This commit distinguishes the reference condition pore volume from
the dynamic, pressure (and/or temperature) dependent pore volume
value. Previously we would report the latter as the 'PORV' value in
the "Field Totals" and "FIPNUM region" reports, but this commit
switches to reporting the former instead-mostly for compatibility.
We still report the dynamic pore volume value, but now we report
this on a line of its own, before the table, using one of the forms
Field total pressure dependent pore volume = 12345 RM3
FIPNUM report region 1 pressure dependent pore volume = 123 RM3
This commit adds support for calculating and reporting block-level
values of the relative permeability of oil in the two-phase oil/gas
and oil/water subsystems of a three-phase simulation run. These are
activated through summary keywords BKROG and BKROW, respectively.
Previously, we exported an unordered map containing all names of
wells that are not present in the local part of the grid.
As we envision to have wells that are distributed across multiple
processors, this information does not seem to be enough. We need
to be able to set up communication for each well. To do this we need
to find out who handles perforations of each well.
We now export a full list of well name together with a boolean
indicating whether it perforates local cells (vector of pair of string
and bool).
As part of support the RPR__xxx summary keywords the ecloutputblackoilmodule.hh
file hase been refactored significantly:
- std::optional<> is used to manage the calculate once initial values.
- several small functions are extracted from the outputFipLog() function.
- std::array<> is used instead of ScalarBuffer to manage containers over all
- SummaryConfig nodes for the requested summary output is stored in the class.
- A small struct RegionSum is created to hold the region summed properties.
We used a method isGlobalIdxOnThisRank to determine whether to write
an entry for a summary keyword (like BPR). Unfortunately, this did
exactly what the name suggested, but we actually passed a cartesian
index to it. That meant that a lower cartesian index might have found on
many processes (with different cartesian index and hence resulting in
wrong values), while higher for ones no process would have been found
with it (resulting in writing zeros).
With this commit we store a sorted list of cartesian indices and query
that in the renamed and restructured function isCartesianidxOnThisRank.
Most probably this broke during refactoring.
This commit ensures that we don't issue misleading warning about
output creation directives such as
that could be, and typically are, put into keywords like RPTRST and
RPTSCHED. Previously, we would interpret these directives as names
of cell vectors and we would get very confusing diagnostic messages
of the form
Keyword 'BASIC' is unhandled for output to file
which suggests that 'BASIC' is unsupported despite the output system
supporting the directive for quite some time. While here, also
apply the same reasoning to the vectors we always output such as