It took me quite some time to understand the computations done
e.g. during the detection of oscillations, where the stuff returned
by residuals() is used as a vector of doubles. It turns out that
residuals() actually returns the norm of the residuals. To clarify this
we rename residuals() to computeResidualNorms() and residuals to
residual_norms. Having my dare devil day today, I even try to document the
method. (This documented method might feel kind of lonely between the others,
now;). Hopefully this saves others some time.
The initial definition of the phase indices seems to be in
opm/core/props/BlackoilPhases.hpp. Nevertheless there were
several redefinitions of the same or similar enums (either
Aqua, Liquid, and Vapor, or Water, Oil, and Gas). Surprisingly
most often these definitions did not use the original values.
This is bound to break if there is a change upstream.
This patch limits the definition to one place in opm-autodiff,
namely opm/autodiff/BlackoilPropsAdInterface.hpp. To avoid
downstream confusion we define both the Water and Aqua triplets.
In addition we define the maximum number of phases to use at compile
Note that this patch does not introduce any real temperature
dependence but only changes the APIs for the viscosity and for the
density related methods. Note that I also don't like the fact that
this requires so many changes to so many files, but with the current
design of the property classes I cannot see a way to avoid this...
The residual output is changed from max residual to
total mass balance residual. In this way the output
resemble what is actually used as convergence criteria.
Now it takes a std::vector instead of an Eigen::Array, more importantly
it expects one element per face, not interior face. The mapping now takes
place in setThresholdPressures().
When this kw is active, BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck now modifies rvSat
and rsSat curves cell-wise by a power of (sat_oil_cell /
sat_oil_cell_historical_max). Currently, the associated jacobians do
not reflect terms of type d/d_sat_oil, but code for doing this is given
as comments to BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::applyVap(ADB& r, ...).
This is a relic of the way we originally handled gravity. The member
remained after the change, and is now a major time-consumption sink
due to the unfortunate fact that it is computed every time step
(unnecessary), and because the gravityOperator() function (now removed)
was very unperformant after changing to use the faceCells() function.
Removing the bool input parameters osicllate and stagnate from the
stablizeNewton(). Basically, the value omega will decide if the
relaxation will be applied.