Add an "Append" checkbox to the bottom of the "Generic import
transaction matcher" window to the left of the "Reconcile after match"
When ticked, this causes the imported Description/Notes to be appended
to the matched transaction Description/Notes respectively.
The selected ticked/unticked state of the "Append" checkbox is saved in
a key value pair for the import account, so the next import for that
account will automatically default it to the saved state.
As these mods are limited to the code for the matcher window, this
should work for all the imports that use it - ie ofx & csv file imports
(both tested) & aqbanking (cannot test).
Add latest Venezuelan revaluation of the Bolivar Soberano, following
the ISO notation replacing VES (which the Venezualan central bank is
keeping) with VED and the exchange code (ditto) with 926.
application - MacOS 10.15.7 (19H1419)
Destruction order problem: The SX template accounts can't be destroyed
until after the template splts and transactions are.
Register them before the transactions and splits, as destruction occurs
in reverse order of registration.
GValue in DxaccAccount[Set|Get]Currency is unset correctly.
However dxaccAccountGetPriceSrc and dxaccAccountSetQuoteTZ reuse a
static char* therefore the latter must be used carefully before
calling the function again. The functions are tested in
dxaccAccountGetPriceSrc and dxaccAccountGetQuoteTZ.
DxaccAccountSetCurrency remains untested - unsure how to retrieve an
ISO4217 currency to use as parameter.
Modify the DEBUG and PINFO macros to return unless qof_log_check is
true. Replace almost all direct calls to g_debug and g_message with
DEBUG and PINFO respectively.
Track the highest logging level sent to qof_log_set_level to provide a
short-circuit return in qof_log_check. Remove setting GNC_MOD_TESTS to
QOF_LOG_DEBUG so that the short-circuit threshold isn't defeated by
always being DEBUG.
Net result: 33% improvement in xml load times.
The template root should be unset so that it's destroyed when the book is
ending. This is required to free all the template accounts and referenced
The scheduled transactions themselves need to be freed first so reverse
the order that SXRegister and gnc_sxtt_register are called in
cashobjects_register: The list resulting from that function is traversed
from the bottom up.
count splits that aren't really in the transaction.
The rewrite left out one test. This was most obvious in the dummy
transaction used to enter a new transaction into an account.
xaccSplitGetOtherSplit never returned an "other split" for this
transaction. It turns out the old code was broken too, but
it worked for this case by coincidence.
- init struct members properly to: is_unset and TriState::Unset
- test acct kvp "equity-type" for "opening-balance" instead of "true"
- cached account->color/sort_order/notes/filter gets strstripped
similarly to previous behavior