Markus Blatt 1d94357558 Refactored how well information is exported after load balancing.
Previously, we exported an unordered map containing all names of
wells that are not present in the local part of the grid.

As we envision to have wells that are distributed across multiple
processors, this information does not seem to be enough. We need
to be able to set up communication for each well. To do this we need
to find out who handles perforations of each well.

We now export a full list of well name together with a boolean
indicating whether it perforates local cells (vector of pair of string
and bool).
2020-09-22 20:04:01 +02:00

721 lines
26 KiB

// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vi: set et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4:
This file is part of the Open Porous Media project (OPM).
OPM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
OPM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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Consult the COPYING file in the top-level source directory of this
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copyright holders.
* \file
* \copydoc Opm::EclBaseVanguard
#include <opm/models/io/basevanguard.hh>
#include <opm/models/utils/propertysystem.hh>
#include <opm/models/utils/parametersystem.hh>
#include <opm/models/discretization/common/fvbaseproperties.hh>
#include <opm/grid/CpGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/grid/cpgrid/GridHelpers.hpp>
#include <opm/core/props/satfunc/RelpermDiagnostics.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Python/Python.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Parser/Parser.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Parser/ParseContext.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Parser/ErrorGuard.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/Deck/Deck.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/checkDeck.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/EclipseState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Grid/EclipseGrid.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Schedule.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/SummaryConfig/SummaryConfig.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/SummaryState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/Action/State.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/UDQ/UDQState.hpp>
#include <opm/parser/eclipse/EclipseState/Schedule/UDQ/UDQConfig.hpp>
#include <opm/simulators/utils/readDeck.hpp>
#include <mpi.h>
#endif // HAVE_MPI
#include <array>
#include <chrono>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace Opm {
template <class TypeTag>
class EclBaseVanguard;
namespace Opm::Properties {
namespace TTag {
struct EclBaseVanguard {};
// declare the properties required by the for the ecl simulator vanguard
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct EquilGrid {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct EclDeckFileName {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct EnableOpmRstFile {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct EclStrictParsing {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct SchedRestart {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct EclOutputInterval {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct IgnoreKeywords {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct EdgeWeightsMethod {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag, class MyTypeTag>
struct OwnerCellsFirst {
using type = UndefinedProperty;
template<class TypeTag>
struct IgnoreKeywords<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr auto value = "";
template<class TypeTag>
struct EclDeckFileName<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr auto value = "";
template<class TypeTag>
struct EclOutputInterval<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr int value = -1;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EnableOpmRstFile<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EclStrictParsing<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct SchedRestart<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr bool value = false;
template<class TypeTag>
struct EdgeWeightsMethod<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr int value = 1;
template<class TypeTag>
struct OwnerCellsFirst<TypeTag, TTag::EclBaseVanguard> {
static constexpr bool value = true;
} // namespace Opm::Properties
namespace Opm {
* \ingroup EclBlackOilSimulator
* \brief Helper class for grid instantiation of ECL file-format using problems.
template <class TypeTag>
class EclBaseVanguard : public BaseVanguard<TypeTag>
using ParentType = BaseVanguard<TypeTag>;
using Implementation = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Vanguard>;
using Scalar = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Scalar>;
using Simulator = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Simulator>;
enum { enableExperiments = getPropValue<TypeTag, Properties::EnableExperiments>() };
using Grid = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::Grid>;
using GridView = GetPropType<TypeTag, Properties::GridView>;
static const int dimension = Grid::dimension;
* \brief Register the common run-time parameters for all ECL simulator vanguards.
static void registerParameters()
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, EclDeckFileName,
"The name of the file which contains the ECL deck to be simulated");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EclOutputInterval,
"The number of report steps that ought to be skipped between two writes of ECL results");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableOpmRstFile,
"Include OPM-specific keywords in the ECL restart file to enable restart of OPM simulators from these files");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, IgnoreKeywords,
"List of Eclipse keywords which should be ignored. As a ':' separated string.");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EclStrictParsing,
"Use strict mode for parsing - all errors are collected before the applicaton exists.");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, SchedRestart,
"When restarting: should we try to initialize wells and groups from historical SCHEDULE section.");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EdgeWeightsMethod,
"Choose edge-weighing strategy: 0=uniform, 1=trans, 2=log(trans).");
EWOMS_REGISTER_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, OwnerCellsFirst,
"Order cells owned by rank before ghost/overlap cells.");
* \brief Returns the canonical path to a deck file.
* The input can either be the canonical deck file name or the name of the case
* (i.e., without the .DATA extension)
static Opm::filesystem::path canonicalDeckPath(const std::string& caseName)
const auto fileExists = [](const Opm::filesystem::path& f) -> bool
if (!Opm::filesystem::exists(f))
return false;
if (Opm::filesystem::is_regular_file(f))
return true;
return Opm::filesystem::is_symlink(f) && Opm::filesystem::is_regular_file(Opm::filesystem::read_symlink(f));
auto simcase = Opm::filesystem::path(caseName);
if (fileExists(simcase))
return simcase;
for (const auto& ext : { std::string("data"), std::string("DATA") }) {
if (fileExists(simcase.replace_extension(ext)))
return simcase;
throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot find input case '"+caseName+"'");
* \brief Creates an Opm::parseContext object assuming that the parameters are ready.
static std::unique_ptr<Opm::ParseContext> createParseContext()
typedef std::pair<std::string, Opm::InputError::Action> ParseModePair;
typedef std::vector<ParseModePair> ParseModePairs;
ParseModePairs tmp;
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_RANDOM_SLASH, Opm::InputError::IGNORE);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_MISSING_DIMS_KEYWORD, Opm::InputError::WARN);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::SUMMARY_UNKNOWN_WELL, Opm::InputError::WARN);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::SUMMARY_UNKNOWN_GROUP, Opm::InputError::WARN);
tmp.emplace_back(Opm::ParseContext::PARSE_EXTRA_RECORDS, Opm::InputError::WARN);
auto parseContext = std::make_unique<Opm::ParseContext>(tmp);
const std::string ignoredKeywords = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, IgnoreKeywords);
if (ignoredKeywords.size() > 0) {
size_t pos;
size_t offset = 0;
while (true) {
pos = ignoredKeywords.find(':', offset);
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
parseContext->ignoreKeyword(ignoredKeywords.substr(offset, pos - offset));
offset = pos + 1;
if (EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EclStrictParsing))
return parseContext;
* \brief Set the wall time which was spend externally to set up the external data structures
* i.e., the objects specified via the other setExternal*() methods.
static void setExternalSetupTime(Scalar t)
{ externalSetupTime_ = t; }
* \brief Returns the wall time required to set up the simulator before it was born.
static Scalar externalSetupTime()
{ return externalSetupTime_; }
* \brief Set the Opm::ParseContext object which ought to be used for parsing the deck and creating the Opm::EclipseState object.
static void setExternalParseContext(std::unique_ptr<Opm::ParseContext> parseContext)
{ externalParseContext_ = std::move(parseContext); }
* \brief Set the Opm::ErrorGuard object which ought to be used for parsing the deck and creating the Opm::EclipseState object.
static void setExternalErrorGuard(std::unique_ptr<Opm::ErrorGuard> errorGuard)
{ externalErrorGuard_ = std::move(errorGuard); }
* \brief Set the Opm::Deck object which ought to be used when the simulator vanguard
* is instantiated.
* This is basically an optimization: In cases where the ECL input deck must be
* examined to decide which simulator ought to be used, this avoids having to parse
* the input twice. When this method is used, the caller is responsible for lifetime
* management of these two objects, i.e., they are not allowed to be deleted as long
* as the simulator vanguard object is alive.
static void setExternalDeck(std::unique_ptr<Opm::Deck> deck)
{ externalDeck_ = std::move(deck); externalDeckSet_ = true; }
* \brief Set the Opm::EclipseState object which ought to be used when the simulator
* vanguard is instantiated.
static void setExternalEclState(std::unique_ptr<Opm::EclipseState> eclState)
{ externalEclState_ = std::move(eclState); }
* \brief Create the grid for problem data files which use the ECL file format.
* This is the file format used by the commercial ECLiPSE simulator. Usually it uses
* a cornerpoint description of the grid.
EclBaseVanguard(Simulator& simulator)
: ParentType(simulator)
int myRank = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myRank);
std::string fileName = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, EclDeckFileName);
edgeWeightsMethod_ = Dune::EdgeWeightMethod(EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EdgeWeightsMethod));
ownersFirst_ = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, OwnerCellsFirst);
// Make proper case name.
if (fileName == "")
throw std::runtime_error("No input deck file has been specified as a command line argument,"
" or via '--ecl-deck-file-name=CASE.DATA'");
fileName = canonicalDeckPath(fileName).string();
// compute the base name of the input file name
const char directorySeparator = '/';
long int i;
for (i = fileName.size(); i >= 0; -- i)
if (fileName[i] == directorySeparator)
std::string baseName = fileName.substr(i + 1, fileName.size());
// remove the extension from the input file
for (i = baseName.size(); i >= 0; -- i)
if (baseName[i] == '.')
std::string rawCaseName;
if (i < 0)
rawCaseName = baseName;
rawCaseName = baseName.substr(0, i);
// transform the result to ALL_UPPERCASE
caseName_ = rawCaseName;
std::transform(caseName_.begin(), caseName_.end(), caseName_.begin(), ::toupper);
std::unique_ptr<ErrorGuard> errorGuard = nullptr;
// Check that we are in one of the known configurations for external variables
// and move them to internal
if (externalDeck_)
deck_ = std::move(externalDeck_);
if (externalParseContext_ && externalErrorGuard_ )
parseContext_ = std::move(externalParseContext_);
errorGuard = std::move(externalErrorGuard_);
else if(externalEclState_ && externalEclSchedule_ && externalEclSummaryConfig_)
eclState_ = std::move(externalEclState_);
eclSchedule_ = std::move(externalEclSchedule_);
eclSummaryConfig_ = std::move(externalEclSummaryConfig_);
OPM_THROW(std::logic_error, "Either parse context and error guard or ECL state, schedule, and summary config need to be"
<< " set externally.");
else if (externalParseContext_)
parseContext_ = std::move(externalParseContext_);
parseContext_ = createParseContext();
readDeck(myRank, fileName, deck_, eclState_, eclSchedule_,
eclSummaryConfig_, std::move(errorGuard), python,
std::move(parseContext_), /* initFromRestart = */ false,
/* checkDeck = */ enableExperiments);
this->summaryState_ = std::make_unique<Opm::SummaryState>( std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(this->eclSchedule_->getStartTime() ));
this->udqState_ = std::make_unique<Opm::UDQState>( this->eclSchedule_->getUDQConfig(0).params().undefinedValue() );
this->actionState_ = std::make_unique<Opm::Action::State>() ;
// Possibly override IOConfig setting for how often RESTART files should get
// written to disk (every N report step)
int outputInterval = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, int, EclOutputInterval);
if (outputInterval >= 0)
* \brief Return a reference to the parsed ECL deck.
const Opm::Deck& deck() const
{ return *deck_; }
Opm::Deck& deck()
{ return *deck_; }
* \brief Return a reference to the internalized ECL deck.
const Opm::EclipseState& eclState() const
{ return *eclState_; }
Opm::EclipseState& eclState()
{ return *eclState_; }
* \brief Return a reference to the object that managages the ECL schedule.
const Opm::Schedule& schedule() const
{ return *eclSchedule_; }
Opm::Schedule& schedule()
{ return *eclSchedule_; }
* \brief Set the schedule object.
* The lifetime of this object is not managed by the vanguard, i.e., the object must
* stay valid until after the vanguard gets destroyed.
static void setExternalSchedule(std::unique_ptr<Opm::Schedule> schedule)
{ externalEclSchedule_ = std::move(schedule); }
* \brief Return a reference to the object that determines which quantities ought to
* be put into the ECL summary output.
const Opm::SummaryConfig& summaryConfig() const
{ return *eclSummaryConfig_; }
* \brief Set the summary configuration object.
* The lifetime of this object is not managed by the vanguard, i.e., the object must
* stay valid until after the vanguard gets destroyed.
static void setExternalSummaryConfig(std::unique_ptr<Opm::SummaryConfig> summaryConfig)
{ externalEclSummaryConfig_ = std::move(summaryConfig); }
* \brief Returns the summary state
* The summary state is a small container object for
* computed, ready to use summary values. The values will typically be used by
* the UDQ, WTEST and ACTIONX calculations.
Opm::SummaryState& summaryState()
{ return *summaryState_; }
const Opm::SummaryState& summaryState() const
{ return *summaryState_; }
* \brief Returns the action state
* The ActionState keeps track of how many times the various actions have run.
Opm::Action::State& actionState()
{ return *actionState_; }
const Opm::Action::State& actionState() const
{ return *actionState_; }
* \brief Returns the udq state
* The UDQState keeps track of the result of UDQ evaluations.
Opm::UDQState& udqState()
{ return *udqState_; }
const Opm::UDQState& udqState() const
{ return *udqState_; }
* \brief Parameter deciding the edge-weight strategy of the load balancer.
Dune::EdgeWeightMethod edgeWeightsMethod() const
{ return edgeWeightsMethod_; }
* \brief Parameter that decide if cells owned by rank are ordered before ghost cells.
bool ownersFirst() const
{ return ownersFirst_; }
* \brief Returns the name of the case.
* i.e., the all-uppercase version of the file name from which the
* deck is loaded with the ".DATA" suffix removed.
const std::string& caseName() const
{ return caseName_; }
* \brief Returns the number of logically Cartesian cells in each direction
const std::array<int, dimension>& cartesianDimensions() const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianDimensions(); }
* \brief Returns the overall number of cells of the logically Cartesian grid
int cartesianSize() const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianSize(); }
* \brief Returns the overall number of cells of the logically EquilCartesian grid
int equilCartesianSize() const
{ return asImp_().equilCartesianIndexMapper().cartesianSize(); }
* \brief Returns the Cartesian cell id for identifaction with ECL data
unsigned cartesianIndex(unsigned compressedCellIdx) const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianIndex(compressedCellIdx); }
* \brief Return the index of the cells in the logical Cartesian grid
unsigned cartesianIndex(const std::array<int,dimension>& coords) const
unsigned cartIndex = coords[0];
int factor = cartesianDimensions()[0];
for (unsigned i = 1; i < dimension; ++i) {
cartIndex += coords[i]*factor;
factor *= cartesianDimensions()[i];
return cartIndex;
* \brief Extract Cartesian index triplet (i,j,k) of an active cell.
* \param [in] cellIdx Active cell index.
* \param [out] ijk Cartesian index triplet
void cartesianCoordinate(unsigned cellIdx, std::array<int,3>& ijk) const
{ return asImp_().cartesianIndexMapper().cartesianCoordinate(cellIdx, ijk); }
* \brief Returns the Cartesian cell id given an element index for the grid used for equilibration
unsigned equilCartesianIndex(unsigned compressedEquilCellIdx) const
{ return asImp_().equilCartesianIndexMapper().cartesianIndex(compressedEquilCellIdx); }
* \brief Extract Cartesian index triplet (i,j,k) of an active cell of the grid used for EQUIL.
* \param [in] cellIdx Active cell index.
* \param [out] ijk Cartesian index triplet
void equilCartesianCoordinate(unsigned cellIdx, std::array<int,3>& ijk) const
{ return asImp_().equilCartesianIndexMapper().cartesianCoordinate(cellIdx, ijk); }
* \brief Returns vector with name and whether the has local perforated cells
* for all wells.
* Will only have usable values for CpGrid.
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string,bool>>& parallelWells() const
{ return parallelWells_; }
* \brief Get the cell centroids for a distributed grid.
* Currently this only non-empty for a loadbalanced CpGrid.
const std::vector<double>& cellCentroids() const
return centroids_;
void callImplementationInit()
if (enableExperiments) {
if (asImp_().grid().size(0)) //grid not loadbalanced yet for ebos!
Opm::RelpermDiagnostics relpermDiagnostics;
relpermDiagnostics.diagnosis(*eclState_, asImp_().grid());
void updateOutputDir_()
// update the location for output
std::string outputDir = EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, std::string, OutputDir);
auto& ioConfig = eclState_->getIOConfig();
if (outputDir == "")
// If no output directory parameter is specified, use the output directory
// which Opm::IOConfig thinks that should be used. Normally this is the
// directory in which the input files are located.
outputDir = ioConfig.getOutputDir();
// ensure that the output directory exists and that it is a directory
if (!Opm::filesystem::is_directory(outputDir)) {
try {
catch (...) {
throw std::runtime_error("Creation of output directory '"+outputDir+"' failed\n");
// specify the directory output. This is not a very nice mechanism because
// the eclState is supposed to be immutable here, IMO.
ioConfig.setEclCompatibleRST(!EWOMS_GET_PARAM(TypeTag, bool, EnableOpmRstFile));
Implementation& asImp_()
{ return *static_cast<Implementation*>(this); }
const Implementation& asImp_() const
{ return *static_cast<const Implementation*>(this); }
std::string caseName_;
static Scalar externalSetupTime_;
static std::unique_ptr<Opm::ParseContext> externalParseContext_;
static std::unique_ptr<Opm::ErrorGuard> externalErrorGuard_;
static std::unique_ptr<Opm::Deck> externalDeck_;
static bool externalDeckSet_;
static std::unique_ptr<Opm::EclipseState> externalEclState_;
static std::unique_ptr<Opm::Schedule> externalEclSchedule_;
static std::unique_ptr<Opm::SummaryConfig> externalEclSummaryConfig_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::SummaryState> summaryState_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::Action::State> actionState_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::UDQState> udqState_;
// these attributes point either to the internal or to the external version of the
// parser objects.
std::unique_ptr<Opm::ParseContext> parseContext_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::ErrorGuard> errorGuard_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::Deck> deck_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::EclipseState> eclState_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::Schedule> eclSchedule_;
std::unique_ptr<Opm::SummaryConfig> eclSummaryConfig_;
std::shared_ptr<Opm::Python> python = std::make_shared<Opm::Python>();
Dune::EdgeWeightMethod edgeWeightsMethod_;
bool ownersFirst_;
/*! \brief The cell centroids after loadbalance was called.
* Empty otherwise. Used by EclTransmissibilty.
std::vector<double> centroids_;
/*! \brief information about wells in parallel
* For each well in the model there is an entry with its name
* and a boolean indicating whether it perforates local cells.
std::vector<std::pair<std::string,bool>> parallelWells_;
template <class TypeTag>
typename EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::Scalar EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalSetupTime_ = 0.0;
template <class TypeTag>
std::unique_ptr<Opm::ParseContext> EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalParseContext_ = nullptr;
template <class TypeTag>
std::unique_ptr<Opm::ErrorGuard> EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalErrorGuard_ = nullptr;
template <class TypeTag>
std::unique_ptr<Opm::Deck> EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalDeck_ = nullptr;
template <class TypeTag>
bool EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalDeckSet_ = false;
template <class TypeTag>
std::unique_ptr<Opm::EclipseState> EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalEclState_;
template <class TypeTag>
std::unique_ptr<Opm::Schedule> EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalEclSchedule_ = nullptr;
template <class TypeTag>
std::unique_ptr<Opm::SummaryConfig> EclBaseVanguard<TypeTag>::externalEclSummaryConfig_ = nullptr;
} // namespace Opm