implementing getQs() and getBhp() within StandardWell.

It does not compile. Now it is pretty clear that anything related to
Evalulation should go to each individual well model (StandardWell or MS
well ) and not stay with the Wells.
This commit is contained in:
Kai Bao 2017-06-19 12:43:08 +02:00
parent 2d02503091
commit 182bf315f3
2 changed files with 115 additions and 185 deletions

View File

@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ namespace Opm
const double rho = perf_densities_[0];
// TODO: not sure whether it is always correct
const double well_ref_depth = perf_depth_[0];
// const double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(wells(), wellIdx, vfp_ref_depth, rho, gravity_);
const double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(well_ref_depth, vfp_ref_depth, rho, gravity_);
bhp -= dp;
return bhp;
@ -182,20 +181,40 @@ namespace Opm
EvalWell qs = 0.0;
return qs; // temporary
/* const WellControls* wc = well_controls_;
const WellControls* wc = well_controls_;
const int np = number_of_phases_;
const double target_rate = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
// the target from the well controls
const double target = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
// TODO: we need to introduce numComponents() for StandardWell
// assert(phase < numComponents());
const auto pu = phase_usage_;
// TODO: the formulation for the injectors decides it only work with single phase
// surface rate injection control. Improvement will be required.
// Injectors
if (wellType() == INJECTOR) {
// TODO: we should not rely on comp_frac anymore, it should depend on the values in distr
const double comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + phaseIdx];
// TODO: adding the handling related to solvent
/* if (has_solvent_ ) {
// TODO: investigate whether the use of the comp_frac is justified.
double comp_frac = 0.0;
if (compIdx == solventCompIdx) { // solvent
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]] * wsolvent(wellIdx);
} else if (compIdx == pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]) {
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + compIdx] * (1.0 - wsolvent(wellIdx));
} else {
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + compIdx];
if (comp_frac == 0.0) {
return qs; //zero
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
return comp_frac * well_variables_[nw*XvarWell + wellIdx];
qs.setValue(comp_frac * target_rate);
return qs;
} */
const double comp_frac = compFrac()[phase];
if (comp_frac == 0.0) {
return qs;
@ -203,19 +222,92 @@ namespace Opm
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
return well_variables_[XvarWell];
// rate control
// TODO: if it is reservoir volume rate, it should be wrong here
return qs;
// Producers
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP ) {
return well_variables_[XvarWell] * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase);
} */
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == SURFACE_RATE) {
// checking how many phases are included in the rate control
// to decide wheter it is a single phase rate control or not
const double* distr = well_controls_get_current_distr(wc);
int num_phases_under_rate_control = 0;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
num_phases_under_rate_control += 1;
// there should be at least one phase involved
assert(num_phases_under_rate_control > 0);
// when it is a single phase rate limit
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 1) {
// looking for the phase under control
int phase_under_control = -1;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
phase_under_control = phase;
assert(phase_under_control >= 0);
EvalWell wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl = wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase_under_control);
// TODO: handling solvent related later
/* if (has_solvent_ && phase_under_control == Gas) {
// for GRAT controlled wells solvent is included in the target
wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl += wellVolumeFractionScaled(solventCompIdx);
} */
if (phase == phase_under_control) {
/* if (has_solvent_ && phase_under_control == Gas) {
qs.setValue(target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(Gas).value() / wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl.value() );
return qs;
} */
return qs;
// TODO: not sure why the single phase under control will have near zero fraction
const double eps = 1e-6;
if (wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl < eps) {
return qs;
return (target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase) / wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl);
// when it is a combined two phase rate limit, such like LRAT
// we neec to calculate the rate for the certain phase
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 2) {
EvalWell combined_volume_fraction = 0.;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
if (distr[p] == 1.0) {
combined_volume_fraction += wellVolumeFractionScaled(p);
return (target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase) / combined_volume_fraction);
// TODO: three phase surface rate control is not tested yet
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 3) {
return target_rate * wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(phase);
} else if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == RESERVOIR_RATE) {
// ReservoirRate
return target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(phase);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Unknown control type for well " << name());
// avoid warning of condition reaches end of non-void function
return qs;

View File

@ -850,6 +850,10 @@ namespace Opm {
eval.setDerivative(numEq + eqIdx, 1.0);
for (auto& well_interface : well_container_) {
@ -2224,52 +2228,7 @@ namespace Opm {
typename StandardWellsDense<TypeTag>::EvalWell
getBhp(const int wellIdx) const {
const WellControls* wc = wells().ctrls[wellIdx];
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP) {
EvalWell bhp = 0.0;
const double target_rate = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
return bhp;
} else if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
const int control = well_controls_get_current(wc);
const double thp = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
const double alq = well_controls_iget_alq(wc, control);
const int table_id = well_controls_iget_vfp(wc, control);
EvalWell aqua = 0.0;
EvalWell liquid = 0.0;
EvalWell vapour = 0.0;
EvalWell bhp = 0.0;
double vfp_ref_depth = 0.0;
const Opm::PhaseUsage& pu = phase_usage_;
if (active_[ Water ]) {
aqua = getQs(wellIdx, pu.phase_pos[ Water]);
if (active_[ Oil ]) {
liquid = getQs(wellIdx, pu.phase_pos[ Oil ]);
if (active_[ Gas ]) {
vapour = getQs(wellIdx, pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]);
if (wells().type[wellIdx] == INJECTOR) {
bhp = vfp_properties_->getInj()->bhp(table_id, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp);
vfp_ref_depth = vfp_properties_->getInj()->getTable(table_id)->getDatumDepth();
} else {
bhp = vfp_properties_->getProd()->bhp(table_id, aqua, liquid, vapour, thp, alq);
vfp_ref_depth = vfp_properties_->getProd()->getTable(table_id)->getDatumDepth();
// pick the density in the top layer
const int perf = wells().well_connpos[wellIdx];
const double rho = well_perforation_densities_[perf];
const double dp = wellhelpers::computeHydrostaticCorrection(wells(), wellIdx, vfp_ref_depth, rho, gravity_);
bhp -= dp;
return bhp;
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
return wellVariables_[nw*XvarWell + wellIdx];
return well_container_(wellIdx)->getBhp();
@ -2281,130 +2240,9 @@ namespace Opm {
getQs(const int wellIdx, const int compIdx) const
EvalWell qs = 0.0;
const WellControls* wc = wells().ctrls[wellIdx];
const int np = wells().number_of_phases;
assert(compIdx < numComponents());
const int nw = wells().number_of_wells;
const auto pu = phase_usage_;
const double target_rate = well_controls_get_current_target(wc);
// TODO: the formulation for the injectors decides it only work with single phase
// surface rate injection control. Improvement will be required.
if (wells().type[wellIdx] == INJECTOR) {
if (has_solvent_ ) {
double comp_frac = 0.0;
if (has_solvent_ && compIdx == solventSaturationIdx) { // solvent
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]] * wsolvent(wellIdx);
} else if (compIdx == pu.phase_pos[ Gas ]) {
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + compIdx] * (1.0 - wsolvent(wellIdx));
} else {
comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + compIdx];
if (comp_frac == 0.0) {
return qs; //zero
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
return comp_frac * wellVariables_[nw*XvarWell + wellIdx];
qs.setValue(comp_frac * target_rate);
return qs;
const double comp_frac = wells().comp_frac[np*wellIdx + compIdx];
if (comp_frac == 0.0) {
return qs;
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP) {
return wellVariables_[nw*XvarWell + wellIdx];
return qs;
// Producers
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == BHP || well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == THP ) {
return wellVariables_[nw*XvarWell + wellIdx] * wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, compIdx);
if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == SURFACE_RATE) {
// checking how many phases are included in the rate control
// to decide wheter it is a single phase rate control or not
const double* distr = well_controls_get_current_distr(wc);
int num_phases_under_rate_control = 0;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
num_phases_under_rate_control += 1;
// there should be at least one phase involved
assert(num_phases_under_rate_control > 0);
// when it is a single phase rate limit
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 1) {
// looking for the phase under control
int phase_under_control = -1;
for (int phase = 0; phase < np; ++phase) {
if (distr[phase] > 0.0) {
phase_under_control = phase;
assert(phase_under_control >= 0);
EvalWell wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl = wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, phase_under_control);
if (has_solvent_ && phase_under_control == Gas) {
// for GRAT controlled wells solvent is included in the target
wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl += wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, solventSaturationIdx);
if (compIdx == phase_under_control) {
if (has_solvent_ && phase_under_control == Gas) {
qs.setValue(target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, Gas).value() / wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl.value() );
return qs;
return qs;
// TODO: not sure why the single phase under control will have near zero fraction
const double eps = 1e-6;
if (wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl < eps) {
return qs;
return (target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, compIdx) / wellVolumeFractionScaledPhaseUnderControl);
// when it is a combined two phase rate limit, such like LRAT
// we neec to calculate the rate for the certain phase
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 2) {
EvalWell combined_volume_fraction = 0.;
for (int p = 0; p < np; ++p) {
if (distr[p] == 1.0) {
combined_volume_fraction += wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, p);
return (target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, compIdx) / combined_volume_fraction);
// TODO: three phase surface rate control is not tested yet
if (num_phases_under_rate_control == 3) {
return target_rate * wellSurfaceVolumeFraction(wellIdx, compIdx);
} else if (well_controls_get_current_type(wc) == RESERVOIR_RATE) {
// ReservoirRate
return target_rate * wellVolumeFractionScaled(wellIdx, compIdx);
} else {
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Unknown control type for well " << wells().name[wellIdx]);
// avoid warning of condition reaches end of non-void function
return qs;
// TODO: incoporate the change from the new PR to the getQs
// in StandardWell
return well_container_(wellIdx)->getQs(compIdx);