'general_index_intro'=>'Добро пожаловать в инструмент импорта Firefly III. Существует несколько способов импорта данных в Firefly III, отображаемых здесь в виде кнопок.',
'need_prereq_intro'=>'Some import methods need your attention before they can be used. For example, they might require special API keys or application secrets. You can configure them here. The icon indicates if these prerequisites have been met.',
'do_prereq_fake'=>'Prerequisites for the fake provider',
'do_prereq_file'=>'Prerequisites for file imports',
'do_prereq_bunq'=>'Prerequisites for imports from bunq',
'do_prereq_spectre'=>'Prerequisites for imports using Spectre',
'do_prereq_plaid'=>'Prerequisites for imports using Plaid',
'do_prereq_yodlee'=>'Prerequisites for imports using Yodlee',
'do_prereq_quovo'=>'Prerequisites for imports using Quovo',
'do_prereq_ynab'=>'Prerequisites for imports from YNAB',
'prereq_fake_title'=>'Prerequisites for an import from the fake import provider',
'prereq_fake_text'=>'This fake provider requires a fake API key. It must be 32 characters long. You can use this one: 123456789012345678901234567890AA',
'prereq_spectre_title'=>'Prerequisites for an import using the Spectre API',
'prereq_spectre_text'=>'In order to import data using the Spectre API (v4), you must provide Firefly III with two secret values. They can be found on the <a href="https://www.saltedge.com/clients/profile/secrets">secrets page</a>.',
'prereq_spectre_pub'=>'Likewise, the Spectre API needs to know the public key you see below. Without it, it will not recognize you. Please enter this public key on your <a href="https://www.saltedge.com/clients/profile/secrets">secrets page</a>.',
'prereq_bunq_title'=>'Prerequisites for an import from bunq',
'prereq_bunq_text'=>'In order to import from bunq, you need to obtain an API key. You can do this through the app. Please note that the import function for bunq is in BETA. It has only been tested against the sandbox API.',
'prereq_bunq_ip'=>'bunq requires your externally facing IP address. Firefly III has tried to fill this in using <a href="https://www.ipify.org/">the ipify service</a>. Make sure this IP address is correct, or the import will fail.',
'prereq_ynab_title'=>'Требования для импорта из YNAB',
'prereq_ynab_text'=>'Для успешной загрузки транзакций с YNAB, пожалуйста, создайте новое приложение на вашей <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">странице Настроек разработчика</a> и введите ID клиента и секретный ключ на этой странице.',
'prereq_ynab_redirect'=>'To complete the configuration, enter the following URL at the <a href="https://app.youneedabudget.com/settings/developer">Developer Settings Page</a> under the "Redirect URI(s)".',
'callback_not_tls'=>'Firefly III has detected the following callback URI. It seems your server is not set up to accept TLS-connections (https). YNAB will not accept this URI. You may continue with the import (because Firefly III could be wrong) but please keep this in mind.',
'job_config_fake_artist_text'=>'Many import routines have a few configuration steps you must go through. In the case of the fake import provider, you must answer some weird questions. In this case, enter "David Bowie" to continue.',
'job_config_fake_album_text'=>'Some import routines require extra data halfway through the import. In the case of the fake import provider, you must answer some weird questions. Enter "Station to station" to continue.',
'job_config_file_upload_help'=>'Выберите ваш файл. Убедитесь, что он в кодировке UTF-8.',
'job_config_file_upload_config_help'=>'Если вы ранее импортировали данные в Firefly III, у вас может быть файл конфигурации, который позволит вам загрузить готовые настойки. Для некоторых банков другие пользователи любезно предоставили свои <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">файлы конфигурации</a>',
'job_config_file_upload_type_help'=>'Выберите тип загружаемого файла',
'file_not_utf8'=>'Загруженный вами файл использует кодировку, отличную от UTF-8 или ASCII. Firefly III не может обработать такой файл. Пожалуйста используйте Notepad++ или Sublime что бы сконвертировать ваш файл в UTF-8.',
'job_config_uc_date_help'=>'Date time format in your file. Follow the format as <a href="https://secure.php.net/manual/en/datetime.createfromformat.php#refsect1-datetime.createfromformat-parameters">this page</a> indicates. The default value will parse dates that look like this: :dateExample.',
'job_config_uc_delimiter_help'=>'Choose the field delimiter that is used in your input file. If not sure, comma is the safest option.',
'job_config_uc_account_help'=>'If your file does NOT contain information about your asset account(s), use this dropdown to select to which account the transactions in the file belong to.',
'job_config_uc_specifics_txt'=>'Some banks deliver badly formatted files. Firefly III can fix those automatically. If your bank delivers such files but it\'s not listed here, please open an issue on GitHub.',
'invalid_import_account'=>'You have selected an invalid account to import into.',
'job_config_spectre_login_text'=>'Firefly III has found :count existing login(s) in your Spectre account. Which one would you like to use to import from?',
'job_config_spectre_accounts_text'=>'You have selected ":name" (:country). You have :count account(s) available from this provider. Please select the Firefly III asset account(s) where the transactions from these accounts should be stored. Remember, in order to import data both the Firefly III account and the ":name"-account must have the same currency.',
'job_config_spectre_apply_rules_text'=>'By default, your rules will be applied to the transactions created during this import routine. If you do not want this to happen, deselect this checkbox.',
'job_config_bunq_accounts_text'=>'These are the accounts associated with your bunq account. Please select the accounts from which you want to import, and in which account the transactions must be imported.',
'bunq_no_mapping'=>'It seems you have not selected any accounts.',
'should_download_config'=>'You should download <a href=":route">the configuration file</a> for this job. This will make future imports way easier.',
'share_config_file'=>'If you have imported data from a public bank, you should <a href="https://github.com/firefly-iii/import-configurations/wiki">share your configuration file</a> so it will be easy for other users to import their data. Sharing your configuration file will not expose your financial details.',
'job_config_bunq_apply_rules_text'=>'By default, your rules will be applied to the transactions created during this import routine. If you do not want this to happen, deselect this checkbox.',
'job_config_ynab_apply_rules_text'=>'By default, your rules will be applied to the transactions created during this import routine. If you do not want this to happen, deselect this checkbox.',
'job_config_ynab_select_budgets_text'=>'You have :count budgets stored at YNAB. Please select the one from which Firefly III will import the transactions.',
'job_config_ynab_no_budgets'=>'There are no budgets available to be imported from.',
'ynab_no_mapping'=>'It seems you have not selected any accounts to import from.',
'job_config_ynab_bad_currency'=>'You cannot import from the following budget(s), because you do not have accounts with the same currency as these budgets.',
'job_config_ynab_accounts_text'=>'You have the following accounts available in this budget. Please select from which accounts you want to import, and where the transactions should be stored.',
'fints_connection_failed'=>'An error occurred while trying to connecting to your bank. Please make sure that all the data you entered is correct. Original error message: :originalError',
'job_config_roles_title'=>'Настройка импорта (3/4). Определите роль каждого столбца',
'job_config_roles_text'=>'Each column in your CSV file contains certain data. Please indicate what kind of data the importer should expect. The option to "map" data means that you will link each entry found in the column to a value in your database. An often mapped column is the column that contains the IBAN of the opposing account. That can be easily matched to IBAN\'s present in your database already.',
'job_config_roles_column_example'=>'Пример данных в столбце',
'job_config_roles_column_role'=>'Значение в столбце',
'job_config_roles_do_map_value'=>'Сопоставьте эти значения',
'job_config_roles_no_example'=>'Нет доступных данных для примера',
'job_config_roles_fa_warning'=>'Если вы пометите этот столбец, как содержащий сумму в иностранной валюте, вы также должны указать столбец, который указывает, какая именно это валюта.',
'job_config_roles_rwarning'=>'Пожалуйста, отметьте хотя бы один столбец как столбец с суммой. Также целесообразно выбрать столбец для описания, даты и спонсорского счёта.',
'job_config_map_title'=>'Настройки импорта (4/4) - Сопоставление данных импорта с данными Firefly III',
'job_config_map_text'=>'В следующих таблицах значение слева отображает информацию, найденную в загруженном файле. Ваша задача - сопоставить это значение (если это возможно) со значением, уже имеющимся в вашей базе данных. Firefly будет придерживаться этого сопоставления. Если для сопоставления нет значения или вы не хотите отображать определённое значение, ничего не выбирайте.',
'job_config_map_nothing'=>'В вашем файле нет данных, которые можно сопоставить с существующими значениями. Нажмите «Начать импорт», чтобы продолжить.',
'status_fatal_text'=>'The import has suffered from an error it could not recover from. Apologies!',
'status_fatal_more'=>'This (possibly very cryptic) error message is complemented by log files, which you can find on your hard drive, or in the Docker container where you run Firefly III from.',
'status_finished_title'=>'Импорт завершён',
'status_finished_text'=>'Импорт завершен!',
'finished_with_errors'=>'There were some errors during the import. Please review them carefully.',
'unknown_import_result'=>'Неизвестный результат импорта',
'result_no_transactions'=>'No transactions have been imported. Perhaps they were all duplicates is simply no transactions where present to be imported. Perhaps the log files can tell you what happened. If you import data regularly, this is normal.',
'result_one_transaction'=>'Exactly one transaction has been imported. It is stored under tag <a href=":route" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a> where you can inspect it further.',
'result_many_transactions'=>'Firefly III has imported :count transactions. They are stored under tag <a href=":route" class="label label-success" style="font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;">:tag</a> where you can inspect them further.',