2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
#include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <array>
namespace WellsManagerDetail
namespace ProductionControl
enum Mode { ORAT, WRAT, GRAT,
namespace Details {
std::map<std::string, Mode>
} // namespace Details
Mode mode(const std::string& control);
Mode mode(Opm::WellProducer::ControlModeEnum controlMode);
} // namespace ProductionControl
namespace InjectionControl
enum Mode { RATE, RESV, BHP,
namespace Details {
std::map<std::string, Mode>
} // namespace Details
Mode mode(const std::string& control);
Mode mode(Opm::WellInjector::ControlModeEnum controlMode);
} // namespace InjectionControl
double computeWellIndex(const double radius,
const std::array<double, 3>& cubical,
const double* cell_permeability,
const double skin_factor);
template<class C2F, class FC>
std::array<double, 3> getCubeDim(const C2F& c2f, FC begin_face_centroids, int dimensions,
int cell)
using namespace std;
std::array<double, 3> cube;
//typedef Opm::UgGridHelpers::Cell2FacesTraits<UnstructuredGrid>::Type Cell2Faces;
//Cell2Faces c2f=Opm::UgGridHelpers::cell2Faces(grid);
typedef typename C2F::row_type FaceRow;
FaceRow faces=c2f[cell];
typename FaceRow::const_iterator face=faces.begin();
int num_local_faces = faces.end()-face;
vector<double> x(num_local_faces);
vector<double> y(num_local_faces);
vector<double> z(num_local_faces);
for (int lf=0; lf<num_local_faces; ++ lf, ++face) {
FC centroid = Opm::UgGridHelpers::increment(begin_face_centroids, *face, dimensions);
x[lf] = Opm::UgGridHelpers::getCoordinate(centroid, 0);
y[lf] = Opm::UgGridHelpers::getCoordinate(centroid, 1);
z[lf] = Opm::UgGridHelpers::getCoordinate(centroid, 2);
cube[0] = *max_element(x.begin(), x.end()) - *min_element(x.begin(), x.end());
cube[1] = *max_element(y.begin(), y.end()) - *min_element(y.begin(), y.end());
cube[2] = *max_element(z.begin(), z.end()) - *min_element(z.begin(), z.end());
return cube;
} // end namespace
namespace Opm
template<class C2F, class CC, class FC>
void WellsManager::createWellsFromSpecs(std::vector<WellConstPtr>& wells, size_t timeStep,
const C2F& c2f,
const int* cart_dims,
FC begin_face_centroids,
CC begin_cell_centroids,
int dimensions,
std::vector<std::string>& well_names,
std::vector<WellData>& well_data,
std::map<std::string, int>& well_names_to_index,
const PhaseUsage& phaseUsage,
std::map<int,int> cartesian_to_compressed,
const double* permeability)
std::vector<std::vector<PerfData> > wellperf_data;
int well_index = 0;
for (auto wellIter= wells.begin(); wellIter != wells.end(); ++wellIter) {
WellConstPtr well = (*wellIter);
{ // WELSPECS handling
well_names_to_index[well->name()] = well_index;
WellData wd;
// If negative (defaulted), set refdepth to a marker
// value, will be changed after getting perforation
// data to the centroid of the cell of the top well
// perforation.
wd.reference_bhp_depth = (well->getRefDepth() < 0.0) ? -1e100 : well->getRefDepth();
wd.welspecsline = -1;
if (well->isInjector( timeStep ))
wd.type = INJECTOR;
wd.type = PRODUCER;
{ // COMPDAT handling
CompletionSetConstPtr completionSet = well->getCompletions(timeStep);
for (size_t c=0; c<completionSet->size(); c++) {
CompletionConstPtr completion = completionSet->get(c);
int i = completion->getI();
int j = completion->getJ();
int k = completion->getK();
const int* cpgdim = cart_dims;
int cart_grid_indx = i + cpgdim[0]*(j + cpgdim[1]*k);
std::map<int, int>::const_iterator cgit = cartesian_to_compressed.find(cart_grid_indx);
if (cgit == cartesian_to_compressed.end()) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Cell with i,j,k indices " << i << ' ' << j << ' '
<< k << " not found in grid (well = " << well->name() << ')');
int cell = cgit->second;
PerfData pd;
pd.cell = cell;
if (completion->getCF() > 0.0) {
pd.well_index = completion->getCF();
} else {
double radius = 0.5*completion->getDiameter();
if (radius <= 0.0) {
radius = 0.5*unit::feet;
OPM_MESSAGE("**** Warning: Well bore internal radius set to " << radius);
std::array<double, 3> cubical = WellsManagerDetail::getCubeDim(c2f, begin_face_centroids,
dimensions, cell);
const double* cell_perm = &permeability[dimensions*dimensions*cell];
2014-04-04 14:21:22 -05:00
pd.well_index = WellsManagerDetail::computeWellIndex(radius, cubical, cell_perm, completion->getSkinFactor());
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
// Set up reference depths that were defaulted. Count perfs.
const int num_wells = well_data.size();
int num_perfs = 0;
assert(dimensions == 3);
for (int w = 0; w < num_wells; ++w) {
num_perfs += wellperf_data[w].size();
if (well_data[w].reference_bhp_depth < 0.0) {
// It was defaulted. Set reference depth to minimum perforation depth.
double min_depth = 1e100;
int num_wperfs = wellperf_data[w].size();
for (int perf = 0; perf < num_wperfs; ++perf) {
double depth = UgGridHelpers
min_depth = std::min(min_depth, depth);
well_data[w].reference_bhp_depth = min_depth;
// Create the well data structures.
w_ = create_wells(phaseUsage.num_phases, num_wells, num_perfs);
if (!w_) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Failed creating Wells struct.");
// Add wells.
for (int w = 0; w < num_wells; ++w) {
const int w_num_perf = wellperf_data[w].size();
std::vector<int> perf_cells(w_num_perf);
std::vector<double> perf_prodind(w_num_perf);
for (int perf = 0; perf < w_num_perf; ++perf) {
perf_cells[perf] = wellperf_data[w][perf].cell;
perf_prodind[perf] = wellperf_data[w][perf].well_index;
const double* comp_frac = NULL;
// We initialize all wells with a null component fraction,
// and must (for injection wells) overwrite it later.
int ok = add_well(well_data[w].type, well_data[w].reference_bhp_depth, w_num_perf,
comp_frac, &perf_cells[0], &perf_prodind[0], well_names[w].c_str(), w_);
if (!ok) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Failed adding well " << well_names[w] << " to Wells data structure.");
template<class CC, class C2F, class FC>
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
WellsManager::WellsManager(const Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
const size_t timeStep,
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
int number_of_cells,
const int* global_cell,
const int* cart_dims,
int dimensions,
CC begin_cell_centroids,
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
const C2F& cell_to_faces,
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
FC begin_face_centroids,
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
const double* permeability)
: w_(0)
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
init(eclipseState, timeStep, number_of_cells, global_cell, cart_dims, dimensions,
begin_cell_centroids, cell_to_faces, begin_face_centroids, permeability);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
/// Construct wells from deck.
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
template<class CC, class C2F, class FC>
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
void WellsManager::init(const Opm::EclipseStateConstPtr eclipseState,
const size_t timeStep,
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
int number_of_cells,
const int* global_cell,
const int* cart_dims,
int dimensions,
CC begin_cell_centroids,
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
const C2F& cell_to_faces,
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
FC begin_face_centroids,
const double* permeability)
if (dimensions != 3) {
OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "We cannot initialize wells from a deck unless the corresponding grid is 3-dimensional.");
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
if (eclipseState->getSchedule()->numWells() == 0) {
OPM_MESSAGE("No wells specified in Schedule section, initializing no wells");
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
std::map<int,int> cartesian_to_compressed;
number_of_cells, cartesian_to_compressed);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
// Obtain phase usage data.
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
PhaseUsage pu = phaseUsageFromDeck(eclipseState);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
// These data structures will be filled in this constructor,
// then used to initialize the Wells struct.
std::vector<std::string> well_names;
std::vector<WellData> well_data;
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
// For easy lookup:
std::map<std::string, int> well_names_to_index;
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
ScheduleConstPtr schedule = eclipseState->getSchedule();
std::vector<WellConstPtr> wells = schedule->getWells(timeStep);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
createWellsFromSpecs(wells, timeStep, cell_to_faces,
well_names, well_data, well_names_to_index, pu, cartesian_to_compressed, permeability);
setupWellControls(wells, timeStep, well_names, pu);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
GroupTreeNodeConstPtr fieldNode = eclipseState->getSchedule()->getGroupTree(timeStep)->getNode("FIELD");
GroupConstPtr fieldGroup = eclipseState->getSchedule()->getGroup(fieldNode->name());
well_collection_.addField(fieldGroup, timeStep, pu);
addChildGroups(fieldNode, eclipseState->getSchedule(), timeStep, pu);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
for (auto wellIter = wells.begin(); wellIter != wells.end(); ++wellIter ) {
well_collection_.addWell((*wellIter), timeStep, pu);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
2014-03-27 09:27:11 -05:00
setupGuideRates(wells, timeStep, well_data, well_names_to_index);
2014-02-25 10:52:51 -06:00
// Debug output.
std::cout << "\t WELL DATA" << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i< num_wells; ++i) {
std::cout << i << ": " << well_data[i].type << " "
<< well_data[i].control << " " << well_data[i].target
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "\n\t PERF DATA" << std::endl;
for(int i=0; i< int(wellperf_data.size()); ++i) {
for(int j=0; j< int(wellperf_data[i].size()); ++j) {
std::cout << i << ": " << wellperf_data[i][j].cell << " "
<< wellperf_data[i][j].well_index << std::endl;
} // end namespace Opm