i.e. it now supports stuff like MULTFLT in the schedule
section. Possibly, the MPI-parallel code paths need some fixes. (but
if the geology is not changed during the simulation, the parallel code
will do the same as before.)
the most fundamental change of this patch is that the
reference/pointer to the DerivedGeology object is made
non-constant. IMO that's okay, though, becase the geology can no
longer assumed to be constant over the whole simulation run.
getCellCenter() in EclipseGrid no longer returns
tuble<double,double,double> but array<double,3>
This simplifies its usage.
Variable name is changed from cellCentroid to cellCenter to emphasize a
difference between the value in the unstructured grid and in EclispeGrid
The cell center in EclipseGrid is computed based on averaging the
corners of the cells as in Eclipse and not computing the centroid of the
cell as in the unstructured grid in opm.
Previously, local averages were calculated and used in the
well equations. With this commit we add versions of defineState and
calcAverages that take into account the parallel domain decomposition
and calculate correct averages.
Function calcAverages has a boolean template parameter
indicating whether this is a parallel run. Additionally we introduce
AverageIncrementCalculator with the same boolean template parameter.
In a parallel run we check whether the cell is owned by the process and
only in this case return an increment bigger than zero. In a sequential run
(no MPI or just one process -> empty boost::any parameter) no overhead is
to be able to determine the threshold pressure from the initial
condition it needs to be able to access the initial condition, i.e.,
the initial simulator state, material properties object and gravity
constant need to be passed to the thresholdPressure() function.
This means that details such as calling assemble(), solveJacobianSystem(),
updateState() etc. are now left to the model class. This will make it easier
to create new model classes with different behaviour (such as sequential models).
As it is just used to compute the tempV value there is no need to
copy it to a new vector. With commit we use a reference to
geo.poreVolume() instead to prevent the copy.