Kai Bao
adding computeWellPotentialWithTHP() to StandardWell
it is not clear at the moment how all the well potentials related will
work with MS wells. For the moment, keep the well poentials related only
in StandardWell.
By theory, they should be very similar, while some dependence on certain
member variables makes some small refactoring work necessary.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding computeWellRatesWithBhp() to StandardWell
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
cleaning up some more stuff unused in StandardWellsDense
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
cleaning up some unused stuff from StandardWellsDense
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
using getWellConvergence in BlackoilModelEbos
Tested with SPE1.
TODO: with the current way, we are not outputting any well residual
information. We need to address what kind of residual information we
want to output with the new well model.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding applySolutionWellState to apply solution from reservoir
to update well state.
With this way, the BlackoilModelEbos does not need to know the data type
assocated with different well type.
It is not well tested yet.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
implementing two apply() function in StandardWell_impl
The two functions will be essentially the same even for different types
of wells. Maybe later we should try to put them in WellInterface.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
also switching B and C in StandardWell_impl
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
making matrix C and B same with the reference paper.
Really no good point to make C and B different from the paper
formulation except introducing more confusion.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
refactoring solveJacobianSystem() not to handle xw.
which is one step to avoid to access the type of xw, which is related to
the implementation of the well model.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding the offset of perf for each well
when accessing perforation rate and perforation pressure from the
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
checking magnitude of the residual for convergence
in StandardWell_impl.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
correcting the indexing of xvar_well_old in updateWellState
in StandardWell_impl.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
making the ref_depth_ to be double in WellInterface
which is a mistake.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
correcting the dFLimit and dBHPLimit in StandardWell_impl
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding a function outputWellState for StandardWellsDense
to output the well state for debugging purpose.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding function computeAccumWell and computeWellConnectionPressures
to StandardWell and removing a few not needed function from StandardWellsDense
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
making init() function for WellInterface virtual.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
slightly changing createWellContainer() in StandardWellsDense
no functional change.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
removing function allow_cross_flow() from StandardWellsDense
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding updateGroupControls() to StandardWellsDense
which separates the group control related operations. The group control
has to be handled in the level of all wells, which makes more functions
of the well class to be visible outside.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
cleaning up a few fucntions in StandardWellsDense
to remove the implementation implemented in StandardWell already.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
removing some repeated contents in getWellConvergence in StandardWellsDense
which results from the rebasing process.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
renaming function allCrossFlow() in StandardWell
to avoid confusion. and the detail of the function needs to be
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
incoporating more content from PR 1220
while the parts related to polymer are not incoporated fully yet, since
it has been considered in the new well model refactoring.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
fixing some compilation error after rebase.
while a lot of new stuff have not entered, since many of the essential
parts are in different files now. Rebasing will not incoporate the new
stuff automatically.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
solveWellEq in StandardWellsDense calls
solveWellEq from each individual well.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding wellEqIteration() to StandardWell
the involvement of the group control in updateWellControls() makes the
solution of well equations for each well individually more troublesome.
As a result, we will still makes the solveWellEq in all the wells level.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding getWellConvergence for StandardWell
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding function computeWellConnectionDensitesPressures to StandardWell
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding computeConnectionPressureDelta to StandardWell
it is also copied from WellDensitySegmented while only handle one
Standard Well.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding function computeConnectionDensities to StandardWell
which is copied from WellDensitySegmented, while avoid using of the
Wells struct.
TODO: find a better place to put these long functions.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding computePropertiesForWellConnectionPressures to StandardWell
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding function computeAverageFormationFactor to StandardWellsDense
which is seperated from getWellConvergence for better flexiblity later.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding updateWellControl to StandardWell
TODO: check whehter it should go to WellInterface.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding function updateWellStateWithTarget to StandardWell
without dealing with wsolvent function. It can be just a member variable
since we are handling well one by one individually.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding the updateWellState to StandardWell
this function is very long and need to debug very carefully and it
should be split for better readability for sure.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding assembleWellEq to StandardWell
F0_ is not initialized yet.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding function computePerfRate to StandardWell
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
handing the numComponents in WellInterface
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding extendEval() to StandardWell
For this type of functions that related to Evaluation should be
implemented within individual well model.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding the three swapping functions to WellInterface
They should only be used to change the order related to the reservoir
variables, so they should be same for all the well models and should be
put in the WelInterface.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
makding the StandardWell and WellInterface templated
with the template parameter TypeTag.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
implementing getQs() and getBhp() within StandardWell.
It does not compile. Now it is pretty clear that anything related to
Evalulation should go to each individual well model (StandardWell or MS
well ) and not stay with the Wells.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
more or less getting the old implementation in
and compile now.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding StandardWell class
copied from the old implementation, which is the starting point for the
new refactoring
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Kai Bao
adding the WellInteface
will be the base class for different well models.
2017-08-25 14:09:26 +02:00
Robert Kloefkorn
[feature][flow] Add a common executable for all flow variants, i.e.
flow_ebos, flow_ebos_polymer, flow_ebos_solvent, flow_ebos_2p.
2017-08-23 16:21:15 +02:00
Atgeirr Flø Rasmussen
Merge pull request #1247 from totto82/removeState-PR
Remove reservoirState from BlackoilModelEbos
2017-08-22 20:47:16 +02:00
Tor Harald Sandve
Fixes comments from PR
Don't sum ghost cells in the RateConverter
Some cleaning and comments.
2017-08-18 08:46:44 +02:00