Then, you compile it in that directory tree in which you do the further work, too. You also should know how to install new software packages
or you should have a person on hand who can give you assistance with that. In section \ref{sec:prerequisites} we list some prerequisites for running \Dune and \Dumux.
Please check in said paragraph whether you can fulfill them. In addition, section \ref{sec:external-modules-libraries} provides some details on optional libraries and modules.
After installing source code for all relevant \Dune modules including \Dumux, \Dune is being built by the shell-command \texttt{dunecontrol} which is part of the \Dune build system. The \Dune build system is a front-end of to the GNU build system adapted to the needs of \Dune.
The subversion (svn) software repositories can be accessed with help of a subversion client. We recommend the Apache Subversion command-line client \texttt{svn}
Two possibilities exist to get the source code of \Dune and \Dumux.
Firstly, \Dune and \Dumux can be downloaded as tar-files from the respective {\Dune} and {\Dumux} website. They have to be extracted as described in the next paragraph.
The slightly old-fashionedly named tape-archive-file, shortly named tar-file or tarball, is a common file format for distributing collections of files contained within these archives.
Create the {\Dune} root directory, named DUMUX in the example below. Then extract the content of the tar-files, e.g. with the command-line program \texttt{tar}.
This can be achieved by the following shell commands. Replace \texttt{path\_to\_tarball} with the directory name where the downloaded files are actually located.
\Dune and \Dumux use Apache Subversion for their software repositories. To access them a certain program is needed which is referred to here shortly as subversion client.
In the technical language of Apache Subversion ``checking out a certain software version" means nothing more then fetching
a local copy from the software repository and laying it out in the file system. In addition to the software some more files for the use of the software revision control system itself are created. They are kept in directories named \texttt{.svn} and can be found in each subfolder which is under version control.
If you have developer access to \Dumux, it is also possible to do the opposite, i.e. to load up a modified revision of software into the software repository. This is usually termed as ``software commit".
% The newest (unstable) developments are also provided in these repositories, usually in a folder called ``trunk''. Please check the \Dune website \cite{DUNE-DOWNLOAD-SVN} for further information. However, the current \Dumux release is based on the stable 2.1.0 release and it will not compile without further adaptations using the the newest versions of \Dune.
changes at times. But, for example, a certain release of a software-component that we depend on, may not reflect that change and thus it has to be modified.
In the dynamic developing process of software which depends on other modules it is not always feasible
to adapt everything to the most recent version of each module. Consequently, patches exist or they will be brought into existence. They may fix problems with a certain module
We include here an example of a patch against 2.0 release of \Dune for \Dumux release 2.0 for purpose of showing how a patch gets applied. Note this patch is no longer necessary for \Dune 2.1.0 releases.
You then run the command \texttt{doxygen} within that directory. Point your web browser to the file
\texttt{module-root-directory/doc/doxygen/html/index.html} to read the generated documentation.
All \Dune-modules that are used here except \texttt{dune-grid-howto} including also \texttt{dumux} contain some doxygen documentation, which can be extracted as
described in the following lines. The external library UG has also a \texttt{doc/doxygen} directory for building its doxygen documentation.
Check in \texttt{module-root-directory/doc/} which targets you can build.
E.g., for the module \texttt{dune-istl} you can build the documentation \texttt{istl.pdf} by typing the following into the console, when you are in the \Dune-Root:
In the following list, you can find some external modules and external libraries, and some more libraries and tools which are prerequisites for their use.
\item\textbf{ALBERTA}: External library for use as GRID. Adaptive multi Level finite element toolbox using Bisectioning refinement and Error control by Residual Techniques for scientific Applications. Building it requires a Fortran compiler \texttt{gfortran}. Download: \texttt{\url{}}.
\item\textbf{ALUGrid}: External library for use as GRID. ALUGrid is built by a C++-compiler like \texttt{g++}. If you want to build a parallel version, you will need \texttt{MPI}. It was successfully run with \texttt{openmpi}. The parallel version needs also a graph partitioner, such as \texttt{METIS}. It was run successfully in combination with \Dune using \texttt{METIS}. \\
\item\textbf{\Dune-multidomaingrid}: External module. If you going to run on the same grid different domains or subdomains,
this can be the package of choice. This is done by providing a meta grid. It can be useful for multi-physics approaches or domain decomposition methods. Download: \texttt{\url{}}.
%Furthermore, the external module \textbf{\Dune-multidomain} can be useful for solving heterogenous problems on spatial subdomains. These subdomains are managed using another DUNE module called dune-multidomaingrid.
\item\textbf{PARDISO}: External library for solving linear equations. The package PARDISO is a thread-safe, high-performance, robust, memory efficient and easy to use software for solving large sparse symmetric and asymmetric linear systems of equations on shared memory multiprocessors. The precompiled binary can be downloaded after personal registration from the PARDISO website (\texttt{\url{}}).
\item\textbf{SuperLU}: External library for solving linear equations. SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, non-symmetric systems of linear equations. \\ (\texttt{\url{}}).
\item\textbf{UG}: External library for use as GRID. UG is a toolbox for Unstructured Grids: For \Dumux it has to be build by GNU buildsystem and a C++-compiler. That's why \Dune specific patches need applied before use. Building it makes use of the tools \texttt{lex}/\texttt{yacc} or the GNU variants \texttt{flex}/\texttt{bison}.
The following are dependencies of some of the used libraries. You will need them depending on which modules of \Dune and which external libraries you use.
\item\textbf{MPI}: The parallel version of \Dune and also some of the external dependencies need MPI when they are going to be built for parallel computing. \texttt{Openmpi} version $\geqslant$ 1.4.2 and \texttt{MPICH} in a recent version have been reported to work.
\item\textbf{lex/yacc} or \textbf{flex/bison}: These are quite common developing tools, code generators for lexical analyzers and parsers. This is a prerequisite for UG.
\item\textbf{BLAS}: Alberta makes use of BLAS. Thus install GotoBLAS2, ATLAS, non-optimized BLAS or BLAS provided by a chip manufacturer. Take care that the installation scripts select the intended version of BLAS. See \texttt{\url{}}.
\item\textbf{GotoBLAS2}: This is an optimized version of BLAS. It covers not all processors of the day, but quite a broad range. Its license is now very open. A Fortran compiler like \texttt{gfortran} is needed to compile it.\\
\item\textbf{Compilers}: Beside \texttt{g++} it has been reported that \Dune was successfully built with the Intel C++ compiler.
C and Fortran compiler is needed for some external libraries. As code of different compilers is linked together they have to be be compatible with each other. A good choice is the GNU compiler suite \texttt{gcc}, \texttt{g++} and \texttt{gfortran}.
\item\textbf{libgomp}: External libraries, such as ALUGrid, can make use of OpenMP when used together with METIS. For that purpose it can be necessary to install the \texttt{libgomp} library.