When launching a script, the main window must be created. It is the Process Monitor that received info from the process and passes the text to process monitor and Message Panel.
* Move some functionality from protected to private
* Attach curve text provider when creating plot widget
* Add missing cleanup in destructor of RimWellLogTrack
This was a side effect of changes in 69a668d
The return value when accessing time step values changed from const std::vector<time_t>& to std::vector<time_t>. When computing data related to stacking of curves, the data was inserted into a vector, and the change caused the insert operation to use two different vectors instead of one.
* Fix resampling bug and refactor code
- Fix bug for resampling, prevent index increment.
- Refactor functions into static functions.
- Fix issue in interpolateSegment not using correct indices for depthType != resamplingDepthType
- Add unit tests
* Change WellAllocationPlot to use step left
Remove dummy point and utilize step left for WellAllocationPont
* Fix bug in creating resampled values and depths for RigWellLogCurveData
* Fix automatic part detection for Fault Reactivation Result
- Fix incorrect automatic part detection
- Set default distance to intersection to 1.0 [m]
* Add notification of parent object when multiple objects are updated
* Make sure unchecked curves are removed from track
* Use object names instead of "Sub Items" when possible
* Set default simulation well visualization to top of reservoir
* Show plot window after plot is created
* Allow setting plot rendering flags
* Add more plots for update when clicking in 3D view
* Seismic Difference: Fix typo for poly line data extraction
* Version RC_5
* Fix color mapping and ticks in table legend
- For Summary and WellConnectivity
- Add range types: automatic and user defined
- Remove category from mapping type
- Add closest to zero for correct logarithmic scale
Co-authored-by: Magne Sjaastad <magne.sjaastad@ceetronsolutions.com>
* Update icons for summary and ensemble templates
* Icons for regression and decline
* #10374 LineEditor: Hide the placeholder widget when not used
* #10376 Assign a case ID to delta summary case
* Do not show decline range text in plot
* #9681 Disable auto plot title check box when typing a custom name
The Auto Plot Title check box is not possible to click on using the mouse. A useful workaround is to disable the check box when the user enter a custom name in the name field.
* #10361 Make sure all objects change color when selecting curve color
Add support for direct change of all selected curve objects when changing color
* Use title as first field in group to avoid Qt checkbox not reacting to mouse click
* #9681 Disable auto name when name is changed in sub plot
* #10344 Surfaces: Add option to exclude inactive cells
* #10369 Use one color for bars in tornado plot
* Update license info
* Make sure existing project files do not filter intersection geometry by cell filters
* #10241 Temporarily revert changes to resampling changes
These fixes had unintended side effect on well flow plot and rft plots seen in regression tests
* Update version number
* Improve toggling of checked state of sub items
Toggling state is only supported for objects in an array. For example, this will ensure that faults are toggled without altering the fault result object.
* Use gray instead of black for icons
* #9719 Use delete instead of deleteLater to avoid visual artifacts
Artifacts are seen in the Property Editor related to obsolete group boxes. This seems to be related to deleteLater().
* Improve text in menu when toggling sub items
* #10011 Make sure all grid cases are visible in RFT data source
* #10354 Show more info when hovering on curves in summary plot
* #10355 Copy model text info in 3D view to clipboard
* Make sure cell filter option is propagated to new field
Make sure the previous value of m_showFaultsOutsideFilters_obsolete is propagated into m_applyCellFilters
* Fix wrong spelling when using of stylesheet color
When a dock widget in a dock widget tab group is activated, a show event is triggered in IumMultiPlotBook::showEvent. This causes a crash if performUpdate is called in showEvent. Make sure the performUpdate is called from RimMultiPlot::onLoadDataAndUpdate()
* Enable cell filters
* Enable property filters
* Clean up fault collection interface and use similar setting for controlling filters as in intersection collection
* Enable cell/property filters on geomech intersections
* Enable cell and property filters for box intersections