#. "English Definition (Dear translator: This file will never be visible to the user! It should only serve as a tool for you, the translator. Nothing more.)"
msgid "Term (Dear translator: This file will never be visible to the user!)"
#. "A detailed record of money spent and received"
msgid "account"
msgstr "会计科目"
#. "-"
msgid "account code"
msgstr "科目编号"
#. "the tree view of all accounts"
msgid "account hierarchy"
msgstr "科目"
#. "-"
msgid "account name"
msgstr "科目名称"
# 某人或某公司持有的某个事物,其有价值并且可以被使用或销售以支付债务
#. "A thing, esp. owned by a person or company, that has value and can be used or sold to pay debts"
msgid "account type: Asset"
msgstr "科目类型:资产"
# 英国称为 current account 即,现金流账户。是指一个可以随意从银行取款而不需要事先通知的银行账户
#. "(esp. US) (Brit = current account) a bank account from which money can be withdrawn without previous notice"
msgid "account type: checking"
msgstr "科目类型:活期存款"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: currency"
msgstr "科目类型:货币"
# 见:所有者权益
#. "see: Equity"
msgid "account type: Equity"
msgstr "科目类型:所有者权益"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: Expense"
msgstr "科目类型:支出"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: Income"
msgstr "科目类型:收入"
# 债务,财政义务
#. "A debt, a financial obligation"
msgid "account type: Liability"
msgstr "科目类型:负债"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: money-market"
msgstr "科目类型:金融市场"
#. "-"
msgid "account type: Mutual fund"
msgstr "科目类型:投资基金"
# 1. (美国) 任何赚取利息的账户类型
# 2. (英国) 任何比现金流账户或存款账户利息更高的银行账户
#. "1. (US) any type of account that earns interest 2. (Brit) any type of bank account that earns a higher level of interest than a current account or deposit account"
#. "A written statement of money owed for goods or services supplied. In Gnucash, a 'bill' is a statement that we received (from a vendor), whereas an 'invoice' is one that we sent out (to a customer)."
#. "Conditions on paying a bill. Both an invoice and a bill have billing terms. For example, you can have 'terms' of 'Net-30', where the bill is due in full in 30 days."
#. "The dataset that encapsulates all the collections of entities (accounts etc.) in gnucash. The written records of the financial affairs of a business."
msgid "Book"
msgstr "账簿"
# 完成定期的财务记录,比如在该年年底。
#. "Completing the records of financial affairs for a specific time period, e.g. at the end of the year."
msgid "book closing"
msgstr "结账"
# 提供给某人资金和如何在一段时间内支出的估计或计划。
#. "An estimate or plan of the money available to somebody and how it will be spent over a period of time."
msgid "Budget"
msgstr "预算"
#. "-"
msgid "business (adjective)"
msgstr "商业的(形容词)"
# 比如在菜单上:关于小型企业财会功能的标题。
#. "as Menu Item: Headline for features that are related to small business accounting"
msgid "business (noun)"
msgstr "企业(名词)"
# 从投资或者财产销售得到的收益
#. "Profits made from the sale of investments or property"
msgid "capital gains"
msgstr "资本收益"
# 区分大小写字母
#. "Distinguishing the uppercase and lowercase letters"
msgid "case sensitive"
msgstr "大小写敏感"
# 硬币或纸币形式的资金
#. "Money in coins or notes"
msgid "cash"
msgstr "现金"
# (特别在美国)特别印制表格,某人写下一个订单给银行,用以从自己的帐户支付一笔钱给另一个人。
#. "(esp. US) (= cheque) A special printed form on which one writes an order to a bank to pay a sum of money from one's account to another person"
#. "To repair unbalanced transactions and orphan splits in an account tree. Any transactions that have debits != credits will get a balancing split added (pointing to a special new account called 'Imbalance'). Any splits that do not have accounts are put into another special account called 'Orphan'. Formerly known as 'to scrub'."
msgid "check and repair, to"
msgstr "检查和修复,至"
# 结束应用程序与一个打开文件的关系,这样应用程序除非再次打开它,否则将不能够访问文件内容。
#. "To end an application's relationship with an open file so that the application will no longer be able to access the file without opening it again. "
msgid "close, to"
msgstr "关闭"
# 一种是购买和出售的物品。是关于账上一直跟踪的东西的最常用的词语。比如货币或股票。
#. "An article that is bought and sold. The most general term of what an account keeps track of, e.g. a currency or a stock."
msgid "commodity"
msgstr "商品"
#. "e.g. NASDAQ"
msgid "commodity listing"
msgstr "商品上市"
# 交易的最小量(如1/100美元,又如对大多数股票而言的一股)
#. "the smallest amount of a commodity that's traded (e.g. 1/100 for USD, 1 for most stocks)"
#. "1. One textfield per transaction. The text in it should describe what the transaction was about. A short descriptive phrase (up to 40 chars) 2. One textfield per account. It is intended to be a longer, 1-5 sentence description of what this account is all about."
#. "Reductions to a basic price of goods or services. Your language might distinguish between discounts dealing with payments (billing terms) and others (invoice)."
#. "1. The money value of a property after all charges on it have been paid. Equity isn't debt, it's a representation of long-term capital (So combining it with liability isn't really very meaningful, except in the balance sheet. 2. (a) The value of the shares issued by a company. (b) Ordinary stocks and shares that carry no fixed interest."
#. "A trusted third party that holds a payment or deposit until a transaction is completed. In the US, many mortgage companies set up an escrow account when you get a mortgage. You pay into the account every month and they disburse amounts out of the escrow to pay for hazard insurance and property taxes. So they are holding funds 'in escrow' to complete the transactions (paying insurance and taxes)."
msgid "escrow (account)"
msgstr "托管账户 (科目)"
# 不同国家货币之间的价值关系
#. "The relation in value between the money used in different countries"
#. "Any piece of information (text, graphics, executable) put together and given a name. All the information you have on the hard drive is arranged as a collection of files."
msgid "file"
msgstr "文件"
#. "-"
msgid "file type"
msgstr "文件类型"
#. "-"
msgid "financial calculator: interest rate"
msgstr "金融计算器:利率"
# 见:支付
#. "see: payment"
msgid "financial calculator: payments"
msgstr "金融计算器:支付"
# 财富的增长;利润;利益 (见:资本收益)
#. "An increase in wealth; profit; advantage (See also: capital gains)"
#. "A list of goods sold or services provided together with the prices charged; see also: a bill. In Gnucash, an 'invoice' is a statement that we sent out (to a customer), whereas a 'bill' is one that we received (from a vendor)."
#. "In business accounting: Jobs are a mechanism by which you can group multiple invoices or bills that belong to the same customer or vendor. The job describes a (larger) piece of work or a task undertaken on order, for which one or many invoices or bills will be issued."
msgid "job"
msgstr "任务"
# 银行、商业公司等中的账本,用以记录其财务账目
#. "A book in which a bank, business firm, etc. records its financial accounts"
msgid "ledger"
msgstr "分类账"
# 资产负债表的右侧标题。见:所有者权益
#. "The heading for the right side of the balance sheet. See also: Equity."
msgid "liabilities/equity"
msgstr "负债/所有者权益"
# 从银行借的钱的数额。
#. "A sum of money that is lent (by a bank)"
msgid "loan"
msgstr "贷款"
# 在商业活动中损失的资金
#. "The money lost in business activity"
msgid "loss"
msgstr "损失"
# 自动创建的科目的名称
#. "name of an automatically created account"
msgid "Lost Accounts"
msgstr "损失科目"
# 在一次交易内购买的物品的特定的集合。一个 Lot 通常在物品购买时形成,在卖出时关闭。为美国税务目的时所需要。
# 暂时找不到中文词汇与之对应,因此使用原文。
#. "A particular collection of items that were bought in one transaction. A lot is typically formed when the item is bought, and is closed when the item is sold out. Needed e.g. for U.S. tax purposes."
msgid "Lot"
msgstr "Lot"
# 将两个账簿合成一个(见账簿)
#. "Combine two books into one (see book)."
msgid "merge, to"
msgstr "合并"
# 散点图用于标记每一个数据点的东西
#. "The thing that the scatter plot uses to mark each data point"
#. "1. Some text annotation, but this meaning isn't used inside gnucash. 2. In the Customer summary report: The ratio of profit vs. sales, i.e. the profit amount divided by the sales amount, shown in percent."
#. "One textfield per split that should help you remember what this split was about."
msgid "Memo"
msgstr "备注"
# (a) 从银行借钱用于买房或其它的财产,并且财产被抵押的协议。
# (b) 用此种方式借钱的数额
#. "(a) An agreement by which money is lent by a bank for buying a house or other property, the property being the security. (b) A sum of money lent in this way."
msgid "Mortgage"
msgstr "抵押贷款"
# 如 USD, DEM, CNY, 见货币
#. "e.g. USD, DEM, see Currency."
msgid "national currency"
msgstr "国家货币"
# 刨去所有将要支出的剩下的(资金)。
#. "(of money) remaining when nothing more is to be taken away"
msgid "net"
msgstr "净"
# 所有资产净合计
#. "net total of all assets"
msgid "net assets"
msgstr "净资产"
# 对某一段时间内的收入合计减去支出合计。
#. "The total income minus the total expenses of a given time period."
#. "Your net worth is your assets minus your liabilities. If your accounts are balanced, your net worth should equal your equity plus your net profit."
msgid "net worth"
msgstr "资本净值"
# 每个记录都有的一个文本字段,用以放说明交易的信息。
#. "One textfield per transaction that can hold explanatory text about the transaction."
msgid "notes (register)"
msgstr "说明"
# 编号;交易中的一个字段。如果这笔交易是通过支票的,那么支票编号应该记在这个区域里。
#. "Abbreviation for: number; Field in a transaction. If this transaction was done by check, then the check number should be noted in this field."
msgid "Num (column in register)"
msgstr "编号 (账簿中的一栏)"
# 进行访问
#. "to make accessible"
msgid "open, to"
msgstr "打开"
# 如果一个科目在开始时的余额不为零,那么这个余额就被称为期初余额。
#. "If an account starts with a non-zero balance, then this amount is called the opening balance."
msgid "opening balance"
msgstr "期初余额"
# 在图形界面中的菜单选择,用以允许用户指定每次使用应用程序的时候如何运作。
#. "A menu choice in the graphical user interface that allows the user to specify how the application will act each time it is used. "
#. "Watch out: Although this word exists in gnucash program code, all that program code in gnucash is currently not activated. In the future, it will be used in business accounting as follows: A particular request to make or supply goods, but belonging to a (larger) job. Such a request can come from a customer or be sent to a vendor. An order will probably generate one invoice or bill."
#. "Name of an automatically created account that holds splits that have no account."
msgid "orphan"
msgstr "孤立的"
# 用于访问用户账户所需要知道的秘密用语。
#. "A secret phrase that one needs to know in order to get access to a user account "
msgid "passphrase"
msgstr "密码"
# 必须支付的金额 或 应该受到但是现在还没收到的金额
#. "An amount that must be paid / An amount for which money has not yet been received"
msgid "Payables/Receivables"
msgstr "应付账款/应收账款"
# 支付给的某人
#. "A person to whom sth is paid"
msgid "payee"
msgstr "收款人"
# 支付的或必须支付某物的人
#. "A person who pays or who has to pay for sth"
msgid "payer"
msgstr "付款人"
# 1. 支付某人/某物或被支付的行为
# 2. 支付资金的金额
#. "1. The action of paying sb/sth or of being paid. 2. A sum of money paid."
msgid "payment"
msgstr "支付"
# 一个不允许放置任何交易的科目。交易只能够放置其子科目下,所以这样的科目是用于作为结构的占位符
#. "An account where no transactions may be posted to; transactions can only be posted to subaccounts of this account, so this account serves as a placeholder in the hierarchy"
#. "Money gained in business, esp. the difference between the amount earned (sales) and the amount spent (expenses/cost): Profit is sales minus expenses/cost."
#. "OBSOLETE. This report was renamed to 'income statement' on 2004-07-13. Old definition: A list that shows the amount of money spent compared with the amount earned by a business in a particular period"
#. "reconcile an account, a reconciled split. To find a way to make the bank's account statement agree with the user's recorded transactions in an account."
msgid "reconcile, to"
msgstr "对账"
#. "-"
msgid "record keeping"
msgstr "记录"
# 一个包含条目列表的账本
#. "A list of items; a book containing such a list"
#. "Create a new transaction that is the inverse of the old one. When you add the two together they completely cancel out. Accounts use this instead of voiding transactions, usually because the prior month has been closed and can no longer be changed, or the entire accounting system is 'write only'."
msgid "reverse transaction, to (Action in the register)"
#. "A transaction or reminder of a transaction that can be automatically executed at a specific time. It can be executed either once, or several times at regular intervals."
#. "DEPRECATED. To repair unbalanced transactions and orphan splits in an account tree. Any transactions that have debits != credits will get a balancing split added (pointing to a special new account called 'Imbalance'). Any splits that do not have accounts are put into another special account called 'Orphan'. Deprecated - use the term 'to check and repair' now."
msgid "scrub, to"
msgstr "清理,至"
# 显示谁拥有股份的文档或证明
#. "A document or certificate showing who owns shares"
msgid "security"
msgstr "证券"
#. "-"
msgid "Share Balance (register)"
msgstr "股份结余 (账簿)"
# 一个商业公司的资金被分割为多个等份,任何这一部分会赋予持有者获得利益的一部分。
#. "Any of the equal parts into which the money of a business company is divided, giving the holder a right to a portion of the profits"
msgid "shares"
msgstr "股份"
# (价格的) 一个某物来自或获得的地方
#. "(of a price) A place wfrom which sth comes or is obtained"
msgid "source"
msgstr "来源"
# 一个交易被分割成两个或多个部分的中的一个。
#. "One of the two or several parts a transaction is divided into"
#. "On the goverment's tax forms, the tax code identifies the given line or place on the form where certain amounts must be specified according to the current country's legislation"
#. "A transaction whose amount has actually been moved. The word comes from checks: a check is issued, but several steps have to be done until the amount is actually retrieved from the bank account, which is the point in time where that transaction (check) gets cleared."
msgid "transaction state: cleared"
msgstr "交易状态:已结清"
#. "-"
msgid "transaction state: frozen"
msgstr "交易状态:冻结"
# 交易已经和银行账单对上帐了。
#. "A transaction that was reconciled with the bank's statement."
msgid "transaction state: reconciled"
msgstr "交易状态:已对账"
# 交易是无效的,既不在有效了。
#. "A transaction that is void i.e. not valid (anymore)."
msgid "transaction state: voided"
msgstr "交易状态:无效"
# 1. 传输某种东西
# 2. 见:银行转帐
#. "1. The action of transferring sth. 2. see: credit transfer"
msgid "transfer (noun)"
msgstr "转账 (名词)"
# 转帐金额接收的科目
#. "The account where an amount is transferred to"
msgid "transfer account"
msgstr "转账科目"
# 将资金从一个科目转到另一个科目。将会创建一个交易。
#. "To move money from one account to another. Will create a transaction."
#. "The trial balance is a worksheet on which you list all your general ledger accounts and their debit or credit balance. It is a tool that is used to alert you to errors in your books. The total debits must equal the total credits. If they don't equal, you know you have an error that must be tracked down."
msgid "trial balance (report)"
msgstr "试算表 (报表)"
# 具有共同特征的一类事物。科目类型、商业类型等。
#. "A class or things that have characteristics in common; type of an account, of a commodity etc."
msgid "type"
msgstr "类型"
# 用做标准度量的固定金额或数量。例如,对自定义支票格式描述绝对位置的毫米、英寸。
#. "A fixed amount or number used as a standard of measurement; e.g. millimeters, inch; for absolute positioning in the custom check format."
msgid "units"
msgstr "单位"
#. "-"
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
# 以资金或其它商品方式体现的某物的价值,因此它可以进行交换。
#. "The worth of sth in terms of money or other commodities for which it can be exchanged"
#. "The terms 'Voucher' and 'Expense Voucher' are used interchangeably in gnucash. The 'Expense Voucher' is also a bit of a misnomer -- it's more like an 'Expense Report' in gnucash. The phrase is meant to be a list of expenses incurred by an employee for which the company will reminburse them."