++i ) {
auto& connection = wellOut.connections[ i ];
connection.index = 0;
connection.pressure = 0.0;
connection.reservoir_rate = 0.0;
connection.rates.set( rt::wat, 0.0 );
connection.rates.set( rt::oil, 0.0 );
connection.rates.set( rt::gas, 0.0 );
return wellDat;
* \brief This method writes the complete state of all wells
* to the hard disk.
template <class Restarter>
void serialize(Restarter& res OPM_UNUSED)
/* do nothing: Everything which we need here is provided by the deck->.. */
* \brief This method restores the complete state of the all wells
* from disk.
* It is the inverse of the serialize() method.
template <class Restarter>
void deserialize(Restarter& res OPM_UNUSED)
// initialize the wells for the current episode
* \brief Returns true if something in a well changed compared to the previous report
* step.
* "Something" can either be the well topology (i.e., which grid blocks are contained
* in which well) or it can be a well parameter like the bottom hole pressure...
2017-10-27 02:07:23 -05:00
bool wellsChanged(const Opm::EclipseState& eclState,
const Opm::Schedule& schedule,
unsigned reportStepIdx) const
if (wellTopologyChanged_(eclState, reportStepIdx))
return true;
if (schedule.getTimeMap().numTimesteps() <= (unsigned) reportStepIdx)
// for the "until the universe dies" episode, the wells don't change
return false;
const Opm::Events& events = schedule.getEvents();
return events.hasEvent(Opm::ScheduleEvents::PRODUCTION_UPDATE |
Opm::ScheduleEvents::INJECTION_UPDATE |
2019-10-01 07:30:11 -05:00
void initFromRestartFile(const RestartValue& restartValues OPM_UNUSED){
// not implemented
bool wellTopologyChanged_(const Opm::EclipseState& eclState OPM_UNUSED,
2017-10-27 02:07:23 -05:00
const Opm::Schedule& schedule,
unsigned reportStepIdx) const
if (reportStepIdx == 0) {
// the well topology has always been changed relative to before the
// simulation is started...
return true;
if (schedule.getTimeMap().numTimesteps() <= (unsigned) reportStepIdx)
// for the "until the universe dies" episode, the wells don't change
return false;
const Opm::Events& events = schedule.getEvents();
return events.hasEvent(Opm::ScheduleEvents::NEW_WELL |
void updateWellTopology_(unsigned reportStepIdx OPM_UNUSED,
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
const WellConnectionsMap& wellConnections,
std::vector<bool>& gridDofIsPenetrated) const
auto& model = simulator_.model();
const auto& vanguard = simulator_.vanguard();
// first, remove all wells from the reservoir
auto wellIt = wells_.begin();
const auto& wellEndIt = wells_.end();
for (; wellIt != wellEndIt; ++wellIt) {
// tell the active wells which DOFs they contain
const auto gridView = simulator_.vanguard().gridView();
std::fill(gridDofIsPenetrated.begin(), gridDofIsPenetrated.end(), false);
ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_);
auto elemIt = gridView.template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto elemEndIt = gridView.template end</*codim=*/0>();
std::set<std::shared_ptr<Well> > wells;
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) {
const auto& elem = *elemIt;
if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity)
continue; // non-local entities need to be skipped
for (unsigned dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < elemCtx.numPrimaryDof(/*timeIdx=*/0); ++ dofIdx) {
unsigned globalDofIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(dofIdx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
unsigned cartesianDofIdx = vanguard.cartesianIndex(globalDofIdx);
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
if (wellConnections.count(cartesianDofIdx) == 0)
// the current DOF is not contained in any well, so we must skip
// it...
gridDofIsPenetrated[globalDofIdx] = true;
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
auto eclWell = wellConnections.at(cartesianDofIdx).second;
eclWell->addDof(elemCtx, dofIdx);
// register all wells at the model as auxiliary equations
wellIt = wells_.begin();
for (; wellIt != wellEndIt; ++wellIt) {
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
void computeWellConnectionsMap_(unsigned reportStepIdx OPM_UNUSED, WellConnectionsMap& cartesianIdxToConnectionMap)
const auto& deckSchedule = simulator_.vanguard().schedule();
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto& eclState = simulator_.vanguard().eclState();
const auto& eclGrid = eclState.getInputGrid();
assert( int(eclGrid.getNX()) == simulator_.vanguard().cartesianDimensions()[ 0 ] );
assert( int(eclGrid.getNY()) == simulator_.vanguard().cartesianDimensions()[ 1 ] );
assert( int(eclGrid.getNZ()) == simulator_.vanguard().cartesianDimensions()[ 2 ] );
// compute the mapping from logically Cartesian indices to the well the
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
// respective connection.
const auto deckWells = deckSchedule.getWells(reportStepIdx);
for (const auto& deckWell : deckWells) {
const std::string& wellName = deckWell.name();
if (!hasWell(wellName))
#ifndef NDEBUG
if( simulator_.vanguard().grid().comm().size() == 1 )
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
std::cout << "Well '" << wellName << "' suddenly appears in the connection "
<< "for the report step, but has not been previously specified. "
<< "Ignoring.\n";
std::array<int, 3> cartesianCoordinate;
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
// set the well parameters defined by the current set of connections
const auto& connectionSet = deckWell.getConnections();
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
for (size_t connIdx = 0; connIdx < connectionSet.size(); connIdx ++) {
const auto& connection = connectionSet.get(connIdx);
cartesianCoordinate[ 0 ] = connection.getI();
cartesianCoordinate[ 1 ] = connection.getJ();
cartesianCoordinate[ 2 ] = connection.getK();
unsigned cartIdx = simulator_.vanguard().cartesianIndex( cartesianCoordinate );
// in this code we only support each cell to be part of at most a single
// well. TODO (?) change this?
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
assert(cartesianIdxToConnectionMap.count(cartIdx) == 0);
auto eclWell = wells_[wellIndex(wellName)];
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
cartesianIdxToConnectionMap[cartIdx] = std::make_pair(&connection, eclWell);
2018-06-10 14:15:37 -05:00
void updateWellParameters_(unsigned reportStepIdx, const WellConnectionsMap& wellConnections)
const auto& deckSchedule = simulator_.vanguard().schedule();
const auto deckWells = deckSchedule.getWells(reportStepIdx);
// set the reference depth for all wells
for (const auto& deckWell : deckWells) {
const std::string& wellName = deckWell.name();
if( hasWell( wellName ) )
2018-06-28 08:49:45 -05:00
// associate the well connections with grid cells and register them in the
// Peaceman well object
const auto& vanguard = simulator_.vanguard();
const GridView gridView = vanguard.gridView();
ElementContext elemCtx(simulator_);
auto elemIt = gridView.template begin</*codim=*/0>();
const auto elemEndIt = gridView.template end</*codim=*/0>();
for (; elemIt != elemEndIt; ++elemIt) {
const auto& elem = *elemIt;
if (elem.partitionType() != Dune::InteriorEntity)
continue; // non-local entities need to be skipped
for (unsigned dofIdx = 0; dofIdx < elemCtx.numPrimaryDof(/*timeIdx=*/0); ++ dofIdx)
assert( elemCtx.numPrimaryDof(/*timeIdx=*/0) == 1 );
unsigned globalDofIdx = elemCtx.globalSpaceIndex(dofIdx, /*timeIdx=*/0);
unsigned cartesianDofIdx = vanguard.cartesianIndex(globalDofIdx);
2018-06-10 14:15:37 -05:00
if (wellConnections.count(cartesianDofIdx) == 0)
// the current DOF is not contained in any well, so we must skip
// it...
2018-06-10 14:15:37 -05:00
const auto& connInfo = wellConnections.at(cartesianDofIdx);
const Opm::Connection* connection = connInfo.first;
std::shared_ptr<Well> eclWell = connInfo.second;
eclWell->addDof(elemCtx, dofIdx);
eclWell->setConnectionTransmissibilityFactor(elemCtx, dofIdx, connection->CF());
eclWell->setRadius(elemCtx, dofIdx, connection->rw());
//eclWell->setEffectivePermeability(elemCtx, dofIdx, connection->Kh());
fix most pedantic compiler warnings in the basic infrastructure i.e., using clang 3.8 to compile the test suite with the following flags: ``` -Weverything -Wno-documentation -Wno-documentation-unknown-command -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic -Wno-undef -Wno-padded -Wno-global-constructors -Wno-exit-time-destructors -Wno-weak-vtables -Wno-float-equal ``` should not produce any warnings anymore. In my opinion the only flag which would produce beneficial warnings is -Wdocumentation. This has not been fixed in this patch because writing documentation is left for another day (or, more likely, year). note that this patch consists of a heavy dose of the OPM_UNUSED macro and plenty of static_casts (to fix signedness issues). Fixing the singedness issues were quite a nightmare and the fact that the Dune API is quite inconsistent in that regard was not exactly helpful. :/ Finally this patch includes quite a few formatting changes (e.g., all occurences of 'T &t' should be changed to `T& t`) and some fixes for minor issues which I've found during the excercise. I've made sure that all unit tests the test suite still pass successfully and I've made sure that flow_ebos still works for Norne and that it did not regress w.r.t. performance. (Note that this patch does not fix compiler warnings triggered `ebos` and `flow_ebos` but only those caused by the basic infrastructure or the unit tests.) v2: fix the warnings that occur if the dune-localfunctions module is not available. thanks to [at]atgeirr for testing. v3: fix dune 2.3 build issue
2016-11-07 08:14:07 -06:00
Simulator& simulator_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Well> > wells_;
std::vector<bool> gridDofIsPenetrated_;
std::map<std::string, int> wellNameToIndex_;
std::map<std::string, std::array<Scalar, numPhases> > wellTotalInjectedVolume_;
std::map<std::string, std::array<Scalar, numPhases> > wellTotalProducedVolume_;
} // namespace Opm