Gaute Lindkvist
Fix wrong assert in cvfScalarMapperRangeBased::setLevelsFromValues
* Old code always causes assert failure when calling this method.
2018-05-07 11:17:51 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2703 An initial implementation of filled drawing style with problems remaining.
* New vertices are successfully created in the intersections between the
curve and draw surface triangles
* New vertices are also inserted along the bottom edge of the filled curve.
* However, new vertices will still need to be inserted in the lines connecting the
top of the curve and the bottom where they intersect with the triangles.
* The option for filled curves remain hidden in the GUI. See #2860 .
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
2018-05-07 11:14:25 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2791 Rename misspelled "principalNumber" in TensorResultPartMgr
2018-05-07 10:13:17 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2818 Summary. Add new-plot-commands to context menus
2018-05-07 09:46:45 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2818 Selection manager. Add strict method variant
2018-05-07 09:46:45 +02:00
Jacob Støren
#2809 , #2858 , #2859 Fix icon inconsistencies. Edd icons for ensemble curves and new icons for cross plot
2018-05-06 10:09:39 +02:00
Jacob Støren
Corrected spelling of ensemble
2018-05-06 10:09:39 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
Fix signed / unsigned compare
2018-05-04 15:23:20 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2855 Tensor Calculations : Do nothing if tensor is unchecked
2018-05-04 15:23:20 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2717 Compaction: Use OpenMP for calculation
2018-05-04 15:23:20 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
Apply two ecllib patches after upgrade
2018-05-04 14:24:53 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
Fix patch due to destination file relocation
2018-05-04 14:24:53 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
Update ecllib from statoil master repo commit 0188b08081eb1ac4ade89ac224b8128b4c9b0481
2018-05-04 14:24:53 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2803 Logging : Make calling of RiaLogging thread safe
2018-05-04 13:53:54 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2803 Ensemble Cases Performance: Show case count in UI
2018-05-04 13:53:47 +02:00
Jacob Støren
#2822 , #2731 , #2730 Rewrote the legend layout completely.
Now using preferred size unless it is higher than 0.7 viewer height.
If higher, then use viewer height.
Stacks legend in columns not higher then the viewer.
Update layout on resize without triggering recreation of legends.
Place axiscross in right bottom corner.
2018-05-04 13:33:06 +02:00
Jacob Støren
Clean up obsolete code
2018-05-04 13:33:06 +02:00
Jacob Støren
#2730 Category and Scalarmapper Legend: Improve the preferred size
2018-05-04 13:33:06 +02:00
Jacob Støren
ScalarMapperRangeBased: Avoid adding duplicate ticks. Typically when max == min value
2018-05-04 13:33:06 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2721 Ensemble curves. Color ranges, cyclic color range assignment. Minor refactoring
2018-05-04 13:21:57 +02:00
Jacob Støren
#2848 Add a resize in OverlayItem Widget to tighten the widget to the possibly resized overly item
2018-05-03 16:15:31 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2845 Ensemble Curve Set Legend : Update ensemble legend item text
Use special symbol for curve color by parameter
2018-05-03 14:52:59 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
Do not plot ensemble curve set legend
2018-05-03 14:46:04 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2845 Ensemble Curve Set Legend : Add name
2018-05-03 14:46:04 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
Remove superfluous updateConnectedEditor for rim3dWellLogCurves.
* Already happens in resetMinMaxValuesAndUpdateUI
2018-05-03 13:39:39 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2846 Fix bad curve projection
* Project existing points onto triangles first and make sure we choose the right triangle by
sorting possible projections by distance.
* Also allow some tolerance for the inside check.
* Create the new vertices by projecting the curve segment vector onto each triangle plane
before looking for intersections with the triangle edges.
2018-05-03 13:39:39 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2847 Add a fall back dominant direction (0, -1, 0) if the path does not extrude in z-direction.
* This direction means Left will cause it to go -x and Right +x so that the directions are correct with respect to "Left" and "Right" when you look "North".
2018-05-03 13:39:39 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2824 Geomech 3d Well Log Curves: update UI and 3d view when user changes settings
2018-05-03 13:39:39 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
Fix comment in DrawSurfaceGenerator
2018-05-03 13:39:39 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2802 Summary cases import. Display progress info during summary cases creation as well
2018-05-03 13:35:40 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2836 Hierarchy import dialog. Insert * in effective filter when path filter is empty
2018-05-03 12:46:15 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2842 Ensemble curve set. Update referring curve sets when adding or removing cases from an ensemble
2018-05-03 12:05:28 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2844 Ensemble curve set. Fix HUGE_VAL -> numerical_limits
2018-05-03 11:50:19 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2844 Ensemble curve set. Show only relevant color modes. Use gray curves for cases without emsemble params
2018-05-03 11:04:01 +02:00
Jacob Støren
#2843 Fix missing 2d intersection view name updates
2018-05-03 10:11:30 +02:00
Jacob Støren
#2829 Add overall handling of std::bad_alloc exception with a message box. Now the user can know what is happening, and possibly save his work. On linux this will only work sometimes unless sysctl vm.overcommit_memory = 2
2018-05-03 10:11:30 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2797 Ensemble curves. Support for text ensemble parameters. Unit test
2018-05-03 09:55:13 +02:00
Bjørn Erik Jensen
#2797 Ensemble curves. Slightly increased cateory legend height
2018-05-03 09:53:34 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2838 Ensemble Curve Name : Show curve name in parameter legend title
2018-05-02 15:14:20 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2838 Ensemble Curve Name : Hide Qwt legend if result legend is used
2018-05-02 15:14:20 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
Remove unused code
2018-05-02 15:14:20 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2838 Ensemble Curve Name : Call updateConnectedEditors on RimSummaryPlot
2018-05-02 15:14:20 +02:00
Magne Sjaastad
#2838 Ensemble Curve Name : Improve logic for display of legend
2018-05-02 15:14:20 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
Fix unit tests by removing assert in RimWellLogCurveNameConfig
2018-05-02 14:22:49 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2841 Fix bad result when z-clipping is applied.
2018-05-02 14:01:50 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
Fix build issue on Linux
2018-05-02 12:11:15 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
Clean up 3D well log generator code. Renamed Grid -> DrawSurface and fixed spelling.
2018-05-02 12:10:05 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2825 Fix curve stitching issues against 3dwell log curve background.
2018-05-02 11:51:36 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
Make draw plane selection for curves be unrelated to 3d Track (somewhat related to #2825 ).
* Makes more sense user wise and makes for better code.
* Helps refactor code to relate grids to curves so the curves can have access to the grid
it is being drawn on.
* This will help fix #2825 by being able to project curve points onto the exact triangle geometry.
2018-05-02 11:51:22 +02:00
Gaute Lindkvist
#2823 Switching curve plane does not work
* The previous drawable and geometry was kept if switching to a result type without
valid points.
* The drawable is then stuck in position until switching back to a result
type that has valid points.
* This commit fixes this by clearing the geometry every time you draw.
* TODO: cache values when it is possible to do so.
2018-05-02 10:22:37 +02:00