Ashley Harrison 9a905b6312
Navigation: Updates to the docs for admin subsections (#77500)
updates to the docs for admin subsections
2023-11-02 14:23:19 +00:00

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Manage users in an organization 400

Manage users in an organization

Organization administrators can invite users to join their organization. Organization users have access to organization resources based on their role, which is Admin, Editor, or Viewer. Permissions associated with each role determine the tasks a user can perform in the system.

For more information about organization user permissions, refer to [Organization users and permissions]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#organization-users-and-permissions" >}}).

{{% admonition type="note" %}} Users added at the organization level will have access to all stacks and services by default, without the ability to be filtered by stack unless Single Sign-On (SSO) or Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is implemented. {{% /admonition %}}

{{< section >}}

View a list of organization users

You can see a list of users with accounts in your Grafana organization. If necessary, you can use the search field to filter the list.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have organization administrator privileges

To view a list of organization users:

  1. Sign in to Grafana as an organization administrator.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Users and access > Users.

{{% admonition type="note" %}} If you have [server administrator]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#grafana-server-administrators" >}}) permissions, you can also [view a global list of users]({{< relref "../server-user-management#view-a-list-of-users" >}}) in the Server Admin section of Grafana. {{% /admonition %}}

Change a user's organization permissions

Update user permissions when you want to enhance or restrict a user's access to organization resources. For more information about organization permissions, refer to [Organization roles]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#organization-roles" >}}).

{{% admonition type="note" %}} Organization roles sync from the authentication provider on user sign-in. To prevent synchronization of organization roles from the authentication provider regardless of their role in the authentication provider, then refer to the skip_org_role_sync setting in your Grafana configuration. Refer to [skip org role sync]({{< relref "../../../setup-grafana/configure-grafana/#authgrafana_com-skip_org_role_sync" >}}) for more information. {{% /admonition %}}

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have organization administrator privileges

To change the organization role of a user:

  1. Sign in to Grafana as an organization administrator.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Users and access > Users.

  3. Find the user account for which you want to change the role.

    If necessary, use the search field to filter the list.

  4. Locate the user on the list and in the Role column, click the user role.

  5. Select the role that you want to assign.

  6. Click Update.

{{% admonition type="note" %}} If you have [server administrator]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#grafana-server-administrators" >}}) permissions, you can also [change a user's organization permissions]({{< relref "../server-user-management/change-user-org-permissions/" >}}) in the Server Admin section. {{% /admonition %}}

Invite a user to join an organization

When you invite users to join an organization, you assign the Admin, Editor, or Viewer role, or select No basic role. Organization roles control user access to resources, such as dashboards and data sources, owned by the organization. Users receive an email that prompts them to accept the invitation.

  • If you know that the user already has access Grafana and you know their user name, then you issue an invitation by entering their user name.
  • If the user is new to Grafana, then use their email address to issue an invitation. The system automatically creates the user account on first sign in.

{{% admonition type="note" %}} If you have [server administrator]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#grafana-server-administrators" >}}) permissions, you can also manually [add a user to an organization]({{< relref "../server-user-management/add-remove-user-to-org/" >}}). {{% /admonition %}}

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have organization administrator privileges.
  • If the user already has access to Grafana, obtain their user name.
  • Determine the permissions you want to assign to the user. For more information about organization permissions, refer to [Organization roles]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#organization-roles" >}}).

To invite or add an existing user account to your organization:

  1. Sign in to Grafana as an organization administrator.

  2. To switch to the organization to which you want to invite a user, hover your mouse over your profile and click Switch organization and select an organization.


    : It might be that you are currently in the proper organization and don't need to switch organizations.

  3. Navigate to Administration > Users and access > Users.

  4. Click Organization users.

  5. Click Invite.

  6. Enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Email or username Either the email or username that the user will use to sign in to Grafana.
    Name The user's name.
    Role Click the organization role to assign this user. For more information about organization roles, refer to [Organization roles]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#organization-roles" >}})..
    Send invite email Switch to on if your organization has configured. The system sends an email to the user inviting them to sign in to Grafana and join the organization. Switch to off if you are not using email. The user can sign in to Grafana with the email or username you entered.
  7. Click Submit.

If the invitee is not already a user, the system adds them.

Manage a pending invitation

Periodically review invitations you have sent so that you can see a list of users that have not yet accepted the invitation or cancel a pending invitation.

{{% admonition type="note" %}} The Pending Invites button is only visible if there are unanswered invitations. {{% /admonition %}}

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have organization administrator privileges

To manage a pending invitation:

  1. Sign in to Grafana as an organization administrator.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Users and access > Users.

  3. Click Pending Invites.

    The Pending Invites button appears only when there are unaccepted invitations.

To cancel an invitation, click the red X next to the invitation.

To copy an invitation link and send it directly to a user, click Copy Invite. You can then paste the invite link into a message.

Remove a user from an organization

You can remove a user from an organization when they no longer require access to the dashboard or data sources owned by the organization. No longer requiring access to an organization might occur when the user has left your company or has internally moved to another organization.

This action does not remove the user account from the Grafana server.

Before you begin

  • Ensure you have organization administrator privileges

To remove a user from an organization:

  1. Sign in to Grafana as an organization administrator.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Users and access > Users.

  3. Find the user account that you want to remove from the organization.

    Use the search field to filter the list, if necessary.

  4. Click the red X to remove the user from the organization.

Note: If you have [server administrator]({{< relref "../../roles-and-permissions/#grafana-server-administrators" >}}) permissions, you can also [remove a user from an organization]({{< relref "../server-user-management/add-remove-user-to-org/#remove-a-user-from-an-organization" >}}) on the Users page of the Server Admin section.