- Show old and new email address during the process
- Ensure correct user is logged on when attempting to make email changes
- Support reloading a page during the email reset process without resubmit
of form
- Improve tests
- Fixed issue where redirect back to site was not linking correctly in
subfolder setups
Internal refactor of single action into 4 distinct actions that are simpler
to reason about.
This also removes the step that logs on an account after you confirm an
email change, since it is no longer needed which leaves us with safer
This left me no choice but to amend translations cause the old route was
- Increase size of the reviewable's conversation excerpt to prevent truncation of the new copy
- Remove the `domain` parameter from the `flag_linked_posts_as_spam` method in the user model since it is no longer needed
- Remove the `domain` interpolation variable from all translation files
- Add "All posts from this user that include links should be reviewed." to server.en.yml for added clarity on why the posts entered the queue