First the change in oil saturation is calculated from changes in water
and oil saturation. Then oil saturation is updated based on this change
instead of just fixed to 1-sw-sg. With this change the oil saturation is
less sensitive towards numerical errors that may cause very small oil
saturations. Witch again may cause the simulator to think that the gas
phase is saturation with vaporized oil when it is not.
Currently, there are two abstract interface for the grids. One that
usually returns pods and arrays of them that also can be used by C
and is used also in opm-core, and one that returns Eigen datastructures
needed within opm-autodiff.
This commit adds a postfix ToEigen to those functions (faceCells, and
cellCentroidsZ) one could imagine to also return pods and arrays of them.
This should at least resolve the confusion about the two faceCells functions.
The next step will be issue #192Fixes#176
Now it takes a std::vector instead of an Eigen::Array, more importantly
it expects one element per face, not interior face. The mapping now takes
place in setThresholdPressures().
This fixes the following bugs:
- No longer overwrite the matlab-output files each step.
- Create output also for the initial state.
- Change filenames of matlab-output by one (initial state is 000.txt,
final state is NNN.txt and not (NNN-1).txt for total of NNN steps).
- Eclipse binary output matches eclipse output (includes the same
steps including initial state) for the same case.
Also added several comments outlining the parts of the run() function.
Total time will be written to walltime.txt, and single step times to
step_timing.txt (changed suffix from param to txt). This did not work
properly before this fix (step_timing file was overwritten each step).
When this kw is active, BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck now modifies rvSat
and rsSat curves cell-wise by a power of (sat_oil_cell /
sat_oil_cell_historical_max). Currently, the associated jacobians do
not reflect terms of type d/d_sat_oil, but code for doing this is given
as comments to BlackoilPropsAdFromDeck::applyVap(ADB& r, ...).
This commit replaces an if-else-based query of the primaryVariable_
with the equivalent switch() statement for uniformity with the rest
of the implementation.