Small clean up in GasLiftSingleWellGeneric.cpp

As discussed in PR #3728, it is better to move the two methods
reduceALQtoGroupTarget() and checkGroupTargetsViolated() from
OptimizeState to the parent class, then we do not have to abuse
OptimizeState in maybeAdjustALQbeforeOptimizeLoop_() just to call

Also fixes a typo (as discussed in PR #3729) in reduceALQtoGrouptTarget()
where the water rate is updated with the gas flow rate instead of the
water flow rate. Should be like this:

 water_rate = -potentials[this->parent.water_pos_];

instead of

 water_rate = -potentials[this->parent.gas_pos_];
This commit is contained in:
Håkon Hægland 2021-12-09 11:58:43 +01:00
parent 390e5250f9
commit 738b5c5f18
2 changed files with 134 additions and 128 deletions

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@ -220,6 +220,76 @@ checkALQequal_(double alq1, double alq2) const
return std::fabs(alq1-alq2) < (this->increment_*ALQ_EPSILON);
checkGroupTargetsViolated(double delta_oil, double delta_gas, double delta_water) const
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &[group_name, efficiency] : pairs) {
auto oil_target_opt = this->group_info_.oilTarget(group_name);
if (oil_target_opt) {
double oil_rate =
this->group_info_.oilRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_oil;
if (oil_rate > *oil_target_opt) {
if (this->debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : oil rate {} exceeds oil target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, oil_rate, *oil_target_opt);
return true;
auto gas_target_opt = this->group_info_.gasTarget(group_name);
if (gas_target_opt) {
double gas_rate =
this->group_info_.gasRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_gas;
if (gas_rate > *gas_target_opt) {
if (this->debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : gas rate {} exceeds gas target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, gas_rate, *gas_target_opt);
return true;
auto liquid_target_opt = this->group_info_.liquidTarget(group_name);
if (liquid_target_opt) {
double oil_rate =
this->group_info_.oilRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_oil;
double water_rate =
this->group_info_.waterRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_water;
double liquid_rate = oil_rate + water_rate;
if (liquid_rate > *liquid_target_opt) {
if (this->debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : liquid rate {} exceeds liquid target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, liquid_rate, *liquid_target_opt);
return true;
auto water_target_opt = this->group_info_.waterTarget(group_name);
if (water_target_opt) {
double water_rate =
this->group_info_.waterRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_water;
if (water_rate > *water_target_opt) {
if (this->debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : water rate {} exceeds water target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, water_rate, *water_target_opt);
return true;
return false;
checkInitialALQmodified_(double alq, double initial_alq) const
@ -760,10 +830,11 @@ maybeAdjustALQbeforeOptimizeLoop_(
oil_is_limited, gas_is_limited, water_is_limited, potentials);
// potentially reduce alq if group control is violated
OptimizeState state {*this, increase};
double reduced2_oil_rate, reduced2_gas_rate, reduced2_water_rate, reduced2_alq;
std::tie(reduced2_oil_rate, reduced2_gas_rate, reduced2_water_rate, reduced2_alq) =
state.reduceALQtoGroupTarget(alq, oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, potentials);
std::tie(reduced2_oil_rate, reduced2_gas_rate,
reduced2_water_rate, reduced2_alq)
= reduceALQtoGroupTarget(
alq, oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, potentials);
oil_rate = std::min(reduced_oil_rate, reduced2_oil_rate);
gas_rate = std::min(reduced_gas_rate, reduced2_gas_rate);
water_rate = std::min(reduced_water_rate, reduced2_water_rate);
@ -790,6 +861,55 @@ maybeAdjustALQbeforeOptimizeLoop_(
return std::make_tuple(oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq, oil_is_limited, gas_is_limited, water_is_limited);
reduceALQtoGroupTarget(double alq,
double oil_rate,
double gas_rate,
double water_rate,
std::vector<double>& potentials) const
bool stop_this_iteration = true;
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &groups : pairs) {
if (!this->group_state_.has_production_control(groups.first))
const auto& current_control = this->group_state_.production_control(groups.first);
if(current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::ORAT
|| current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::LRAT
|| current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::WRAT
|| current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::GRAT){
stop_this_iteration = false;
displayDebugMessage_("Reducing ALQ to meet groups target before iteration starts.");
double temp_alq = alq;
double oil_rate_orig = oil_rate;
double gas_rate_orig = gas_rate;
double water_rate_orig = water_rate;
while(!stop_this_iteration) {
temp_alq -= this->increment_;
if (temp_alq <= 0) break;
auto bhp_opt = computeBhpAtThpLimit_(temp_alq);
if (!bhp_opt) break;
auto bhp_this = getBhpWithLimit_(*bhp_opt);
computeWellRates_(bhp_this.first, potentials);
oil_rate = -potentials[this->oil_pos_];
gas_rate = -potentials[this->gas_pos_];
water_rate = -potentials[this->water_pos_];
double delta_oil = oil_rate - oil_rate_orig;
double delta_gas = gas_rate - gas_rate_orig;
double delta_water = water_rate - water_rate_orig;
if (!checkGroupTargetsViolated(delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water)) {
alq = temp_alq;
return std::make_tuple(oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq);
std::tuple<double,double,double, bool, bool,bool,double>
reduceALQtoWellTarget_(double alq,
@ -927,7 +1047,7 @@ runOptimizeLoop_(bool increase)
delta_gas = new_gas_rate - gas_rate;
delta_water = new_water_rate - water_rate;
delta_alq = new_alq - cur_alq;
if (!(state.checkGroupTargetsViolated(delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water)) &&
if (!(checkGroupTargetsViolated(delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water)) &&
oil_rate = new_oil_rate;
@ -953,7 +1073,7 @@ runOptimizeLoop_(bool increase)
while (!state.stop_iteration && ( <= this->max_iterations_)) {
if (!increase && state.checkNegativeOilRate(oil_rate)) break;
if (state.checkWellRatesViolated(potentials)) break;
if (state.checkGroupTargetsViolated(delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water)) break;
if (checkGroupTargetsViolated(delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water)) break;
if (state.checkAlqOutsideLimits(temp_alq, oil_rate)) break;
std::optional<double> alq_opt;
std::tie(alq_opt, alq_is_limited)
@ -1331,125 +1451,7 @@ checkGroupALQrateExceeded(double delta_alq)
return false;
checkGroupTargetsViolated(double delta_oil, double delta_gas, double delta_water)
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &[group_name, efficiency] : pairs) {
auto oil_target_opt = this->parent.group_info_.oilTarget(group_name);
if (oil_target_opt) {
double oil_rate =
this->parent.group_info_.oilRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_oil;
if (oil_rate > *oil_target_opt) {
if (this->parent.debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : oil rate {} exceeds oil target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, oil_rate, *oil_target_opt);
return true;
auto gas_target_opt = this->parent.group_info_.gasTarget(group_name);
if (gas_target_opt) {
double gas_rate =
this->parent.group_info_.gasRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_gas;
if (gas_rate > *gas_target_opt) {
if (this->parent.debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : gas rate {} exceeds gas target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, gas_rate, *gas_target_opt);
return true;
auto liquid_target_opt = this->parent.group_info_.liquidTarget(group_name);
if (liquid_target_opt) {
double oil_rate =
this->parent.group_info_.oilRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_oil;
double water_rate =
this->parent.group_info_.waterRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_water;
double liquid_rate = oil_rate + water_rate;
if (liquid_rate > *liquid_target_opt) {
if (this->parent.debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : liquid rate {} exceeds liquid target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, liquid_rate, *liquid_target_opt);
return true;
auto water_target_opt = this->parent.group_info_.waterTarget(group_name);
if (water_target_opt) {
double water_rate =
this->parent.group_info_.waterRate(group_name) + efficiency * delta_water;
if (water_rate > *water_target_opt) {
if (this->parent.debug_) {
const std::string msg = fmt::format(
"Group {} : water rate {} exceeds water target {}. Stopping iteration",
group_name, water_rate, *water_target_opt);
return true;
return false;
reduceALQtoGroupTarget(double alq,
double oil_rate,
double gas_rate,
double water_rate,
std::vector<double>& potentials)
bool stop_this_iteration = true;
const auto &pairs =
for (const auto &groups : pairs) {
if (!this->parent.group_state_.has_production_control(groups.first))
const auto& current_control = this->parent.group_state_.production_control(groups.first);
if(current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::ORAT
|| current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::LRAT
|| current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::WRAT
|| current_control == Group::ProductionCMode::GRAT){
stop_this_iteration = false;
this->parent.displayDebugMessage_("Reducing ALQ to meet groups target before iteration starts.");
double temp_alq = alq;
double oil_rate_orig = oil_rate;
double gas_rate_orig = gas_rate;
double water_rate_orig = water_rate;
while(!stop_this_iteration) {
temp_alq -= this->parent.increment_;
if (temp_alq <= 0) break;
auto bhp_opt = this->parent.computeBhpAtThpLimit_(temp_alq);
if (!bhp_opt) break;
auto bhp_this = this->parent.getBhpWithLimit_(*bhp_opt);
this->parent.computeWellRates_(bhp_this.first, potentials);
oil_rate = -potentials[this->parent.oil_pos_];
gas_rate = -potentials[this->parent.gas_pos_];
water_rate = -potentials[this->parent.gas_pos_];
double delta_oil = oil_rate - oil_rate_orig;
double delta_gas = gas_rate - gas_rate_orig;
double delta_water = water_rate - water_rate_orig;
if (!this->checkGroupTargetsViolated(delta_oil, delta_gas, delta_water)) {
alq = temp_alq;
return std::make_tuple(oil_rate, gas_rate, water_rate, alq);
checkNegativeOilRate(double oil_rate)

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@ -126,9 +126,6 @@ protected:
bool checkAlqOutsideLimits(double alq, double oil_rate);
bool checkEcoGradient(double gradient);
bool checkGroupALQrateExceeded(double delta_alq);
bool checkGroupTargetsViolated(double delta_oil, double delta_gas, double delta_water);
reduceALQtoGroupTarget(double alq, double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double water_rate, std::vector<double> &potentials);
bool checkNegativeOilRate(double oil_rate);
bool checkThpControl();
bool checkOilRateExceedsTarget(double oil_rate);
@ -148,6 +145,8 @@ protected:
double gas_rate, double new_gas_rate, bool increase) const;
bool checkALQequal_(double alq1, double alq2) const;
bool checkGroupTargetsViolated(
double delta_oil, double delta_gas, double delta_water) const;
bool checkInitialALQmodified_(double alq, double initial_alq) const;
bool checkWellRatesViolated_(std::vector<double>& potentials,
@ -212,9 +211,14 @@ protected:
bool increase, double alq, double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double water_rate,
bool oil_is_limited, bool gas_is_limited, bool water_is_limited, std::vector<double> &potentials);
reduceALQtoGroupTarget(double alq, double oil_rate, double gas_rate,
double water_rate, std::vector<double> &potentials) const;
std::tuple<double,double,double, bool, bool,bool,double>
reduceALQtoWellTarget_(double alq, double oil_rate, double gas_rate, double water_rate,
bool oil_is_limited, bool gas_is_limited, bool water_is_limited, std::vector<double> &potentials);
reduceALQtoWellTarget_(double alq, double oil_rate, double gas_rate,
double water_rate, bool oil_is_limited,
bool gas_is_limited, bool water_is_limited,
std::vector<double> &potentials);
std::unique_ptr<GasLiftWellState> runOptimize1_();
std::unique_ptr<GasLiftWellState> runOptimize2_();