In this section about the installation of \Dumux it is assumed that you work on a UNIX compatible operating system and that you are familiar with the use of a shell.
Moreover, you should know, if necessary, how to install new software packages or you should have a person aside which can give you assistance with the shell and the package installation.
As in a \Dune installation, all \Dune modules including \Dumux should be extracted into a common directory. We refer to that directory for purpose of documentation abstactly as {\Dune}-ROOT direcory or shortly as {\Dune}-ROOT, but in real life the user is free to choose any valid directory name for his instance of {\Dune}-ROOT direcory.
Each \Dune module is associated with a directory name in the folder {\Dune}-ROOT. For convenience, this directory name is
also used as an alias for the module name, a practice we will follow here, too.
%But this convention is sometimes broken, e.g.
%when you do the build out of tar-files. The associated directory name is not identical with module name but it is modulename
%enhanced by a version suffix, e.g. version-number something like \texttt{dumux-2.0} which is also a valid directory name for modle \Dune root for module \texttt{dumux} in version 2.0.
%To refer abstractly the directory name where the files of module named modulename are in we also use later on the term MODULENAME-ROOT, e.g. DUMUX-ROOT means just path to directory of module \texttt{dumux}.
After installing source code for all required \Dune modules including the \Dumux parts, \Dune is being built by the shell-command \texttt{dunecontrol} which is part of the {\Dune}-Build-System. The {\Dune}-Build-System is essentially a front-end of the gnu tool \texttt{autoconf} which was specialized for the \Dune project.
The gnu tool-chain of \texttt{g++} and related gnu variants of autotools (ubuntu: autoconf, automake, libtool, build-essential) must be available in a recent version.
The building of the documentation requires \LaTeX\ and auxiliary tools like \texttt{dvipdf} and \texttt{bibtex}.
If you use the configuration switch \texttt{--enable-doxygen} in order to generate the doxygen files (documentation generator) you will also need \texttt{doxygen}.
\texttt{dune-common}, \texttt{dune-grid}, \texttt{dune-istl}, \texttt{dune-localfunctions} and the external dune module \texttt{dune-pdelab}. Thus for a complete \Dumux installation these modules are required to be installed. Of course the external dune module \texttt{dumux} from \Dumux website ist required too. Using further modules can be necessary, if you are going to use more than basic features of \Dune or \Dumux. To some of these we only refer briefly in end of this chapter.\\
Two possibilities exist to get source code for \Dune and \Dumux.
Firstly \Dune and \Dumux can obtained as tar-archive files by download from respective {\Dune} and {\Dumux} website. They then need to be extracted, as described in the next section.
Secondly, described in the section next but one, is a method to obtain most recent source or even also every predecessors by direct access via internet to software repositories of software revision control system of the software developer. \Dune and \Dumux use for their software repositories \texttt{apache subversion} or more shortly \texttt{subversion} or \texttt{svn}.
As a user does not always want the most recent version
certain version tags (i.e. special names) and version numbers and even software branches are means of software revision control system to provide different versions of a software from a software repository.
The a bit old fashioned named tape-archive-file shortly named tar-file or tarball is a common file format for distributing collections of files contained in these archives.
However, the required \Dune-module \texttt{dune-pdelab} is not available as tar-file, thus you have to install from software repository by the second method. Thus if svn command is available, it can done as follows:
\paragraph{Obtaining \Dune and \Dumux from software repositories}
Using a software revision control system as subversion and its software repositories has beside it advantages for developer or developing groups as a tool for assisting them to keep the source code worked on in consistent fashion for an user, i.e. a member who is not in the developing group of a software project, of software also some advantages.
In general With direct access to the software repositories it is easier to keep up with code changes, to receive important bug fixes and to keep up with general developments of code.
To access apache subversion software repositories a certain program is needed which is referred here shortly as \texttt{subversion client} or \texttt{svn client}. We use in our description the svn client of the apache subversion software itself, which is a commandline (shell) tool, mostly named \texttt{svn}.
Apache subversion client is available for most Linux and UNIX distributions as software package by the distributor or can get installed by building it directly from source.
In technical speach of apache subversion ``checking out a certain software" version means nothing more then fetching
it from software repository and laying it out in the filesystem, additionally with software some files with metainformation regarding the software revision control system itself are also laid out.
For a developer in \Dumux project it is easily possible to do the opposite i.e. uploading a modified version he created into software repository. This is usually termed as ``software check in".
To obtain the needed \texttt{dumux} module, which is as mentioned in the above technical an external module of \Dune. You have to check it out as also described on \Dumux website. %, \cite{DUMUX-HP}
Its filetree should laid out as for any other \Dune module directly into \Dune-ROOTs directory. This is done if you are in it and execute the following command within \Dune-ROOT.
If you also want to check in your own \Dumux developments to \Dumux software repositories, you can apply for either full developers access or access for developer access on certain parts of \Dumux. Granted developer access means that you are allowed to check in own code to the software repository and that you can access the \texttt{dumux-devel} module which enhances \texttt{dumux} by staging code of developer group, which is unavailable for user not being member of the developer group.
If you are member of developer group rights the checkout with developer access for \texttt{dumux} and \texttt{dumux-dev} is non-anonymously done with the commands below, for insert your username
for accessing \Dumux software repository in place \texttt{yourusername} below.
\item\textbf{UG}: UG is a toolbox for Unstructured Grids: As \Dumux, it is build by \texttt{autotools} and a C++-compiler. Additionally, the tools \texttt{lex}/\texttt{yacc} or the gnu-versions \texttt{flex}/\texttt{bison} are needed.
\item\textbf{Alberta}: Adaptive multi Level finite element toolbox using Bisectioning refinement and Error control by Residual Techniques for scientific Applications: A Fortran compiler like \texttt{gfortran} is required.
\item\textbf{ALUGrid}: ALUGrid is build by a C++-compiler like \texttt{g++}. If you want to build a parallel version, you will need \texttt{MPI}. It was successfully run with \texttt{openmpi}. The parallel version needs also a graph partitioner, such as \texttt{METIS} or \texttt{PARTY}. It was run successfully in combination with \Dune using \texttt{METIS}.
\item\textbf{PARDISO}: The package PARDISO is a thread-safe, high-performance, robust, memory efficient and easy to use software for solving large sparse symmetric and asymmetric linear systems of equations on shared memory multiprocessors. The precompiled binary can be downloaded after personal registration from the PARDISO website (\texttt{\url{}}).
\item\textbf{SuperLU}: SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations (\texttt{\url{}}).
\item\textbf{\Dune-multidomaingrid}: If you going to run on the same grid different domains or subdomains, this can be the package of choice.
To be precise, this is not only an external library but an external \Dune module which, like \Dumux, is built by the \Dune build system. The \Dune-multidomaingrid module provides a meta grid that allows the subdivison of arbitrary \Dune grids into subdomains, e.g. for multi-physics approaches (\texttt{\url{}}).
The following are dependencies of some of the used libraries. You will need them depending on which modules of \Dune and which external libraries you use.
\item\textbf{MPI}: The parallel version of \Dune and also some of the external dependencies need MPI when they are going to be built for parallel computing. \texttt{Openmpi} and \texttt{MPICH} in a recent version have been reported to work.
\item\textbf{lex/yacc} or \textbf{flex/bison}: These are quite common developing tools, code generators for lexical analyzers and parsers. This is a prerequisite for UG.
\item\textbf{BLAS}: Alberta makes use of BLAS. Thus install libGOTO, ATLAS, non-optimized BLAS or BLAS by chipmanufacturer. Take care that the installation scripts select the intended version of BLAS.
\LaTeX\ is a front-end to the \TeX\ font setting system. Install texlive for example. A great part of the code documentation is done inline using doxygen, which extracts the documentation and makes HTML or \LaTeX\ out of that.
The libraries are then build within the external-directory and are not installed in a different place.
But a \Dune build still needs to know where they are. You have to refer to them as options for the \Dune build, for example in your options file \texttt{debug.opts}.
This uses the \Dune build-system. If it does not work, please have a look at the file \texttt{INSTALL} in the \Dumux root directory (if you use SVN, this \texttt{\$DUMUX\_ROOT} is usually \texttt{dumux},
if you use a released version it is usually \texttt{dumux-VERSION}).
You can also find more information in the \Dune Buildsystem HOWTO located at the \Dune web page, \cite{DUNE-HP}.
Alternatively, the tool CMake can be used to build \Dumux. Please check the file \texttt{INSTALL.cmake} for details.