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Copyright 2012 SINTEF ICT, Applied Mathematics.
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with OPM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "config.h"
#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include <opm/polymer/SimulatorCompressiblePolymer.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/parameters/ParameterGroup.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/ErrorMacros.hpp>
#include <opm/polymer/CompressibleTpfaPolymer.hpp>
#include <opm/core/grid.h>
#include <opm/core/newwells.h>
#include <opm/core/pressure/flow_bc.h>
#include <opm/core/simulator/SimulatorReport.hpp>
#include <opm/core/simulator/SimulatorTimer.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/StopWatch.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/writeVtkData.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/miscUtilities.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/miscUtilitiesBlackoil.hpp>
#include <opm/core/fluid/BlackoilPropertiesInterface.hpp>
#include <opm/core/fluid/RockCompressibility.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/ColumnExtract.hpp>
#include <opm/core/utility/Units.hpp>
#include <opm/polymer/PolymerBlackoilState.hpp>
#include <opm/core/simulator/WellState.hpp>
#include <opm/polymer/TransportModelCompressiblePolymer.hpp>
#include <opm/polymer/PolymerProperties.hpp>
#include <opm/polymer/polymerUtilities.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/convenience.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <numeric>
#include <fstream>
namespace Opm
void outputState(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const Opm::PolymerBlackoilState& state,
const int step,
const std::string& output_dir);
void outputWaterCut(const Opm::Watercut& watercut,
const std::string& output_dir);
void outputWellReport(const Opm::WellReport& wellreport,
const std::string& output_dir);
} // anonymous namespace
class SimulatorCompressiblePolymer::Impl
Impl(const parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
const PolymerProperties& poly_props,
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props,
const Wells* wells,
const std::vector<double>& src,
const FlowBoundaryConditions* bcs,
LinearSolverInterface& linsolver,
const double* gravity);
SimulatorReport run(SimulatorTimer& timer,
PolymerBlackoilState& state,
WellState& well_state);
// Data.
// Parameters for output.
bool output_;
std::string output_dir_;
int output_interval_;
// Parameters for transport solver.
int num_transport_substeps_;
bool use_segregation_split_;
// Observed objects.
const UnstructuredGrid& grid_;
const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props_;
const PolymerProperties& poly_props_;
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props_;
const Wells* wells_;
const std::vector<double>& src_;
const FlowBoundaryConditions* bcs_;
const LinearSolverInterface& linsolver_;
const double* gravity_;
// Solvers
CompressibleTpfaPolymer psolver_;
TransportModelCompressiblePolymer tsolver_;
// Needed by column-based gravity segregation solver.
std::vector< std::vector<int> > columns_;
// Misc. data
std::vector<int> allcells_;
PolymerInflow poly_inflow_;
SimulatorCompressiblePolymer::SimulatorCompressiblePolymer(const parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
const PolymerProperties& poly_props,
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props,
const Wells* wells,
const std::vector<double>& src,
const FlowBoundaryConditions* bcs,
LinearSolverInterface& linsolver,
const double* gravity)
pimpl_.reset(new Impl(param, grid, props, poly_props, rock_comp_props, wells, src, bcs, linsolver, gravity));
SimulatorReport SimulatorCompressiblePolymer::run(SimulatorTimer& timer,
PolymerBlackoilState& state,
WellState& well_state)
return pimpl_->run(timer, state, well_state);
SimulatorCompressiblePolymer::Impl::Impl(const parameter::ParameterGroup& param,
const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const BlackoilPropertiesInterface& props,
const PolymerProperties& poly_props,
const RockCompressibility* rock_comp_props,
const Wells* wells,
const std::vector<double>& src,
const FlowBoundaryConditions* bcs,
LinearSolverInterface& linsolver,
const double* gravity)
: grid_(grid),
psolver_(grid, props, rock_comp_props, poly_props, linsolver,
param.getDefault("nl_pressure_residual_tolerance", 0.0),
param.getDefault("nl_pressure_change_tolerance", 1.0),
param.getDefault("nl_pressure_maxiter", 10),
gravity, wells),
tsolver_(grid, props, poly_props, *rock_comp_props,
param.getDefault("nl_tolerance", 1e-9),
param.getDefault("nl_maxiter", 30)),
poly_inflow_(param.getDefault("poly_start_days", 300.0)*Opm::unit::day,
param.getDefault("poly_end_days", 800.0)*Opm::unit::day,
param.getDefault("poly_amount", poly_props.cMax()))
// For output.
output_ = param.getDefault("output", true);
if (output_) {
output_dir_ = param.getDefault("output_dir", std::string("output"));
// Ensure that output dir exists
boost::filesystem::path fpath(output_dir_);
try {
catch (...) {
THROW("Creating directories failed: " << fpath);
output_interval_ = param.getDefault("output_interval", 1);
// Transport related init.
TransportModelCompressiblePolymer::SingleCellMethod method;
std::string method_string = param.getDefault("single_cell_method", std::string("Bracketing"));
if (method_string == "Bracketing") {
method = Opm::TransportModelCompressiblePolymer::Bracketing;
} else if (method_string == "Newton") {
method = Opm::TransportModelCompressiblePolymer::Newton;
} else {
THROW("Unknown method: " << method_string);
num_transport_substeps_ = param.getDefault("num_transport_substeps", 1);
use_segregation_split_ = param.getDefault("use_segregation_split", false);
if (gravity_ != 0 && use_segregation_split_){
extractColumn(grid_, columns_);
// Misc init.
const int num_cells = grid.number_of_cells;
for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) {
allcells_[cell] = cell;
SimulatorReport SimulatorCompressiblePolymer::Impl::run(SimulatorTimer& timer,
PolymerBlackoilState& state,
WellState& well_state)
std::vector<double> transport_src;
// Initialisation.
std::vector<double> initial_pressure;
std::vector<double> porevol;
if (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), *rock_comp_props_, state.pressure(), porevol);
} else {
computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), porevol);
const double tot_porevol_init = std::accumulate(porevol.begin(), porevol.end(), 0.0);
std::vector<double> initial_porevol = porevol;
// Main simulation loop.
Opm::time::StopWatch pressure_timer;
double ptime = 0.0;
Opm::time::StopWatch transport_timer;
double ttime = 0.0;
Opm::time::StopWatch total_timer;
double init_satvol[2] = { 0.0 };
double init_polymass = 0.0;
double satvol[2] = { 0.0 };
double polymass = 0.0;
double polymass_adsorbed = 0.0;
double injected[2] = { 0.0 };
double produced[2] = { 0.0 };
double polyinj = 0.0;
double polyprod = 0.0;
double tot_injected[2] = { 0.0 };
double tot_produced[2] = { 0.0 };
double tot_polyinj = 0.0;
double tot_polyprod = 0.0;
Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.saturation(), init_satvol);
std::cout << "\nInitial saturations are " << init_satvol[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< " " << init_satvol[1]/tot_porevol_init << std::endl;
Opm::Watercut watercut;
watercut.push(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Opm::WellReport wellreport;
std::vector<double> fractional_flows;
std::vector<double> well_resflows_phase;
if (wells_) {
well_resflows_phase.resize((wells_->number_of_phases)*(wells_->number_of_wells), 0.0);
wellreport.push(props_, *wells_, state.pressure(), state.surfacevol(),
state.saturation(), 0.0, well_state.bhp(), well_state.perfRates());
for (; !timer.done(); ++timer) {
// Report timestep and (optionally) write state to disk.
if (output_ && (timer.currentStepNum() % output_interval_ == 0)) {
outputState(grid_, state, timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);
if (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
initial_pressure = state.pressure();
// Solve pressure.
do {
psolver_.solve(timer.currentStepLength(), state, well_state);
double pt = pressure_timer.secsSinceStart();
std::cout << "Pressure solver took: " << pt << " seconds." << std::endl;
ptime += pt;
} while (false);
// Update pore volumes if rock is compressible.
if (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
initial_porevol = porevol;
computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), *rock_comp_props_, state.pressure(), porevol);
// Process transport sources (to include bdy terms and well flows).
Opm::computeTransportSource(grid_, src_, state.faceflux(), 1.0,
wells_, well_state.perfRates(), transport_src);
// Find inflow rate.
const double current_time = timer.currentTime();
double stepsize = timer.currentStepLength();
const double inflowc0 = poly_inflow_(current_time + 1e-5*stepsize);
const double inflowc1 = poly_inflow_(current_time + (1.0 - 1e-5)*stepsize);
if (inflowc0 != inflowc1) {
std::cout << "**** Warning: polymer inflow rate changes during timestep. Using rate near start of step.";
const double inflow_c = inflowc0;
// Solve transport.
if (num_transport_substeps_ != 1) {
stepsize /= double(num_transport_substeps_);
std::cout << "Making " << num_transport_substeps_ << " transport substeps." << std::endl;
for (int tr_substep = 0; tr_substep < num_transport_substeps_; ++tr_substep) {
tsolver_.solve(&state.faceflux()[0], initial_pressure,
state.pressure(), &initial_porevol[0], &porevol[0],
&transport_src[0], stepsize, inflow_c,
state.saturation(), state.surfacevol(),
state.concentration(), state.maxconcentration());
Opm::computeInjectedProduced(props_, poly_props_,
state.pressure(), state.surfacevol(), state.saturation(),
state.concentration(), state.maxconcentration(),
transport_src, stepsize, inflow_c, injected, produced,
polyinj, polyprod);
if (gravity_ != 0 && use_segregation_split_) {
tsolver_.solveGravity(columns_, stepsize,
state.saturation(), state.surfacevol(),
state.concentration(), state.maxconcentration());
double tt = transport_timer.secsSinceStart();
std::cout << "Transport solver took: " << tt << " seconds." << std::endl;
ttime += tt;
// Report volume balances.
Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.saturation(), satvol);
polymass = Opm::computePolymerMass(porevol, state.saturation(), state.concentration(), poly_props_.deadPoreVol());
polymass_adsorbed = Opm::computePolymerAdsorbed(grid_, props_, poly_props_,
state, *rock_comp_props_);
tot_injected[0] += injected[0];
tot_injected[1] += injected[1];
tot_produced[0] += produced[0];
tot_produced[1] += produced[1];
tot_polyinj += polyinj;
tot_polyprod += polyprod;
const int width = 18;
std::cout << "\nVolume and polymer mass balance: "
" water(pv) oil(pv) polymer(kg)\n";
std::cout << " Saturated volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << satvol[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << satvol[1]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << polymass << std::endl;
std::cout << " Adsorbed volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << 0.0
<< std::setw(width) << 0.0
<< std::setw(width) << polymass_adsorbed << std::endl;
std::cout << " Injected volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << injected[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << injected[1]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << polyinj << std::endl;
std::cout << " Produced volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << produced[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << produced[1]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << polyprod << std::endl;
std::cout << " Total inj volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << tot_injected[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << tot_injected[1]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << tot_polyinj << std::endl;
std::cout << " Total prod volumes: "
<< std::setw(width) << tot_produced[0]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << tot_produced[1]/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << tot_polyprod << std::endl;
std::cout << " In-place + prod - inj: "
<< std::setw(width) << (satvol[0] + tot_produced[0] - tot_injected[0])/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << (satvol[1] + tot_produced[1] - tot_injected[1])/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << (polymass + tot_polyprod - tot_polyinj + polymass_adsorbed) << std::endl;
std::cout << " Init - now - pr + inj: "
<< std::setw(width) << (init_satvol[0] - satvol[0] - tot_produced[0] + tot_injected[0])/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << (init_satvol[1] - satvol[1] - tot_produced[1] + tot_injected[1])/tot_porevol_init
<< std::setw(width) << (init_polymass - polymass - tot_polyprod + tot_polyinj - polymass_adsorbed)
<< std::endl;
watercut.push(timer.currentTime() + timer.currentStepLength(),
produced[0]/(produced[0] + produced[1]),
if (wells_) {
wellreport.push(props_, *wells_, state.pressure(), state.surfacevol(),
state.saturation(), timer.currentTime() + timer.currentStepLength(),
well_state.bhp(), well_state.perfRates());
if (output_) {
outputState(grid_, state, timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);
outputWaterCut(watercut, output_dir_);
if (wells_) {
outputWellReport(wellreport, output_dir_);
SimulatorReport report;
report.pressure_time = ptime;
report.transport_time = ttime;
report.total_time = total_timer.secsSinceStart();
return report;
void outputState(const UnstructuredGrid& grid,
const Opm::PolymerBlackoilState& state,
const int step,
const std::string& output_dir)
// Write data in VTK format.
std::ostringstream vtkfilename;
vtkfilename << output_dir << "/output-" << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << step << ".vtu";
std::ofstream vtkfile(vtkfilename.str().c_str());
if (!vtkfile) {
THROW("Failed to open " << vtkfilename.str());
Opm::DataMap dm;
dm["saturation"] = &state.saturation();
dm["pressure"] = &state.pressure();
dm["concentration"] = &state.concentration();
dm["cmax"] = &state.maxconcentration();
std::vector<double> cell_velocity;
Opm::estimateCellVelocity(grid, state.faceflux(), cell_velocity);
dm["velocity"] = &cell_velocity;
Opm::writeVtkData(grid, dm, vtkfile);
// Write data (not grid) in Matlab format
for (Opm::DataMap::const_iterator it = dm.begin(); it != dm.end(); ++it) {
std::ostringstream fname;
fname << output_dir << "/" << it->first << "-" << std::setw(3) << std::setfill('0') << step << ".dat";
std::ofstream file(fname.str().c_str());
if (!file) {
THROW("Failed to open " << fname.str());
const std::vector<double>& d = *(it->second);
std::copy(d.begin(), d.end(), std::ostream_iterator<double>(file, "\n"));
void outputWaterCut(const Opm::Watercut& watercut,
const std::string& output_dir)
// Write water cut curve.
std::string fname = output_dir + "/watercut.txt";
std::ofstream os(fname.c_str());
if (!os) {
THROW("Failed to open " << fname);
void outputWellReport(const Opm::WellReport& wellreport,
const std::string& output_dir)
// Write well report.
std::string fname = output_dir + "/wellreport.txt";
std::ofstream os(fname.c_str());
if (!os) {
THROW("Failed to open " << fname);
} // anonymous namespace
} // namespace Opm