2018-06-18 20:40:50 +02:00

275 lines
12 KiB

### 1.9.1
* [154: When filtering by searchTerm, sizes of every result page has an unexpected behavior](
* [157: Background commands executed by installation process do not respect the used php binary](
* [155: Improve the pagination object returned in lists, including more meaningful properties](
### 1.9.0
* [147: Allow short URLs to be created on the fly with query param authentication](
* [139: Make sure all core actions log exceptions](
### 1.8.1
* [141: Remove workaround used in PathVersionMiddleware](
* [140: Installation failed. Warning thrown while trying to include doctrine script](
### 1.8.0
* [125: Implement a path which returns a 1px image instead of a redirection](
* [130: Update to Expressive 3](
* [137: Update symfony packages to v4](
* [131: Drop support for PHP 7](
* [132: Add infection to improve tests](
### 1.7.2
* [135: Fix PathVersionMiddleware being ignored when using expressive 2.2](
### 1.7.1
* [128: Upgrade to expressive 2.2](
* [126: Expressive 2.2 causes failures by triggering E_USER_DEPRECATED errors](
### 1.7.0
* [88: Allow to disable tracking of the short URL by including a configurable query param](
* [108: Allow to edit metadata in created shortcodes](
* [113: Update CLI commands to use SymfonyStyle](
* [112: Configure cli commands lazy loading](
* [117: Make every module which throws exceptions have its own ExceptionInterface, and make them all extend Throwable](
* [115: Add phpstan to build matrix on PHP >=7.1 envs](
* [114: Replace vlucas/phpdotenv dev requirement by symfony/env](
### 1.6.2
* [109: Fix installation error due to typo in latest migration](
### 1.6.1
* [110: Create gitattributes file to define files to be excluded from distributable package](
### 1.6.0
* [44: Consider allowing to set custom slugs instead of generating a short code](
* [47: Allow to limit short codes availability by date range](
* [48: Allow to limit the number of visits to a short code](
* [105: Added option to enable/disable URL validation by response status code.](
* [27: Add repository functional tests with dbunit](
* [86: Drop support for PHP 5](
* [101: Make actions just capture very specific exceptions, and let the ErrorHandler catch any other exception](
* [104: Use different templates for requested-short-code-does-not-exist and route-could-not-be-match](
* [99: Replace AnnotatedFactory by ConfigAbstractFactory](
* [100: Replace twig by plates](
* [102: Improve coding standards strictness](
* [103: Make NotFoundDelegate return proper content types based on accepted content](
### 1.5.0
* [95: Add tags CRUD to CLI](
* [59: Add tags CRUD to REST](
* [66: Allow to import certain information from older app directory when updating](
* [96: Add namespace to functions](
* [76: Add response examples to swagger docs](
* [93: Improve cross domain management by using the ImplicitOptionsMiddleware](
* [92: Fix formatted dates, using an ISO compliant format](
### 1.4.0
* [89: Update to expressive 2](
### 1.3.1
* [82: Enable FastRoute routes cache](
* [85: Update year in license file](
* [81: Add docker containers config](
* [83: Short codes list: search in tags when filtering by query string](
* [79: Increase the number of followed redirects](
* [75: Apply PathVersionMiddleware only to rest routes defining it by configuration instead of code](
* [77: Allow defining database server hostname and port](
### 1.3.0
* [67: Allow to order the short codes list](
* [60: Accept JSON requests in REST and use a body parser middleware to set the parsedBody](
* [72: When listing API keys from CLI, display in yellow color enabled keys that have expired](
* [58: Allow to filter short URLs by tag](
* [69: Allow to filter short codes by text query](
* [73: Tag endpoints in swagger file](
* [71: Separate swagger docs into multiple files](
* [63: Add path versioning to REST API routes](
### 1.2.2
* Fixed minor bugs on CORS requests
### 1.2.1
* [62: Fix cross-domain requests in REST API](
### 1.2.0
* [45: Allow to define tags on short codes, to improve filtering and classification](
* [7: Add website previews while listing available URLs](
* [57: Add database migrations system to improve updating between versions](
* [31: Add support for other database management systems by improving the EntityManager factory](
* [51: Generate build process to paquetize the app and ease distribution](
* [38: Define installation script. It will request dynamic data on the fly so that there is no need to define env vars](
* [55: Create update script which does not try to create a new database](
* [54: Add cache namespace to prevent name collisions with other apps in the same environment](
* [29: Use the acelaya/ze-content-based-error-handler package instead of custom error handler implementation](
* [53: Fix entities database interoperability](
* [52: Add missing htaccess file for apache environments](
### 1.1.0
* [46: Define a route that returns a QR code representing the shortened URL](
* [32: Add support for other cache adapters by improving the Cache factory](
* [14:](
* [41: Cache the "short code" => "URL" map to prevent extra DB hits](
* [13: Improve REST authentication](
* [39: Change copyright from "Alejandro Celaya" to "Shlink" in error pages](
* [42: Make REST endpoints that need to find something return a 404 when "something" is not found](
* [35: Make CLI commands to use the same PHP namespace as the one used for the command name](
* [40: Take into account the X-Forwarded-For header in order to get the visitor information, in case the server is behind a load balancer or proxy](
### 1.0.0
* [33: Create a command to generate a short code charset by randomizing the default one](
* [15: Return JSON/HTML responses for errors (4xx and 5xx) based on accept header (content negotiation)](
* [23: Translate application literals](
* [21: Allow to filter visits by date range](
* [22: Save visits locations data on a visit_locations table](
* [20: Inject cross domain headers in response only if the Origin header is present in the request](
* [11: Separate code into multiple modules](
* [18: Group routable middleware in an Action namespace](
* [36: Remove hhvm from the CI matrix since it doesn't support array constants and will fail](
* [4: Installation steps](
* [6: Remove dependency on expressive helpers package](
* [30: Replace the "services" first level config entry by "dependencies", in order to fulfill default Expressive name](
* [12: Improve code coverage](
* [25: Replace "Middleware" suffix on routable middlewares by "Action"](
* [19: Update the vendor and app namespace from Acelaya\UrlShortener to Shlinkio\Shlink](
* [24: Prevent duplicated shortcodes errors because of the case insensitive behavior on MySQL](
### 0.2.0
* [9: Use symfony/console to dispatch console requests, instead of trying to integrate the process with expressive](
* [8: Create a REST API](
* [10: Add more CLI functionality](
* [5: Create CHANGELOG file](