2022-04-01 09:54:11 +02:00

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Advanced Mac Installer


Using Packages, we can build a .pkg file for an existing app (.app). The tool allows us to customise the installation procedure to capture the admin entered values from /tmp/sym_settings.txt and /tmp/sym_permissions.txt


Build Process

Once we have Packages installed, we'll just need to run the following command which should take care of creating the .pkg build for us.

packagesbuild -v installer/mac/symphony-mac-packager.pkgproj

The above command creates the build 'Symphony.pkg' and places it into the directory installer/mac/build relative to the project root.

Note that the packages project file 'symphony-mac-packager.pkgproj' contains link to the pre install and the post install scripts both of which are relative to 'symphony-mac-packager.pkgproj'.

More command line documentation here

Implementation Details

  • Pre installation script checks to see if the version we are installing is higher than the already installed version. If the installed version is lower, it deletes the installed version.
  • Post installation script reads data from the temp files and replaces the values in the 'Symphony.config' file in the installed app

Known Issues

  • During installation, there is a section called "Destination Select" which is skipped based on the OS and it's settings. This is a known bug.