Marcus Andersson cc3fc18076
Docs: enable packages reference docs for 7-beta (#23953)
* added packages reference menu item.

* removed the draft flag.

* Updated docs by running script.
2020-04-28 09:53:58 +02:00

268 lines
12 KiB

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "@grafana/ui"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/ui"]
type = "docs"
## @grafana/ui package
A library containing the different design components of the Grafana ecosystem.
## Classes
| Class | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [ansicolor](./ansicolor/) | Represents an ANSI-escaped string. |
| [BarGauge](./bargauge/) | |
| [BigValue](./bigvalue/) | |
| [Cascader](./cascader/) | |
| [ClickOutsideWrapper](./clickoutsidewrapper/) | |
| [ClipboardButton](./clipboardbutton/) | |
| [CustomScrollbar](./customscrollbar/) | Wraps component into <Scrollbars> component from <code>react-custom-scrollbars</code> |
| [ErrorBoundary](./errorboundary/) | |
| [ErrorBoundaryAlert](./errorboundaryalert/) | |
| [Gauge](./gauge/) | |
| [Graph](./graph/) | |
| [GraphSeriesToggler](./graphseriestoggler/) | |
| [JsonExplorer](./jsonexplorer/) | JsonExplorer<!-- -->JsonExplorer allows you to render JSON objects in HTML with a \*\*collapsible\*\* navigation. |
| [JSONFormatter](./jsonformatter/) | |
| [List](./list/) | |
| [ModalsProvider](./modalsprovider/) | |
| [PieChart](./piechart/) | |
| [Popover](./popover/) | |
| [PopoverController](./popovercontroller/) | |
| [Portal](./portal/) | |
| [QueryField](./queryfield/) | Renders an editor field. Pass initial value as initialQuery and listen to changes in props.onValueChanged. This component can only process strings. Internally it uses Slate Value. Implement props.onTypeahead to use suggestions, see PromQueryField.tsx as an example. |
| [SetInterval](./setinterval/) | |
| [StatsPicker](./statspicker/) | |
| [TableInputCSV](./tableinputcsv/) | Expects the container div to have size set and will fill it 100% |
| [TagsInput](./tagsinput/) | |
| [ToggleButtonGroup](./togglebuttongroup/) | |
| [UnitPicker](./unitpicker/) | |
| [VizRepeater](./vizrepeater/) | |
## Enumerations
| Enumeration | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [BarGaugeDisplayMode](./bargaugedisplaymode/) | |
| [BigValueColorMode](./bigvaluecolormode/) | |
| [BigValueGraphMode](./bigvaluegraphmode/) | |
| [BigValueJustifyMode](./bigvaluejustifymode/) | |
| [CompletionItemKind](./completionitemkind/) | |
| [EventsWithValidation](./eventswithvalidation/) | |
| [LegacyInputStatus](./legacyinputstatus/) | |
| [LegendDisplayMode](./legenddisplaymode/) | |
| [PieChartType](./piecharttype/) | |
| [TableCellDisplayMode](./tablecelldisplaymode/) | |
## Functions
| Function | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AsyncMultiSelect(props)](./asyncmultiselect/) | |
| [AsyncSelect(props)](./asyncselect/) | |
| [BracesPlugin()](./bracesplugin/) | |
| [ButtonSelect({ placeholder, icon, variant, size, className, disabled, ...selectProps })](./buttonselect/) | |
| [calculateFontSize(text, width, height, lineHeight, maxSize)](./calculatefontsize/) | |
| [ClearPlugin()](./clearplugin/) | |
| [ClipboardPlugin()](./clipboardplugin/) | |
| [convertOldAngularValueMapping(panel)](./convertoldangularvaluemapping/) | Convert the angular single stat mapping to new react style |
| [FadeTransition(props)](./fadetransition/) | |
| [Form({ defaultValues, onSubmit, validateOnMount, validateFieldsOnMount, children, validateOn, maxWidth, })](./form/) | |
| [getTagColor(index)](./gettagcolor/) | |
| [getTagColorsFromName(name)](./gettagcolorsfromname/) | Returns tag badge background and border colors based on hashed tag name. |
| [IndentationPlugin()](./indentationplugin/) | |
| [measureText(text, fontSize)](./measuretext/) | |
| [MultiSelect(props)](./multiselect/) | |
| [NewlinePlugin()](./newlineplugin/) | |
| [RadioButtonGroup({ options, value, onChange, disabled, disabledOptions, size, fullWidth, })](./radiobuttongroup/) | |
| [renderOrCallToRender(itemToRender, props)](./renderorcalltorender/) | Given react node or function returns element accordingly |
| [resetSelectStyles()](./resetselectstyles/) | |
| [RunnerPlugin({ handler })](./runnerplugin/) | |
| [Segment({ options, value, onChange, Component, className, allowCustomValue, placeholder, })](./segment/) | |
| [SegmentAsync({ value, onChange, loadOptions, Component, className, allowCustomValue, placeholder, })](./segmentasync/) | |
| [SegmentInput({ value: initialValue, onChange, Component, className, placeholder, autofocus, })](./segmentinput/) | |
| [SegmentSelect({ value, options, onChange, onClickOutside, width, noOptionsMessage, allowCustomValue, })](./segmentselect/) | |
| [Select(props)](./select/) | |
| [SelectionShortcutsPlugin()](./selectionshortcutsplugin/) | |
| [SelectValueEditor({ value, onChange, item, })](./selectvalueeditor/) | |
| [sharedSingleStatMigrationHandler(panel)](./sharedsinglestatmigrationhandler/) | |
| [sharedSingleStatPanelChangedHandler(panel, prevPluginId, prevOptions)](./sharedsinglestatpanelchangedhandler/) | |
| [SlatePrism(optsParam)](./slateprism/) | A Slate plugin to highlight code syntax. |
| [SlideOutTransition(props)](./slideouttransition/) | |
| [stylesFactory(stylesCreator)](./stylesfactory/) | Creates memoized version of styles creator |
| [SuggestionsPlugin({ onTypeahead, cleanText, onWillApplySuggestion, portalOrigin, })](./suggestionsplugin/) | |
| [useTheme()](./usetheme/) | |
| [ValuePicker({ label, icon, options, onChange, variant, size, isFullWidth, })](./valuepicker/) | |
## Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [BigValueSparkline](./bigvaluesparkline/) | |
| [CascaderOption](./cascaderoption/) | |
| [CompletionItem](./completionitem/) | |
| [CompletionItemGroup](./completionitemgroup/) | |
| [ContextMenuGroup](./contextmenugroup/) | |
| [ContextMenuItem](./contextmenuitem/) | |
| [ContextMenuProps](./contextmenuprops/) | |
| [GraphSeriesTogglerAPI](./graphseriestogglerapi/) | |
| [GraphTooltipOptions](./graphtooltipoptions/) | |
| [LegendBasicOptions](./legendbasicoptions/) | |
| [LegendItem](./legenditem/) | |
| [LegendOptions](./legendoptions/) | |
| [LegendRenderOptions](./legendrenderoptions/) | |
| [SingleStatBaseOptions](./singlestatbaseoptions/) | |
| [StyleProps](./styleprops/) | |
| [SuggestionsState](./suggestionsstate/) | |
| [Themeable](./themeable/) | |
| [Token](./token/) | |
| [TypeaheadInput](./typeaheadinput/) | |
| [TypeaheadOutput](./typeaheadoutput/) | |
| [ValidationEvents](./validationevents/) | |
| [ValidationRule](./validationrule/) | |
| [VizRepeaterRenderValueProps](./vizrepeaterrendervalueprops/) | |
## Namespaces
| Namespace | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [DOMUtil](./domutil/) | |
| [RadioButtonGroup](./radiobuttongroup/) | |
| [styleMixins](./stylemixins/) | |
## Variables
| Variable | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Alert](./alert/) | |
| [ALERTING\_COLOR](./alerting_color/) | |
| [AlphaNotice](./alphanotice/) | |
| [Button](./button/) | |
| [ButtonCascader](./buttoncascader/) | |
| [CallToActionCard](./calltoactioncard/) | |
| [Chart](./chart/) | |
| [Checkbox](./checkbox/) | |
| [Collapse](./collapse/) | |
| [ColorPicker](./colorpicker/) | |
| [colors](./colors/) | |
| [ConfirmButton](./confirmbutton/) | |
| [ConfirmModal](./confirmmodal/) | |
| [Container](./container/) | |
| [ContextMenu](./contextmenu/) | |
| [ControlledCollapse](./controlledcollapse/) | |
| [Counter](./counter/) | |
| [DataLinkInput](./datalinkinput/) | |
| [DataLinksContextMenu](./datalinkscontextmenu/) | |
| [DataLinksInlineEditor](./datalinksinlineeditor/) | |
| [DataSourceHttpSettings](./datasourcehttpsettings/) | |
| [DEFAULT\_ANNOTATION\_COLOR](./default_annotation_color/) | |
| [DeleteButton](./deletebutton/) | |
| [Drawer](./drawer/) | |
| [EmptySearchResult](./emptysearchresult/) | |
| [ErrorWithStack](./errorwithstack/) | |
| [Field](./field/) | |
| [FieldConfigItemHeaderTitle](./fieldconfigitemheadertitle/) | |
| [fieldMatchersUI](./fieldmatchersui/) | |
| [Forms](./forms/) | |
| [FullWidthButtonContainer](./fullwidthbuttoncontainer/) | |
| [getAvailableIcons](./getavailableicons/) | |
| [getButtonStyles](./getbuttonstyles/) | |
| [getFormStyles](./getformstyles/) | |
| [getLogRowStyles](./getlogrowstyles/) | |
| [getStandardFieldConfigs](./getstandardfieldconfigs/) | Returns collection of common field config properties definitions |
| [getStandardOptionEditors](./getstandardoptioneditors/) | Returns collection of standard option editors definitions |
| [getStandardTransformers](./getstandardtransformers/) | |
| [getTheme](./gettheme/) | |
| [GraphContextMenu](./graphcontextmenu/) | |
| [GraphLegend](./graphlegend/) | |
| [graphTimeFormat](./graphtimeformat/) | |
| [graphTimeFormatter](./graphtimeformatter/) | |
| [GraphWithLegend](./graphwithlegend/) | |
| [hasValidationEvent](./hasvalidationevent/) | |
| [HorizontalGroup](./horizontalgroup/) | |
| [Icon](./icon/) | |
| [IconButton](./iconbutton/) | |
| [InlineFormLabel](./inlineformlabel/) | |
| [Input](./input/) | |
| [Label](./label/) | |
| [LegacyForms](./legacyforms/) | |
| [Legend](./legend/) | |
| [LegendList](./legendlist/) | |
| [LegendTable](./legendtable/) | |
| [LinkButton](./linkbutton/) | |
| [linkModelToContextMenuItems](./linkmodeltocontextmenuitems/) | Delays creating links until we need to open the ContextMenu |
| [LoadingPlaceholder](./loadingplaceholder/) | |
| [LogLabels](./loglabels/) | |
| [LogRows](./logrows/) | |
| [makeFragment](./makefragment/) | |
| [makeValue](./makevalue/) | |
| [mockTheme](./mocktheme/) | |
| [mockThemeContext](./mockthemecontext/) | Enables theme context mocking |
| [Modal](./modal/) | |
| [ModalHeader](./modalheader/) | |
| [ModalRoot](./modalroot/) | |
| [ModalsController](./modalscontroller/) | |
| [ModalTabContent](./modaltabcontent/) | |
| [ModalTabsHeader](./modaltabsheader/) | |
| [NO\_DATA\_COLOR](./no_data_color/) | |
| [NumberValueEditor](./numbervalueeditor/) | |
| [OK\_COLOR](./ok_color/) | |
| [Pagination](./pagination/) | |
| [PALETTE\_COLUMNS](./palette_columns/) | |
| [PALETTE\_ROWS](./palette_rows/) | |
| [PanelOptionsGrid](./paneloptionsgrid/) | |
| [PanelOptionsGroup](./paneloptionsgroup/) | |
| [PENDING\_COLOR](./pending_color/) | |
| [RefreshPicker](./refreshpicker/) | |
| [regexValidation](./regexvalidation/) | |
| [REGION\_FILL\_ALPHA](./region_fill_alpha/) | |
| [SCHEMA](./schema/) | |
| [selectThemeVariant](./selectthemevariant/) | |
| [SeriesColorPicker](./seriescolorpicker/) | |
| [SeriesColorPickerPopover](./seriescolorpickerpopover/) | |
| [SeriesColorPickerPopoverWithTheme](./seriescolorpickerpopoverwiththeme/) | |
| [SeriesIcon](./seriesicon/) | |
| [Slider](./slider/) | |
| [sortedColors](./sortedcolors/) | |
| [Spinner](./spinner/) | |
| [StringValueEditor](./stringvalueeditor/) | |
| [Switch](./switch/) | |
| [Tab](./tab/) | |
| [TabContent](./tabcontent/) | |
| [Table](./table/) | |
| [TabsBar](./tabsbar/) | |
| [Tag](./tag/) | |
| [TagList](./taglist/) | |
| [TextArea](./textarea/) | |
| [ThemeContext](./themecontext/) | |
| [TimeOfDayPicker](./timeofdaypicker/) | |
| [TimeRangePicker](./timerangepicker/) | |
| [ToggleButton](./togglebutton/) | |
| [Tooltip](./tooltip/) | |
| [validate](./validate/) | |
| [VerticalGroup](./verticalgroup/) | |
| [withTheme](./withtheme/) | |
## Type Aliases
| Type Alias | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AlertVariant](./alertvariant/) | |
| [ButtonProps](./buttonprops/) | |
| [ButtonVariant](./buttonvariant/) | |
| [FormAPI](./formapi/) | |
| [FormInputSize](./forminputsize/) | |
| [IconName](./iconname/) | |
| [IconSize](./iconsize/) | |
| [IconType](./icontype/) | |
| [LegendPlacement](./legendplacement/) | |
| [PopoverContent](./popovercontent/) | |
| [Renderable](./renderable/) | |
| [RenderFunction](./renderfunction/) | |