- solveGravity() interface changed to take surface volume as a parameter,
- gravity vector is now given in initGravity() instead of
solveGravity(), for consistency with the incompressible solver.
- Changed Wells constructor arg for SimulatorIncompTwophase to WellsManager.
- Insert checking code for well constrains (mostly copied from spu_2p.cpp).
Unrelated to the above changes.
- Added pressure normalization for incompressible case (from spu_2p.cpp)
This is a change from taking a vector containing the mapping to
deck-consistent logical cartesian indices. The mapping is contained
in the UnstructuredGrid::global_cell member, and may be null. The
change therefore saves the overhead of constructing a vector as a
copy of the data in the grid or (if null) as an identity mapping.
Now we may have a grid generated from deck input using the
keywords DXV, DYV, DZV, which will have a null pointer for
the global_cell mapping. We check if this pointer is null,
and create an identity mapping in this case. The mapping is
needed by the *PropertiesFromDeck classes (and helpers).
This is an experiment, not strictly sanctioned by the AX_LAPACK macro
documentation, to avoid linker errors related to missing symbol MAIN__
in the (GFortran) run-time support libraries. Strictly speaking, we
should be using the method outlined in the Autoconf manual, but we'll
try the easier way for now.
This commit is more or less equivalent to forward-porting commits
dd6e0fd3, c437eba2, and 9e885dc7 from the "ert" branch.
When OPM-Core is used as a Dune module (e.g., as enabled by commit
789bc5ca7), we stand the risk of creating multiple, conflicting
defintions of crucial <config.h> symbols (e.g. `HAVE_BOOST') and
build variables (e.g., `BOOST_CPPFLAGS' and `BOOST_LDFLAG').
Avoid this situation by prefixing these symbols with an `OPM_'
string such that Dune's `ENABLE_BOOST' solution works as intendend
in modules that are derived in the OPM context.
The program explicitly invokes the CSRMatrixUmfpackSolver and is
consequently dependent upon a working installation of UMFPACK.
Noticed by: Kari B. Skjerve.