.. |
Port of "Completion of translation into Arabic language by 55%" by abdulsalam alshilash
2013-12-11 22:36:02 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Update german glossary
2013-12-04 04:26:22 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Add Georg Lehner's Nicaraguan Spanish translation.
2001-12-03 07:55:56 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Update French translations thanks to Sébastien Villemot.
2013-12-27 10:26:42 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
2001-10-03 Christian Stimming <stimming@tuhh.de>
2001-10-03 09:28:48 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |
Fix glossary table that was mistakently using spaces instead of tabs. Update all glossary po files with the new terms.
2013-05-08 20:38:04 +00:00 |